Refine and Manage Search Results
After running a search within a defined date range, view search results in the search results table.
The interactions you can see in the search results depend on the definition of your Interaction-Segment View. For example, the view may limit the results to interactions for your team.
Refine Search Results
Use the Filters pane on the search results page to refine your results.
Filter values are dynamic and depend on the currently displayed search results. For example, if the displayed search results include interactions for inbound and internal directions only, the Outbound value does not appear under the Direction filter.
View and Manage Evaluations
You can view the status of an evaluation, collaborative evaluation, or self assessment in the Evaluation Score column. Evaluations are available for segments with CXone agent participation. Evaluations are not available for off-platform segments and IVR segments.
Only available for users with a CXone Quality Management license, and the View evaluations > Scores permission.
If you have the appropriate Evaluation view definitions, you can:
Click a score to access the corresponding evaluation form (except for a score in Appealed status).
Access CXone QM actions for an interaction by clicking Action :
Evaluate agents for a segment.
Perform a self assessment.
In the Evaluator column, you can view the name of the user assigned to a standard or collaborative evaluation for the interaction. Multiple evaluators can be assigned.
Only available for users with a CXone Quality Management license, and the View evaluations > Evaluators permission.
Share Recorded Segments
To share a recorded segment, click Action and choose the user to share the interaction with. The user receives an in-app notification and an email that you have shared the interaction with them.
Add User Comments
You can add comments to interactions in the search results grid. One comment can be added per segment.
When you add or edit a comment, you can share it with individual users or all users in a group. In the comment, mention individual users and groups. All the users mentioned individually and in the group receive an in-app notification and email that you have shared the comment with them. Notifications are not sent out to the comment author.
You can also create a custom filter by adding a hashtag (#) to a comment. When you search for the hashtag, the results include all segments with that tag in the comments.
You can search for segments using information in the user comments:
Partial text from the comment itself
@username or @group name included in comments
User-generated hashtags (#) included in comments
In the search results grid, select a segment and click Comment.
Enter the comment text.
To mention users and groups, enter @ and select a user or group. You can select up to nine users and/or groups.
To tag the comment, enter # and a tag. For example, tag segments to review later: #Coaching.
Click Submit. The comment is created and a notification is sent to all users mentioned individually and in the mentioned groups.
Comments are not submitted if the total number of users mentioned individually and in mentioned groups exceeds 100. In this case, remove some users or groups and click Submit again.
Save and Manage Queries
After running a search, you can save the search with selected filters as a query.
You can save it as a private query for your use only, or as a public query that everyone can use
You need the Create/Edit/Delete Public Queries permission to save and manage public queries.
All saved queries appear in the Saved Queries pane on the Interactions home page and on the search results page. There are separate sections for Public Queries and My Queries (private queries).
You can save as many queries as you want.
In the Saved Queries pane, you can:
Mark often-used queries as favorites. Click the Favorites icon by the query name. The query will then also appear under the My Favorites section. The icon by the query name shows whether the favorite query is public or private.
Share a query with others. Choose Share from the Actions menu by the query. Recipients get an email and in-app notification you've shared a query with them. They can choose to save it for themselves.
Rename and delete saved queries from the Actions menu by the query.
The Saved Queries pane reloads at the start of your session and whenever you refresh the page.
To save a query:
Run a search and select filters.
In the search bar at the top of the search results page, click Save.
In the Query Name field, enter a name for the query.
Select whether the time frame is dynamic or fixed:
Dynamic date range is relative to when you run the query, for example, the last two days.
Fixed date range uses the exact dates of the query, for example, December 2-3.
Select whether to save the query as My query, for your use only, or as Public query, for all users.
The saved query appears under the corresponding section in the Saved Queries pane.
You can edit a saved query on the search results page:
Change search parameters in the search bar at the top of the page.
Change filter selections in the Filters pane.
You can save the changes to the same query or save them as a new public or private query.
Export Search Results
You can export up to 1500 interactions from search results to a CSV file or to an Excel file. The interactions are exported in the order that they appear in the results table and include the displayed interaction information.
On the search results page, click and select the file format for download.
The Type column displays the channel and state of the recorded media. For example:
Chat [Transcript, Screen]
Voice [Voice, Screen]
Email [Transcript, Screen failed]
Voice [Voice in long-term storage]
All times are adjusted for UTC.
All duration times are in seconds.
Comments are not exported.
The Play column contains the location of the media. In an Excel file, the location is displayed as a link. Click Play to access the media.
Retrieve Recordings from Long-Term Storage
Recordings in long-term storage cannot be played back immediately. To access these files, you need to retrieve them from the archive.
Delete Recordings
You can delete voice and screen recordings for an interaction. For example, if there was a PCI violation and the recordings need to be removed.
Click Action and select Delete Recordings.
Use Case: Coaching
Let's say you want to identify agents on the Sales team who would benefit from specialized coaching.
You can focus your search results on calls in the previous month for:
Agents from the sales team
Incoming voice calls with screen recording
Interactions with low evaluation scores
Interactions categorized as Abandoned Call
Interactions that are tagged #coaching
Limit your search results using these filters:
Channel: Voice with screen
Direction: Incoming
Evaluation score: 0-50
Category: Abandoned Call
Team name: Sales
User-generated hashtag: #coaching
Date range: Previous month
If you want to only include results with a higher confidence match, select Limit to High Confidence for the category. When CXone Quality Management identifies a category, the confidence in the match is defined as a percentage. High confidence is defined as 75%.