
Entities are defined pieces of information extracted from a messageCerrado Cualquier cosa que diga un contacto en una interacción de bot, ya sea una pregunta o declaración, escrita o hablada.. You should only create entities that your botCerrado Una aplicación de software que maneja las interacciones del cliente en lugar de un agente humano en vivo. needs to accomplish its goals. For example, contacts may provide their names and addresses during an interaction. If the goal is simply to enable the bot to call the customer by name, there's no need to create an entity for the address. Each entity you create also creates a corresponding slot.

Create Entities Using Lookup Table

Required permissionChatbot (ACD > Digital Experience > Roles > [choose one] > Core Modules)

This task describes one way to create entities. You can also create new entities as part of creating the intents that will use them.

  1. En CXone, haga clic en el selector de aplicaciones y seleccioneCreador de bots.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click NLU icon, which looks like a gear inside a head silhouette. in the left icon menu.
  4. Click the Entities tab.
  5. Locate the folder your new entity should go in. If the folder doesn't exist, click New FolderAdd New Folder and enter the name for the new folder.
  6. Hover over the folder name and click New Entity > Lookup.
  7. Enter a name for your new entity and press Enter. Entries are saved automatically.
  8. On your new entity, click Add Example. Enter a value for the example and press Enter. Entries are saved automatically. Repeat this step for as many examples as you need.
  9. On an example, you can click Add Synonym to add similar words to the example value. Be sure to label them correctly in your intent training examples as well.

Create Entities Using Regular Expressions

Required permissionChatbot (ACD > Digital Experience > Roles > [choose one] > Core Modules)

A regular expression (regex) is a sequence of characters that specifies a search pattern. Creating a regular expression to extract entities teaches your botCerrado Una aplicación de software que maneja las interacciones del cliente en lugar de un agente humano en vivo. a pattern to look for to identify the correct information for that entityCerrado Palabra clave o frase definida en el perfil de la empresa en Interaction Analytics. Relacionado con un tipo de entidad. Puede incluir variantes.. You should have at least two intentCerrado El significado o propósito detrás de lo que dice/escribe un contacto; lo que el contacto quiere comunicar o lograr examples with the regex entity in your training data to help your bot learn the association.

There are three types of regexes you can create:

  • Phone Number: This is a predefined regex pattern. You can use it without any additional configuration.
  • Email: This is a predefined regex pattern. You can use it without any additional configuration.
  • Custom: This pattern allows you to define your own regex. See the planning example below.
  1. En CXone, haga clic en el selector de aplicaciones y seleccioneCreador de bots.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click NLU icon, which looks like a gear inside a head silhouette. in the left icon menu.
  4. Click the Entities tab.
  5. Locate the folder your new entity should go in. If the folder doesn't exist, click New FolderAdd New Folder and enter the name for the new folder.
  6. Hover over the folder name and click New Entity > Regex.
  7. Enter a name for your new entity and press Enter. Entries are saved automatically.
  8. On your new entity:
    1. Choose the Pattern type from the drop-down.
    2. Enter your Regular Expression.
    3. Enter several Test phrases. Any that match the pattern of your expression are highlighted in green.
  9. Include the entity in at least two intent examples so the NLU model can correctly register the association.

Create Intents to Extract Entities

Required permissionChatbot (ACD > Digital Experience > Roles > [choose one] > Core Modules)

When you create an intentCerrado El significado o propósito detrás de lo que dice/escribe un contacto; lo que el contacto quiere comunicar o lograr for extracting entities, your examples teach your botCerrado Una aplicación de software que maneja las interacciones del cliente en lugar de un agente humano en vivo. how to identify the correct information for that entityCerrado Palabra clave o frase definida en el perfil de la empresa en Interaction Analytics. Relacionado con un tipo de entidad. Puede incluir variantes..

  1. En CXone, haga clic en el selector de aplicaciones y seleccioneCreador de bots.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click NLU icon, which looks like a gear inside a head silhouette. in the left icon menu.
  4. Click the Intents tab.
  5. Locate the folder your new intent should go in. If the folder doesn't exist, click New FolderAdd New Folder and enter the name for the new folder.
  6. Hover over the folder name and click New IntentAdd icon.
  7. Enter a name for your new intent and press Enter.
  8. Beneath the new intent, begin entering phrases that the bot should recognize for that intent. Separate phrases by pressing Enter. Entries are saved automatically.
  9. Once you have entered all your phrase examples, click the words in the phrase that match the entity you want to use. You can hold Shift and click if you need to select multiple words. Then, in the pop-up, click LookupThree horizontal lines.
  10. If the correct entity doesn't exist yet, you can enter it in the Type entity name field and then click Create entity "..." to create it.