Data Download Reports Reference

Required permissions: Data Download

Report source: DW (Data Warehouse)

Report refresh rate: 5 minutes

Some reports listed here may not be available because you may not have some of the reports enabled for your system.

ID Report Name Details
1073741839 Admin and Agent CXone Logins Displays login information relating to specific stations. It includes the agent name and the dates and times they last logged into a particular station.
500 Agent By Day Displays the number of seconds agents spent in each stateClosed The availability status of an agent by day. It includes the agent ID and the amount of time the agent spent in each state for a specific day.
1073741840 Agent By Day Expanded Displays the number of seconds agents spent in each state each day in the selected time period. It includes the agent name, the states entered, and the duration in minutes the agent spent in each state.
548 Agent Info Call Detail Displays a list of all active agents, including the agent name, ID, and team.
531 Agent Info Call Detail Displays information about all agents in your environment, including the agent ID, name, email address, and last modification and login dates. It is similar to List of Agents Report but contains the date and time of the last modification and the status of the user profile.
532 Agent List Extended Displays information about all agents in your environment, including the agent ID, name, email address, and information optionally configured in the User Properties tab of the agents' user profiles. It is similar to the List of Agents Report and the Agent List Report but it includes an extended list of attributes.
529 Agent Refusal Report Displays information about contacts that agents refused, including the agent ID and name, the station used, if any, the reason for refusal, and the date and time the refusal occurred.
1073741839 Agent Refusal Expanded Report Displays information about contacts that agents refused, including the name, ID, and station of the agent who refused the contact, the skill, team, and media type associated with the interaction, and the time and reason of the refusal.
544 Agent State Log Displays information about all of your agents' statesClosed The availability status of an agent.
1073741885 Agent State Log Expanded

Displays all of the same data as the Agent State Log report, plus additional columns for State and Duration in Seconds.

510 Agent States Displays information about all possible agent statesClosed The availability status of an agent that an agent can enter. It includes default system states and custom states.
512 Agent Summary Displays information about an agent, including how the agent spent time each day in the specified time period and the number of contacts handled per day.
518 Agent Summary by Day Displays information about agents' performance by day, including their total time logged in each day in the date range specified, the amount of time spent in each stateClosed The availability status of an agent by day, and the percentage of time spent handling contacts. It is similar to the Agent Summary Report, but it displays information on a per-day basis.
521 Agent Summary (in minutes) Displays agents who have been active in the specified time period, displayed by day, including how they spent their time in minutes and how many inbound and outbound contacts they handled. It is similar to the Agent Summary by Day Report, but the time data is in minutes instead of seconds.
509 Agent Timecard Displays information about agents' login sessions, including the login date and time, logout date and time, and the session duration.
516 Agent Timecard (Expanded) Displays information about agents' login sessions, including the agent name, login date and time, logout date and time, the session duration, and the week of the year during which the session occurred. It is similar to the Agent Timecard Report, but it also contains the agent name, team ID, and week number.
543 All Callbacks Displays all scheduled callbacksClosed Holds a customer's place in queue and automatically calls the customer when they move to the front of the queue. that occurred in the date range specified, including the date an agent scheduled the callback, the agent who scheduled it, the contact's phone number, the days of the week and the date range the callback should occur, and the date the callback actually occurred.
1073741886 All Callbacks (Commitment) Expanded

Displays all scheduled callbacksClosed Holds a customer's place in queue and automatically calls the customer when they move to the front of the queue. and commitmentsClosed Reminders created by agents to make a follow-up call to a contact for the time period you select. It includes all the same columns as the All Callbacks report, as well as more information about the agent, the skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge name, the contact IDClosed A unique numerical identifier assigned to each contact, and the ANIClosed Also known as caller ID. Listed phone number of an incoming voice call..

1073741866 Audit History The Audit History data download report displays a list of all of the administration changes within the specified time period. Tracked events include changes to campaignsClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports., skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, teams, agents, and other administrative fields. The original value and new value are displayed so you can easily compare the changes.
550 Blocked Calls Displays information about phone calls contacts attempted to place to your tenantClosed High-level organizational grouping used to manage technical support, billing, and global settings for your CXone environment but which were blocked due to a lack of available portsClosed Where information transfers, over a network, between a computer and a server.. It includes the ID of the contact who placed the call, the date the blocked call occurred, the contact's phone number and the number the contact attempted to call.
551 Call Detail Report Displays basic information about contacts who entered the system during the specified time period, including the skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, campaignClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports., agent, and team who handled the call, the date and time the contact entered the system, and how the contact's time in the system was spent.
524 Call Detail (Comprehensive) Displays comprehensive information about contacts who entered the system during the specified time period, including the skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, campaignClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports., agent, and team who handled the call, the date and time the contact entered the system, and how the contact's time in the system was spent.
547 Call Detail (Comp w/ Hold) Displays comprehensive information about contacts who entered the system during the specified time period, including the skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, campaignClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports., agent, and team who handled the call, the date and time the contact entered the system, and how the contact's time in the system was spent.
515 Call Detail w/Callback Time Displays detailed information about phone calls, including contact details, the amount of time the contact spent in each stateClosed The availability status of an agent including the callbackClosed Holds a customer's place in queue and automatically calls the customer when they move to the front of the queue. state, and the ANIClosed Also known as caller ID. Listed phone number of an incoming voice call..
511 Call Detail w/Recordings Displays information about a call, including contact and agent information, whether the call was abandoned callClosed Call that enters the contact center system, but the caller ends the call before reaching an agent or logged, and how much time was spent in each stateClosed The availability status of an agent of the call.
528 Campaign List Displays a list of all campaignsClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports. you can view, including the campaign name, ID, whether it is active, and the date and time it was last modified.
539 CDR Plus Disposition

Displays information about all conversations in your system for the specified time period, including the agent, team, campaignClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports., skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, and so forth, that handled the call, how the contact's time was spent, and information about the dispositionsClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction. assigned to the contact.

1073741887 CDR Plus Disposition Expanded Displays all of the same data as the CDR Plus Disposition report, plus additional columns with data about how time was spent during a call, why the call ended, and so on.
540 CDR Plus Disposition Notes

Displays information about all conversations in your system for the specified time period, including the agent, team, campaignClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports., skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, and so forth, that handled the call, how the contact's time was spent, and information about the dispositionsClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction. assigned to the contact.

542 Contacts w/ Disposition Notes Displays a list of all contacts who entered the system in the specified time period, including the contact IDClosed A unique numerical identifier assigned to each contact, master contact IDClosed The master or parent ID for one or more related contacts. A new master contact ID will be assigned if a contact has been transferred 3 or more times., the date and time the contact entered the system, the agent and team that handled the contact, the dispositionClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction. set, and any disposition notes the agent wrote.
501 Custom Data Report Displays all variables published by custom scripts. For example, if a script prompts a caller for an account number, the script can publish the variable with the ASSIGN action, and the variable name and value appear in this report.
534 Detail (Comprehensive w/ Hold) Displays information about all conversations in your system for the specified time period, including the agent, team, campaignClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports., skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, and so forth, that handled the call and how the contact's time was spent.
537 Detail (Comp RT w/ Hold) Displays information about all conversations in your system for the specified time period, including the agent, team, campaignClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports., skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, and so forth, that handled the call and how the contact's time was spent.
1073741854 Digital Agent Set for Voice Displays a list of agents and whether they have a voice skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, as well as the first date of the billing month and the date each agent was given a voice skill during that billing month.
1073741850 Digital Engagement CDR Displays all of the metrics included in the CDR Plus Disposition report, plus metrics specifically used for digital channels.
541 Dispositions per Skill Displays information about the dispositionsClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction. assigned to each skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, including the disposition and skill names and IDs, the display order of the dispositions, and whether agents can or are required to write notes as part of the disposition.
513 Expanded Call Detail Displays information about phone calls within the specified time range. It includes who handled the call and how much time the contact spent in each stateClosed The availability status of an agent.
520 License by Half Hour Displays the maximum number of portsClosed Where information transfers, over a network, between a computer and a server. each type of media, or channelClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on., used each half hour during the specified time period.
554 List Inventory All Attempts Displays overview information about all calling list records attempted in the specified time period, including the calling list from which the contact record originated, the contact IDClosed A unique numerical identifier assigned to each contact and record ID, and details about the call.
552 List Inventory by Created Displays information about all contact records uploaded via a calling list in the specified time period, including the calling list from which the contact record originated, the contact IDClosed A unique numerical identifier assigned to each contact and record ID, and details about the call.
553 List Inventory by Modified Displays detailed information about all contacts modified and uploaded via a calling list in the specified time period, including the calling list from which the contact record originated, the contact IDClosed A unique numerical identifier assigned to each contact and record ID, and details about the call.
502 List of Agents Displays a list of all agents you can access and includes the agent name, ID, and team ID.
1073741851 List of Agents All Returns a list of all agents you can access, including basic information such as agent ID, name and email, last login, and so forth.
506 List of Agent Skills Displays a list of all agents you can view and the skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge assigned to them. You can view the agent ID, skill ID, and proficiency level of the agent.
514 List of Agent Skills 2 Displays a list of agents and their skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, including the proficiency of the agent in each skill. It differs from the List of Agent Skills Report because it includes the agent name in addition to the ID.
507 List of Campaigns Displays a list of all campaignsClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports. you can view, including the campaign names and IDs.
504 List of Contact Codes Displays a list of all active points of contactClosed The entry point that an inbound contact uses to initiate an interaction, such as a phone number or email address. and includes the point of contact ID name.
508 List of Media Displays a list of all media typesClosed A medium, such as voice, email, and chat, through which a contact connects with an intended recipient. available. It is a reference for other reports that include a Media_Type field.
527 List of Media Expanded Displays a list of all configured media typesClosed A medium, such as voice, email, and chat, through which a contact connects with an intended recipient. in your environment.
536 List of Outstate Codes Displays a list of all outstate codes, including the ID, label, current status, and date and time of the last modification.
525 List of PoCs Expanded Displays points of contactClosed The entry point that an inbound contact uses to initiate an interaction, such as a phone number or email address. you can view, including the ID, point of contact, description, current status, associated script, and the media typeClosed A medium, such as voice, email, and chat, through which a contact connects with an intended recipient..
505 List of Skills Displays a list of all skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge you can view and includes the skill ID, name, the parent campaignClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports. ID, and the skill type.
526 List of Skills Expanded Displays information about all skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge you can view, including whether the skill is active or inactive, the campaignClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports. and media typeClosed A medium, such as voice, email, and chat, through which a contact connects with an intended recipient. associated with the skill, the skill's SLA, and the last modification date and time. It is similar to the List of Skills Report but contains an expanded list of skill attributes.
522 List of Stations Displays information about all agent stations you can access, including whether the station is active, the phone number and caller ID of the station, and the creation, last modification, and last login dates and times.
503 List of Teams Displays a list of all teams in your account and includes the team ID, team name, and the current status of the team.
517 Longest InQueue by Hour Displays the longest wait time a contact spent per hour per skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge for the dates specified.
1073741855 Monitored Calls

Displays a list of all monitoring actions taken within the selected time frame. The available data is updated every 15 minutes. The most common of these actions include monitor, coach, takeover, and barge. The interactions are pulled in from Supervisor.

533 PoC by Half Hour Displays a list of all active points of contactsClosed The entry point that an inbound contact uses to initiate an interaction, such as a phone number or email address. in the specified time period, reporting the activity by the half hour. Information includes the associated campaignClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports. and skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, the number of agents active on the point of contact, the time spent there, SLA metrics, and number of abandons.
523 Point of Contact – Expanded Displays information about the points of contactsClosed The entry point that an inbound contact uses to initiate an interaction, such as a phone number or email address. you can access, including the default skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge and script of the PoC and the skill's associated campaignClosed A grouping of skills used to run reports., and media typeClosed A medium, such as voice, email, and chat, through which a contact connects with an intended recipient..
535 Real Time Agent States Displays current information about the agents who are logged in, including their current stateClosed The availability status of an agent, whether they are available, and the ID associated with the contact they are handling, if any.
1073741884 Routing Criteria Displays information about how the routing criteria changed throughout the time a contact spent in queue. It includes the target ACD skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, both ends of the bullseye range, and a routing attribute.
1073741840 Skill Control Notification History Extends the availability of skill control notifications up to 90 days of historical data. This report allows users to filter notifications based on skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, date, or time.
519 Skill Summary Displays skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge that have been active in the specified time period and their contact stats by day, including the number of contacts who entered the skill, the number of abandons, and SLAClosed Commitment between a service provider and a customer with a defined service level threshold, including quality, availability, and responsibilities information.
1073741838 Skill Summary Expanded Displays skills that have been active in the specified time period and their contact stats by day, including the number of contacts who entered the skill, time spent in queue, number of abandons, and SLA information.
555 SMS Transcripts Displays a transcript of SMS (text) messages, contact IDClosed A unique numerical identifier assigned to each contact, source of the message, and the date and time the message was sent.
530 Team List Displays a list of all teams that have been active within the specified time period, including the name and ID of the team and the date and time of its last modification. It is similar to the List of Teams Report but it contains the most recent modification date and time.
538 Team List W/Status Displays a list of all teams you can access, including the team ID, name, current status, and date and time of the last modification. It is similar to the List of Teams Report and the Team List Report but it includes the current team status.
1073741865 Transfers Displays a list of all transferred contacts within the specified time period. This report includes who the contact is, which agents handled the contact, and how and when the contact was transferred.
1073741863 Voice Agent Set for Digital Displays a list of agents and whether they have a digital skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, as well as the first date of the billing month and the date each agent was given a digital skill during that billing month.