Studio에서 상호작용 시뮬레이션

This help page is for Desktop Studio. This information is also available for CXone Studio.

Simulating interactions allows you to test the performance of your scripts. By combining a simulated interaction with script tracing, you can see if the script is doing what you expect it to. If it's not working correctly, the script traces can help you discover the reasons.

상호작용 시뮬레이션

Required permissions: ACD > Studio > 스크립트 > 디버그 ; ACD > Contact Settings > Points of Contact > Create; ACD > Contact Settings > Campaigns > Create; ACD > Contact Settings > Skills > Create

This section describes a general, high-level process for simulating interactions in CXone. This process applies to interactions on most channels닫힘 컨택이 상담원이나 Bot과 인터랙션하는 방법입니다. 채널은 음성, 이메일, 채팅, 소셜 미디어 등이 될 수 있습니다.. You can follow these steps to simulate phone interactions. However, it's faster to simulate phone interactions directly from the Studio script.

Depending on the CXone features or products you want to test, you may need to modify the simulation setup process. If you experience difficulty in simulating interactions, refer to the online help for the products or features you use for information about setting them up. There may be a required step that's not included in the generalized instructions provided in this section.

The steps below describe creating ACD skills닫힘 상담원 스킬, 능력 및 지식에 기반한 인터랙션의 전달을 자동화하는 데 사용됩니다., campaigns, and points of contact닫힘 인바운드 컨택이 인터랙션을 개시하는 데 사용되는 진입점(예: 전화번호, 이메일 주소)입니다. set up for use in testing. If your organization already has these set up, you don't need to create them again. You can skip steps as needed.

You must have the appropriate permissions to perform the tasks described in this section. If you do not, your CXone administrator may be able to help complete some of the tasks. If you test products and features not included in this section, you may need other permissions in addition to the ones mentioned above.

  1. In Studio, check the syntax of the script you're testing. Correct any issues.
  2. In Studio, enable the option to trace or capture the next instance of the script running. You can also have Studio continuously trace and capture all instances of the script running.
  3. In CXone, create a campaign to use in testing.
  4. In CXone, create an ACD skill to use in testing. The skill must: 
  5. In CXone, create a point of contact for use in testing. When setting up the point of contact, select the script you're testing and the test ACD skill you're using. If you're testing a digital닫힘 Digital Experience에 연결된 모든 채널, 컨택 또는 스킬입니다. script, set up a digital point of contact by adding a digital channel. Configure it with a test ACD skill and the script you're testing.
  6. If you're testing the complete interaction, sign into 상담원 애플리케이션 your organization uses using the account you assigned the test ACD skill to previously. The CXone profile you use may need permissions or settings enabled to use the features or products you're testing.
  7. In the 상담원 애플리케이션, set your state to Available. For example, in MAX, you must connect the agent leg.
  8. Ensure that the channel you're using with the script is set up and configured. Refer to the online help for the channel if you need to complete setup. If you use digital닫힘 Digital Experience에 연결된 모든 채널, 컨택 또는 스킬입니다. channels, you can find more information in the Digital section of the online help.
  9. Simulate the interaction. How you do this depends on the channel and type of script you're using. For example: 
    • Chat channel (non-digital): Copy the point of contact URL from the Point of Contact page in CXone to a browser. This launches the chat window. You can send a message through the chat window and answer it in 상담원 애플리케이션.
    • 디지털 chat: Go to the Initialization & Test page in the channel properties for your Live Chat or Chat Messaging channel. Use the chat bubble that appears on that page to send test messages through the channel. Alternatively, if the chat channel you're testing is already live or has been added to a testing webpage, you can use that chat window instead.
    • Other digital channels: The method of testing will depend on the channel you're using. In many cases, you can launch the appropriate chat window or application and send a message. Consult the testing documentation offered by your channel provider, such as Facebook, google, Apple, and so on.
    • SMS channel: Send a text message from the agent application to a mobile phone number you have access to. If your organization supports inbound SMS interactions, send a text message to the SMS number associated with the channel you're testing.
    • Manual outbound phone: Make a call from 상담원 애플리케이션. Dial a number connected to a phone you can answer.
    • Inbound phone to test voicemail: Call the DNIS닫힘 인바운드 음성 통화를 위해 연결된 컨택 수와 상담원 또는 아웃바운드 음성 통화에서 연결된 시스템 수를 확인합니다. associated with the channel and leave a voicemail when prompted. You can also do this by simulating an inbound phone interaction from within Studio. Both methods of testing require a script that has a voicemail option.
    • Email: To test inbound email, send an email to the email address associated with the channel. To test outbound email, send an email from 상담원 애플리케이션 to an address you have access to.
  10. Use the Trace Output window and use the trace output window to watch as the actions in your script fire.

Studio에서 인바운드 전화 상호작용 시뮬레이션 수행

The steps in this task allow you to test the parts of your script before the action. To test the parts of your script from on, you must include an 상담원 애플리케이션 in your simulation. You will need a CXone user account that has permissions to use that 애플리케이션.

Simulating a phone interaction requires an ACDskill닫힘 상담원 스킬, 능력 및 지식에 기반한 인터랙션의 전달을 자동화하는 데 사용됩니다. to use in the test. You may want to create a skill specifically to use in testing. It must be:

  • An inbound phone skill.
  • Assigned to a CXone user account to which you have access.
  1. Studio에서 테스트할 스크립트를 엽니다.
  2. 캔버스의 빈 곳을 클릭하여 선택 가능한 모든 작업의 선택을 해제한 다음 Properties 탭을 클릭합니다.

  3. Skill 드롭다운에서 인바운드 전화 ACD 스킬닫힘 상담원 스킬, 능력 및 지식에 기반한 인터랙션의 전달을 자동화하는 데 사용됩니다.을 선택합니다.
  4. 인바운드에서 스크립트가 전화를 걸게 할 PhoneNumber을(를) 입력합니다. 이는 테스트 중에 받을 수 있는 전화의 번호여야 합니다.
  5. Simulate Inbound 필드를 두 번 클릭하여 값을 True(으)로 변경합니다.
  6. 테스트를 특정한 날짜 또는 시간에 수행하려는 경우: 
    1. SimulateDateTime 필드를 두 번 클릭하여 값을 True(으)로 변경합니다.
    2. SimulationDateTimeValue 필드에서 테스트하는 데 사용하려는 날짜와 시간을 선택합니다.
    3. 이 테스트에 필요한 경우 SimulationTimeZone을(를) 변경합니다.
  7. 테스트를 위해 ANI 또는 DNIS을(를) 지정할 수 있습니다.
  8. Studio 툴바에서 Start with Trace을(를) 클릭합니다.
  9. 전화가 울릴 때 전화를 받고 스크립트를 테스트하는 데 필요한 작업을 수행합니다. 예를 들어 IVR을 테스트할 때는 각 메뉴 옵션을 테스트하는 데 필요한 횟수만큼 이 단계를 반복하는 것이 좋습니다.
  10. 추적 출력 창을 사용하여 스크립트의 작업이 발동하는 모습을 확인합니다.

MAX(으)로 인바운드 전화 상호작용 시뮬레이션하기

Required permissions: ACD > Studio > 스크립트 > 디버그

You can simulate an inbound phone interaction with an 상담원 애플리케이션. This allows you to test the parts of your script after Onanswer triggers.

You can use any supported 상담원 애플리케이션. The following task describes using MAX.

  1. Complete the steps to set up a simulated inbound phone interaction up through step 7. Don't click Start with Trace in Studio until you've completed the remaining steps in this task.
  2. Launch MAX.
  3. Enter the number of a phone you can use right now. If possible, use a different phone number from the one you configured in the script. If Integrated Softphone or stations are set up, you can use those options instead.
  4. Click Connect.
  5. Set your state to Available and click Connect to connect the agent leg.
  6. When your phone rings, answer it. This is the phone that is the agent's side of the interaction.
  7. In Studio, click Start with Trace.
  8. When your phone rings, answer it. This is the phone that is the contact's side of the conversation.
  9. Using the contact's phone, follow the prompts and complete the required testing.
  10. Use the Trace Output window to watch as the actions in your script fire.