Deploy Bots with Creador de bots CXone

Creador de bots CXone uses a two-stage deployment process, so you can deploy to either stage or production. This process lets you:

Typically, one model is deployed to stage and one model is deployed to production. Sometimes it is the same model. In most cases, you'll deploy the model that is currently in stage to production. However, you can deploy any model to production regardless of whether it is currently in stage. You can easily see which models are in which environments on the Training and Deployment page.

Training and Deployment Page

The Training and Deployment page displays a list of all your trained bot modelsCerrado Versión de un bot que ha sido entrenado y preparado. Each row in the list shows the duration, timestamps, and status of the training and deployment. You can also use the Actions column to:

  • Deploy to stage or production.
  • Cancel a training or deployment that is in progress.
  • View Info on a training that experienced an error or was cancelled.
  • Export a model to your local machine as a YML file.

Complete each of the following tasks in the order given. All tasks are performed in the Digital Experience portal.

Deploy to Stage

Required permissionChatbot (ACD > Digital Experience > Roles > [choose one] > Core Modules)

Every time you click the Train and Stage button, your bot is deployed to stage.

If you are making improvements to a bot that's been deployed to production, Train and Stage creates a new bot modelCerrado Versión de un bot que ha sido entrenado y preparado and deploys that model to stage. If you want your improvements to be reflected in production, you need to manually deploy this new model. This ensures no bot model enters production without your explicit consent.

You can also deploy a model to stage from the Training and Deployment page:

  1. En CXone, haga clic en el selector de aplicaciones y seleccioneCreador de bots.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click Deployment icon, which looks like an arrow that splits into two directions. in the left icon menu.
  4. In the Actions column for the modelCerrado Versión de un bot que ha sido entrenado y preparado you want to deploy, click the drop-down and select Deploy to Stage.

Deploy to Production

Required permissionChatbot (ACD > Digital Experience > Roles > [choose one] > Core Modules)

Deploying a modelCerrado Versión de un bot que ha sido entrenado y preparado to production sends that configuration and data to the bot user in CXone. This does not mean the bot will immediately become active and start receiving cases. You still need to go online, just like a live agent would.

You deploy a model to production from the Training and Deployment page.

  1. En CXone, haga clic en el selector de aplicaciones y seleccioneCreador de bots.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click Deployment icon, which looks like an arrow that splits into two directions. in the left icon menu.
  4. In the Actions column for the modelCerrado Versión de un bot que ha sido entrenado y preparado you want to deploy, click the drop-down and select Deploy to Production.

Go Online

Required permissionChatbot (ACD > Digital Experience > Roles > [choose one] > Core Modules)

At any time, you can switch from Offline to Online. You only need to do this once. Once your botCerrado Una aplicación de software que maneja las interacciones del cliente en lugar de un agente humano en vivo. is online, it doesn't need to go offline. Typically, your bot's availability to bring in new cases will be handled by the routing queue you assigned it to.

  1. Click Preferences icon, which looks like a gear. in the left icon menu.
  2. On the Settings tab, click General.
  3. Click the drop-down and select Online.

From this point, your bot modelCerrado Versión de un bot que ha sido entrenado y preparado that is deployed to production will behave just as live agents do when they are online. CXone assigns new incoming cases to the bot's digital inboxCerrado Área donde aparecen casos en el espacio de trabajo de interacción digital en una aplicación de agente from the routing queueCerrado Primer equivalente digital de una habilidad; dirige cada contacto a un agente asignado para manejar ese tipo de contacto the bot is assigned to. If your bot is deployed to production and is online, but is still not receiving cases, you may need to check the routing configuration.