Set Up a Safety Net for CXone Bots

There may be times when a botCerrado Una aplicación de software que maneja las interacciones del cliente en lugar de un agente humano en vivo. responds more slowly due to network issues or other factors. A safety net prevents any bot slowness from having a negative impact on your SLACerrado Compromiso entre un proveedor de servicios y un cliente con un umbral de nivel de servicio definido, que incluye calidad, disponibilidad y responsabilidades or your customer experience. Safety nets use the workflow automation feature in Digital Experience.

Follow the tasks on this page to create a safety net that:

Complete cada una de estas tareas en el orden dado.

Create a Trigger

Required permissionPermissions > ACD > Digital Engagement > Automation

  1. Haga clic en el selector de aplicaciones y seleccione ACD.
  2. Go to Digital Experience > Automation Triggers.

  3. Click Add Trigger.
  4. Enter a value in the Name field. The value shown in the preceding image is MessageFromCustomer but you can use something different if you like.
  5. For Event, select Message created from the drop-down.
  6. For Delayed Execution, enter 30. This is the number of seconds from the receipt of the customer message until the safety net is triggered.
  7. If you organize your triggers by Folder, select one from the drop-down. Otherwise, the trigger is saved to the root triggers folder.
  8. Click Save.

Create Conditions

Required permissionPermissions > ACD > Digital Engagement > Automation

  1. Haga clic en el selector de aplicaciones y seleccione ACD.
  2. Go to Digital Experience > Automation Jobs.

  3. For the trigger you just created, click Detail.
  4. Click Add Condition.
  5. For Condition Type, select Routing queues from the drop-down and then click Create condition for selected type.
  6. From the list of All Routing Queues, click Add for the queuesCerrado Primer equivalente digital de una habilidad; dirige cada contacto a un agente asignado para manejar ese tipo de contacto your botCerrado Una aplicación de software que maneja las interacciones del cliente en lugar de un agente humano en vivo. is assigned to.
  7. Above the All Routing Queues heading, click Triggers.
  8. For the trigger you just created, click Detail.
  9. Click Add Condition.
  10. For Condition Type, select Message direction from the drop-down and then click Create condition for selected type.
  11. From the drop-down, select Message is inbound.
  12. Click Save.

Create a Delayed Condition

Required permissionPermissions > ACD > Digital Engagement > Automation

  1. In the Digital Experience portal, go to Settings > Automation > Triggers.
  2. For the trigger you just created, click Delayed Conditions.
  3. Click Add.
  4. From the Condition type drop-down, select Message Reply and then click Create condition for selected type..
  5. From the drop-down, select The message doesn't have a reply.
  6. Click Save.

Create Job to Send Message

Required permissionPermissions > ACD > Digital Engagement > Automation

  1. In the Digital Experience portal, go to SettingsAutomation > Jobs.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter a value in the Name field. The value shown here is RerouteMessage but you can use something different if you like.
  4. From the Action drop-down, select Send message.
  5. From the Author drop-down, select who the message should appear to be from. You can choose your botCerrado Una aplicación de software que maneja las interacciones del cliente en lugar de un agente humano en vivo. or a real agent.
  6. For Message content, enter the response you want the customer to receive.
  7. Click Save.

Create Job to Reroute Interaction

Required permissionPermissions > ACD > Digital Engagement > Automation

  1. In the Digital Experience portal, go to Settings > Automation > Jobs.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter a value in the Name field. The value shown here is RerouteFromBot but you can use something different if you like.
  4. From the Routing queue drop-down, select the queueCerrado Primer equivalente digital de una habilidad; dirige cada contacto a un agente asignado para manejar ese tipo de contacto to receive the rerouted interaction.
  5. Click Save.

Create Tag for Rerouted Interactions

Required permissionPermissions > ACD > Digital Engagement > Automation

  1. Haga clic en el selector de aplicaciones y seleccione ACD.
  2. Go to DFO > Tags.
  3. Click Add Tag.
  4. Enter a value in the Title field to name your tag. The value shown in the preceding image is JungleBot Reroutes.
  5. From the Color drop-down, select a color for the tag.
  6. From the Active drop-down, select Yes.
  7. Click Save.

Create Job to Tag Rerouted Interactions

Required permissionPermissions > ACD > Digital Engagement > Automation

  1. In the Digital Experience portal, go to Settings > Automation > Jobs.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter a value in the Name field. The value shown here is TagReroutedInteractions but you can use something different if you like.
  4. From the Tag drop-down, select the tag that you created for this purpose.
  5. Click Save.