
CXone Mpower Studio is a visual scripting tool used to customize contact routing in CXone Mpower. Studio is the new, browser-based version of the desktop application. You can access it from the CXone Mpower platform.

This section of the online help provides information specific to using the browser-based version of Studio. You can find the following information: 

You can find the same information for the Desktop Studio application in that section of the online help.

Script Compatibility with Desktop Studio

Studio and Desktop Studio scripts are compatible. Any script that's saved to the CXone Mpower servers can be opened in either application.

Scripts cannot be exported from one application and imported into the other. This is because Desktop Studio scripts are XML and Studio scripts are JSON. The import feature cannot convert between formats.

Most Studio actions are available in both versions of the application. If an action isn't available in the version of Studio you're using, you can still see it in the script. However, you may not be able to modify the properties of those actions. You can open the script in the version of Studio you originally used if you need to modify those actions.

Feature Comparison with Desktop Studio

Studio does not yet have all of the same capabilities as Desktop Studio. The following table compares the features currently available in Desktop Studio and Studio. Features will continue to be added to Studio. If you have questions or concerns about a feature that's not supported yet, contact your Account Representative.

Desktop Studio Feature Studio Support Notes
Action Availability: Defines the availability of actions in Studio. Fully supported

All actions are available in Studio. Some action editor windows are not present or are not fully featured.

Action Connectors: Connect actions to each other on the script canvas. Fully supported

You can connect actions with elbow-shaped lines, curved lines, and linear lines.

Action Editor Windows: Allows access to additional configuration options. Fully supported

The design and function of the editor windows will continue to be enhanced in coming releases. The following action editors have not been added and support is not planned:

  • LOOKUPTABLE and LOOKUPTABLEVARS: We're assessing alternate approaches to provide this functionality.
  • PAGE: We're assessing alternate approaches to provide this functionality.

Actions Tab: Lists the actions currently in the script and their action IDs.

Fully supported The list of actions and their corresponding action IDs is found on the properties panel on the right side of the script canvas. The list is visible when no actions are selected on the script canvas.
API Actions: Allow you to access CXone Mpower APIs in your Studio scripts. Fully supported In Desktop Studio, API actions are located on the Framework tab. In Studio, they are on the API Actions palette on the left side of the script canvas.
Browse Tab: Displays a complete list of the scripts in the business unit. Fully supported

 In Studio, the page that loads when you access the application is called the Scripts page. This page displays the scripts available in the business unit. You can filter the list to display only active scripts, only inactive scripts, or all scripts.

The Scripts page provides information about each script and allows you to perform certain tasks with scripts without leaving the page. You can: 

  • View the script's media type, name, date of last modification, whether it's locked for editing, and if it's active or inactive.
  • Export the script to a JSON file.
  • Duplicate the script to create a copy.
  • Deactivate the script.
  • Override a locked script.
Compare Scripts (Edit > Compare): Allows you to compare two scripts by captions, parameters, branches, or position. Results display on the Find Results tab. Not supported yet  
Copy and Paste Actions on Canvas: Allows you to select and copy actions and paste them back onto the script canvas. Partially supported

In Studio, you can copy and paste one or more actions to the same script. You can also undo and redo previous actions. Standard keyboard shortcuts are supported for these tasks.

Copying and pasting actions from one script to another is not supported yet.

Create and Edit Scripts: Allows you to create new scripts and modify existing ones.


Fully supported You can create and edit scripts. Each script exists in a separate tab in your browser.
Deactivate: Allows you to deactivate a script so it cannot be used. Fully supported

Deactivating scripts is supported. You can deactivate scripts from the Options menu next to each script on the Scripts page in Studio, or by opening the script and selecting Deactivate from the center menu at the top of the script.

Reactivating scripts is not supported in Desktop Studio, but will be added to Studio in a future release. You can reactivate scripts on the Scripts page in the ACD application.

Dependencies Tab: List relationships between actions in the active script. Not supported We are evaluating the need for this feature.
Errors and Warnings (Script Errors tab): Displays a list of any errors or warnings in the current script. Fully supported Script errors and warnings are listed on the properties panel on the right side of the script canvas.
Files Tab: Provides access to the business unit's files. Allows you to upload files and record audio prompt messages. Partially supported

Files can be viewed or uploaded on the Browse ACD files page in the CXone Mpowerplatform or on the Prompts page in Studio.

Currently, the Prompts page does not support recording audio prompt messages, like the Files tab in Desktop Studio does. In Studio, you can record audio prompt messages with actions such as PLAY.

Framework Tab: Displays a complete list of the actions available in Studio. Fully supported

The left side of the script canvas has options to view the Actions palette and the API Actions palette. Together, these palettes provide access to all Studio actions and take the place of the Framework tab.

Import and Export Scripts (File > Import and File > Export): Allows you to save copies of a script as a file on your computer, and to add a saved copy of a script to Studio. Fully supported

Importing and exporting works the same as in Desktop Studio. However, in Studio, importing is called loading and exporting is called downloading.

Additionally, Studio scripts are in JSON. Desktop Studio scripts are XML. The import process does not convert between the formats. This means that you cannot import a script into Studio that was previously exported from Desktop Studio, and vice versa. However, you can work around this by importing the script into the application it was exported from, then opening it in the desired application.

Multiple Instances of Studio: Allows you to have more than one instance of the application running at a time. Fully supported

Each browser can run two instances of Studio: one in regular mode and one in incognito  mode. You can run up to four instances at the same time by using Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

This ability is useful if you need to connect to multiple business units at the same time. You can open more than one script in a single instance of Studio. Each script opens in a separate tab in the same browser window.

Navigate Script Canvas Visually (Navigate Tab): Displays a miniature view of the script canvas that you can pan around to quickly view different parts of the script. Fully supported In Studio, you can navigate the script canvas using options located at the bottom of the properties panel and the script canvas window. There are additional options available that allow you to fit the script to the screen, zoom in and out, and grab and move the script canvas around with the cursor.
Properties Tab: Displays properties of the selected action and allows you to configure them. If no action is selected, displays the script properties. Partially supported

Properties of the selected action appear in the panel on the right side of the script canvas. The following Properties tab options are not supported yet in Studio

  • Script properties. In Desktop Studio, script properties are visible on this tab when no action is selected. We are evaluating the need for this feature. The information found in script properties in Desktop Studio is already available in other places in Studio.
  • Configure branches from the action properties.
Revert to Previous Version of Scripts: Allows you to save a previously-saved version of the script and continue working on it. Fully supported The option to view previous versions of a script, copy versions, or revert to previous versions of a script is available from the center menu at the top of the script canvas. When a previous version is displayed for viewing, it loads in read-only mode. Buttons to copy or revert to that version are available in the upper right corner of the page.
Script Locking and Unlocking: Allows the script to be put into read-only and editable modes. Partially supported

Currently in Studio, you can lock a script for editing and unlock it to put it into read-only mode. You can override the lock on a script that's locked by another user.

A list of locked scripts is not currently available in Studio. In Desktop Studio, this list is found on the Locked tab. On the Scripts page in Studio, the Locked status is displayed for each script, but currently you cannot filter the list of scripts by locked status or sort the table by the Locked column, so you cannot easily view a list of all locked scripts.

Script Media Types: Defines the media type of the channel the script works with. Fully supported Studio supports all the main script media types.
Script Properties: Provides information and configuration settings for the script. Displayed on the Properties tab when no actions are selected. Fully supported

Currently, only some of the information that's available in a script's properties in Desktop Studio is available in Studio. These options are available in different locations in Studio

  • Script tracing configuration: These are available when you click Trace on the script canvas.
  • Variable redaction: This is available on the Variables tab of the properties panel.
  • Parameter values to start a script with a trace: These are available when you click Trace on the script canvas.
  • Name the business unit where the script is saved: You can access the name of the business unit by selecting My Profile from your initials A circle with the letters NC inside it. in the upper right corner of CXone Mpower.

Support for the following option is not planned: 

  • Modify script media type.
Script Tracing: Allows you to test and debug scripts. Partially supported

Currently in Studio, when you trace a script, you can: 

  • Specify an ACD skill and optional parameters to start the trace with.
  • Simulate an inbound phone interaction when tracing an inbound phone script.
  • Capture the next instance of a script running. This allows you to trace a live interaction.
  • Start multiple traces on a script by initiating them one after the other.
  • View trace output, search for variables, and view the value of individual variables at a certain point in time.
  • Download and load the script trace.

The following features are not supported yet: 

  • Variable watch list.
  • Running a continuous trace.
Search for Scripts (Scripts Tab): Allows you to search for scripts in the business unit using the script name, version, and script media type. Partially supported

You can search for scripts on the Scripts page in Studio. You can search by script name, by the variables they contain or by variable value, action caption, and script media type.

The Find tool, located on the Scripts tab, is also not supported yet.

SNIPPET Action: Contains an editor that allows custom coding. Fully supported

Currently, the SNIPPET action editor window supports custom snippet code with syntax highlighting. Improvements continue to be made to the functionality of the editor. Support for the Tree View feature is not planned.

SOAP Web Services (Library Tab): Displays a list of SOAP web services that have been imported into Studio. Not supported yet  
Tools Tab, Custom Palettes, and Categories: Displays groups of actions. Allows you to create custom organization for frequently-used actions. Fully supported

Currently, actions are displayed on two palettes in the left icon menu in Studio. The Actions palette contains all available non-API actions. The API Actions palette contains the available API actions.

Custom palettes and categories are not supported. We are evaluating the need for these features.

Unsaved Changes: Stores script changes that weren't saved before the script tab closed. Fully supported Unsaved script changes are saved in your browser. If you open a script that has unsaved changes, Studio prompts you to choose if you want to open the version with the unsaved changes. Because the changes are saved in your browser, clearing the cache deletes unsaved changes. Additionally, the stored changes are specific to the user and the browser.
Variables Tab: List of the variables in the script and the actions that reference each one. Fully supported A list of the variables in the current script is available on the Variables tab of the properties panel.
Variable Redaction: Allows you to specify variables in a script that should have their values omitted from traces and logs. Fully supported You can redact variable values on the Variables tab of the properties panel.