Design Fallback

Required permissionChatbot (ACD > Digital Experience > Roles > [choose one] > Core Modules)

Fallback lets you tell a bot关闭 代替现场人工坐席处理客户交互的软件应用程序。 how to respond when it's not confident how to proceed. You can set up NLU fallback or action fallback. This is different than rich messaging fallback, which allows your bot to send rich messages using any channel.

NLU Fallback

NLU fallback is triggered when a bot's confidence to properly understand the customer's intent is lower than the NLU confidence threshold关闭 衡量机器人对正确识别消息意图的信心程度。默认级别为 70% (0.7),因此在低于该级别的任何级别都会触发回退。. You can choose basic or advanced fallback and design what the bot should do. Advanced fallback will ask the customer to confirm the intent. If the intent is confirmed, the conversation continues. If not, the bot moves on to the fallback message.

  1. CXone 中单击应用程序选择器 并选择机器人生成器.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click Dialogues icon, which looks like conversation bubbles. in the left icon menu.
  4. On the Fallback tab, click NLU.
  5. Click the toggle to select either Basic or Advanced.
  6. If you selected Basic fallback: 
    1. To use a custom value for NLU confidence threshold, enter that value in the field.
    2. Click the message to edit the default response.
    3. If you want the bot to use the handover关闭 任何应触发转移到真人坐席的联系消息 rule if it still doesn't understand, click the + icon and select Handover.
  7. If you selected Advanced fallback:
    1. Under Step 1, if the toggle is turned on and the customer confirms the intent, the message is added to the intent. Click the message to edit the default response. You can also change the text and intents of the buttons.
    2. Under Step 2, click the message to edit the default response.
    3. If you want the bot to use the handover关闭 任何应触发转移到真人坐席的联系消息 rule if it still doesn't understand, click the + icon and select Handover.
  8. Click Train and Stage to train your bot on the fallback design. You can also do more training and testing later.

Action Fallback

Action fallback is triggered when a bot's confidence to properly react to the message lower than the action confidence threshold关闭 衡量机器人对应该采取的下一步操作的信心程度。默认级别为 40% (0.4),因此在低于该级别的任何级别都会触发回退。.

  1. CXone 中单击应用程序选择器 并选择机器人生成器.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click Dialogues icon, which looks like conversation bubbles. in the left icon menu.
  4. On the Fallback tab, click Action.
  5. To use a custom value for Action confidence threshold, enter that value in the field.
  6. Click the message to edit the default response.
  7. If you want the bot to use the handover关闭 任何应触发转移到真人坐席的联系消息 rule if it still doesn't understand, click the + icon and select Handover.
  8. Click Train and Stage to train your bot on the fallback design. You can also do more training and testing later.