Agent Behavior Insights Report
Related Products or Features: Business Intelligence (BI) Reports, Quality Management
Required permissions: Report Viewer, Agent Behavior Insights
Required Employee Settings: Can View BI Reports
Required License: QM Premium
The Agent Behavior Insights report shows your agents' behavioral trends over time. It includes a summarized score at the team level. You can drill down to see the agent's behavioral metrics for each interaction
. This report includes five widgets
that help you analyze your agents' performance.
This report is a glimpse of behavioral trends over time so you can identify scores that are often high or low. It's important to select one or two key metrics at a time and to set a baseline to determine when coaching may be required. Check the report at a chosen interval to determine whether the trends are changing to staying consistent.
This report holds up to 90 days of data, from the date that the call is recorded.
Report Requirements and Limitations
To view and run this report, you must have both the QM Advanced and QM Premium licenses enabled. Contact your Account Representative for more information.
If you want an agent's data to appear in this report, they need to have the Can be Evaluated/Coached and Can be Analyzed employee attributes applied in the Admin application. You can configure this on the General tab of an employee profile.
This report analyzes and scores all interactions with sufficient data, regardless of whether an evaluation was done. It doesn't provide behavioral metrics for:
Internal interactions between agents or where multiple agent names are present.
Interactions that weren't recorded or don't have audio. This includes interactions that last four seconds or less, which end before they can be recorded.
Interactions with no dialogue or one-sided audio. This could occur if there's a technical issue or if the customer or agent doesn't respond.
interactions that don't involve agents.
Interactions not in English.
How Scoring Works
The widgets display two different types of scores: one for individual interactions
or one that aggregates the interaction scores for an agent or team within a selected time period.
Interaction Scores
Each interaction is given a raw index score of 10, 6, 4, 0, or N/A for each metric and all verticals. The performance range is different for each model. The color displayed with the metric shows how the interaction scored in that area:
10 Points
: The interaction is within the top 10% of all interactions for the indicated behavior.
6 Points
: The interaction is between the top 10% and 35% of all interactions for the indicated behavior.
: The interaction is in the middle 30% (35-65%) of all interactions for the indicated behavior. Neutral scores don't count in the total score or total possible score.
4 Points
: The interaction is between the bottom 10% and 35% of all interactions for the indicated behavior.
0 Points
: The interaction is within the bottom 10% of all interactions for the indicated behavior.
Aggregate Scores
Aggregate scores at the agent or team level are calculated using the index scores of each interaction. These scores are a percentage that is calculated by dividing the total points received by the total points possible. N/A scores are left out of both the numerator and denominator of the equation. The color displayed with the metric shows the agent or team's overall score in that area for the specified period of time:
- Strongly Positive
: 90.5%-100%
Moderately Positive
: 70.5%-90.5%
: 30.5%-70.5%
Moderately Negative
: 10.5%-30.5%
Strongly Negative
: 0%-10.5%
The calculation for six interactions with scores of 10, 6, 0, 0, N/A, and 6 would be calculated like this:
10 + 6 + 0 + 0 + N/A + 6 = 22 total points earned.
5 interactions (the N/A score doesn't count) * 10 points possible per interaction = 50 possible points.
22 total points earned / 50 points possible = 44%
This score would result in a neutral or white box for that behavior on the main report page.
My Agents Widget
The My Agents widget shows behavior insights for agents and their interactions, as well as a summarized score at the team level. It displays these details for the selected team:
Overall interactions count.
Average behavior score.
Agent behavior metrics.
You can expand a team's row to see a breakdown of each agent's scores. This view provides behavior results per call, with the ability to play back the interaction directly from the report. You can also see the team's average scores. These colors represent the average score ranges:
Strongly negative
: 0 to 10.5
Moderately negative
: 10.5 to 30.5
: 30.5 to 70.5
Moderately positive
: 70.5 to 90.5
Strongly positive
: 90.5 to 100
While the color scheme for the heat map is the same throughout the report, the metrics in the team-level and agent-level views use them a little differently. At the agent level, the behavior results are shown on a simplified scale using an index score and icons. This lets you more easily analyze the agent's performance for each metric. For example:
A dark orange score and a frown indicates low performance, meaning the agent didn't meet the performance level expected by the AI model.
A dark blue score and a smile indicates high performance, meaning the agent exceeded the performance level expected by the AI model.
Behavior Score Widget
When you select an agent in the My Agents widget, the Behavior Score widget appears. It displays the agent's overall behavior score for the selected time period. It also displays the score for the previous period. This lets you see whether the agent is trending up or down in their results over time. For example, if you specify the period as August 15th to 25th, the widget displays the score for that period of 10 days. It also displays the score for the previous 10 days,
The maximum time range for the previous period may vary from 60 to 90 days. This is because Business Intelligence (BI) reports have standard date ranges for pulling the data.
Calls Widget
When you select an agent in the My Agents widget, the Calls widget appears. It shows you whether the agent is trending up or down in their results over the selected and previous time periods.
Agent Summary Widget
When you select an agent in the My Agents widget, the Agent Summary widget appears. It displays the agent's score for each behavior metric. This is the summarized score. The legend at the top displays the different colors and their corresponding average score ranges:
Strongly negative
: 0
Moderately negative
: 4
: 5
Moderately positive
: 6
Strongly positive
: 10
Interactions Widget
When you select an agent in the My Agents widget, the Interactions widget appears. It displays behavior insights for the agent's interactions in the selected time period. It includes the channel type and start time of the interaction. Click Play to play back an interaction. The legend at the top displays the different colors and their corresponding average index score ranges:
Strongly negative
: 0
Moderately negative
: 4
: 5
Moderately positive
: 6
Strongly positive
: 10