Intents in CXone Bot Builder

Intents are the core meaning behind the contact's words; the actual result or goal the contact wants to communicate or achieve. Follow these best practices when creating intents:

  • Use real data. Don't use tools that auto-generate data and claim to train your botFermé Une application logicielle qui gère les interactions avec les clients à la place d'un agent humain en direct. faster. They often produce examples that don't reflect what contacts really say. They also can result in a bot that loses its ability to generalize. Over time, the bot reaches a point where it only recognizes phrases it's seen before.
  • Don't use the same training examples for more than one intent. Intents aren’t always clear-cut. Two user goals might seem different but start to gather similar examples over time. When this happens, see if you can merge similar intents into a more general category.
  • Always include an out-of-scope intent. Out-of-scope intents cover anything the user might say that’s outside of the bot’s domain. They allow you to recover the conversation and often result in improved performance.


BotsFermé Une application logicielle qui gère les interactions avec les clients à la place d'un agent humain en direct. built with CXone Bot Builder can identify both single and multiple intentsFermé La signification ou le but derrière ce qu'un contact dit/tape ; ce que le contact veut communiquer ou accomplir in a contact's messageFermé Tout ce qu'un contact dit dans une interaction avec un bot, qu'il s'agisse d'une question ou d'une déclaration, écrite ou orale..

Multi-intents can be simple. They can also be more complicated and specific to your business. For example, a bank might need to create a multi-intent to handle a message like, "Please show me my balance and transfer $200 to my savings account."

If you create a multi-intent from two existing single intents, you don't have to provide many examples. Your bot can recognize the single intents in the message and handle them as a multi-intent.

Only use multi-intents when they are really necessary to the natural flow of conversation. Too many multi-intents can make your bot too complicated to manage easily.

Intents Tab

The Intents tab inside NLU icon, which looks like a gear inside a head silhouette. displays the Inbox and a list of all your intents. From this tab, you can create intents and add examples to existing intents. You can also visualize how much each intent is used in your training data and dialogues (stories and rules).

  • The number on each intent represents how many training examples there are for that intent. These numbers are color-coded to indicate if the training for the intent is sufficient.
    • Red: Intent is used up to seven times.
    • Orange: Intent is used between eight and fourteen times.
    • Green: Intent is used more than fifteen times.
  • The yellow-orange triangle indicates there are no dialogues (stories and rules) that include this intent.
  • Each intent has a friendly name. This is what the bot will use if it needs to directly refer to the intent to the customer, such as in advanced NLU fallback.
  • You can hide individual intents. This excludes them from training until they're ready. Hover over an intent, click Optionsicon, represented by three horizontal dots., then click Hide. When hidden, the intent is visible to you for editing, but your bot does not learn from it. It is also displayed with the Hidden an eye icon with a slash through it icon. When the intent is ready for training, click Optionsicon, represented by three horizontal dots., then click Show, then click Train and Stage.