Outbound Reports
The Outbound Report Store contains reports specific to Personal Connection.
The Outbound Report Store provides the following reports:
Run Outbound Reports
- Click the app selector
and select Reporting.
Go to Outbound > Outbound Report Store.
Click the Category and Report drop-downs to select the report you want to run.
Select a date range to determine the data the report will display.
For many reports you can filter the report data using a variety of parameters. However, filters are not available for all reports and different reports have different filter options. If Show Options appears below the Date Range of your report, follow the steps below to add filters.
Click Show Options to expand your view of the available filters.
To set a report filter, click the plus sign to the right of the filter name.
When the designated filter opens, use the arrows to move the filters from the Available column to the Selected column (or vice versa). The single arrows move just selected filters, and the double arrows move all filters from one box to the other. You can also hold CTRL on your keyboard to select multiple filters to move from one column to the other.
- Click Done when you have selected the desired filters.
- Repeat the last three steps for each filter type you would like to add to the report.
Click Run Report.
Export Outbound Reports
Each report holds valuable data that you can use for any number of reasons. However, the data is confined within CXone Mpower, so if you want to provide it to other people who do not have access to CXone Mpower, you can export the data to the following formats:
- Click the app selector
and select Reporting.
- Click Outbound Report Store.
Follow the steps in the previous task to run a report.
- Click Export
- Select the format from the available options in the drop-down.
- Follow the prompts to open or save the file.