Cloud Storage Services

This page is for Cloud Storage in AWS. If you use Cloud Storage Cloud Storage in Azure, see the Azure storage section of the Cloud Storage Services online help.

Cloud Storage Services allows you to keep files in cloud storage provided by CXone Mpower. You can store call recordings and files related to chat, email, and digital interactions. If your call center has multiple locations, your files are stored in the default location. However, if you enable multi-region storage, you can store your files in different locations. Cloud Storage Services provides: 

  • Active storage—Files are stored in active storage as soon as they're created. Active storage provides immediate access to files.
  • Long-term storage—Allows you to archive files. Files are moved to long-term storage based on the Life Cycle Management rules. To access files in the long-term storage archive you must submit a long-term file retrieval job, which temporarily moves them back into active storage.
  • Secure External Access (SEA)—Allows you to copy or move files securely from active storage into an external storage location CXone Mpower creates for you.

All files in Cloud Storage Services are encrypted using a Key Management Service (KMS), and a separate key is generated specifically for your CXone Mpower tenantClosed High-level organizational grouping used to manage technical support, billing, and global settings for your CXone Mpower environment. Files are encrypted the entire time they're managed by CXone Mpower Cloud Storage. This includes when they move between active storage, long-term storage, custom storage, and into SEA.

Cloud Storage Services supports these custom options: 

  • Custom storageUse your own Amazon Web Services S3 bucket or Microsoft Azure cloud storage instead of the default CXone Mpower Cloud Storage location.
  • Custom key management—You can use your own KMS with CXone Mpower Cloud Storage Services.

You cannot configure custom storage or custom key management in an environment that uses multi-region storage.

Cloud Storage Services File Types

Cloud Storage Services can store these types of files:

  • Voice and ScreenCXone Mpower call and screen recordings. Cloud Storage is the only storage option for Recording files.
  • Chat—Transcripts and attachments. Cloud Storage is the only storage option for chat.
  • Email—Transcripts and attachments. Cloud Storage is the only storage option for email.
  • Digital—Attachments only. Cloud Storage is the only storage option for digitalClosed Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. interaction attachments.
  • OtherInteraction Analytics reports.

Active Storage File Management

Files remain in active storage until they're deleted, archived in long-term storage, or moved to Secure External Access. Your life cycle management rules determine how, where, and when files move from active storage. Placing a litigation hold on your files pauses their normal life cycle until you release the hold. This feature is currently in controlled release.

You can view and manage files in active storage on the CXone Mpower Interactions page, the Contact History report, or the ACD > Support > Browse ACD Files option in CXone Mpower. The Browse ACD Files option is not available if you use Recording.

Long-Term Storage File Retrieval

Files in long-term storage cannot be played or accessed directly from interactions. To access these files, you need to retrieve them from the archive. Retrieved files temporarily move back into active storage.

File retrieval is a billable service. Cloud Storage Services provides filtering options so you can retrieve only the files you need. You can filter based on criteria such as date range, file type, DNISClosed Identifies the number the contact dialed to reach you for inbound voice calls and the number the agent or system dialed on outbound voice calls./ANIClosed Also known as caller ID. Listed phone number of an incoming voice call., and skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge. You can also filter based on agent name or team.

Retrieved files accrue applicable charges while in active storage. In your retrieval request you must specify the date when the retrieved files return to long-term storage.

Key Facts About Cloud Storage Services

  • Files created before Cloud Storage Services was introduced to CXone Mpower remain on the file server.

    For chat transcripts, this was in the Fall 2021 release. For emails, this was in the Summer 2021 release.

  • New customers have the opportunity to choose between Cloud Storage in AWS or Azure on the Storage Settings page.

    After you choose an option for your environment, you won't see that setting again and you won't be able to switch to the other option. If you are an existing customer who was already using Cloud Storage Services before the Azure option was introduced, you cannot switch to Azure.

  • Move files from active storage to a storage location outside of CXone Mpower with Secure External Access. Files are encrypted during the move and while in the temporary SEA storage location. After 30 days, files are deleted from SEA. You can also manually delete the files from SEA earlier, if you're done with them.
  • Use Life Cycle Management rules to manage the storage of different files based on file type. The rules also allow you to specify how files are managed in Cloud Storage, including time to live (TTL)Closed The period of time these interactions are retained and the timing of their deletion. You define the TTL settings for your interactions..
  • When you edit a rule, you can view the history of modifications on the Change History tab. The Change History tab has search and filter functions.

  • You can place holds on files for legal reasons, or any other reason, to prevent them from being archived, deleted, or subject to any of their normal life cycle rules. This feature requires a separate license. This feature is currently in controlled release.