Life Cycle Management

This page is for Cloud Storage in AWS. If you use Cloud Storage Cloud Storage in Azure, see the Azure storage section of the Cloud Storage Services online help.

Required permissions: Life Cycle Management Edit

Life Cycle Management lets you determine what happens to files in CXone Cloud Storage Services. You can define rules that specify:

  • How long files stay in active storage.
  • Whether files are deleted or moved to long-term storage.
  • How long files stay in long-term storage.
  • Whether files are moved or copied to your personal Secure External Access (SEA) storage bucket, which is owned by NICE CXone. From there, you can move them to your own storage location. This option only appears when you choose the Active Storage action for a rule.

You can create one or more rules, up to a maximum of 10, for each media type. For each rule, you can add a filter based on skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, teams, agents, DNISClosed Identifies the number the contact dialed to reach you for inbound voice calls and the number the agent or system dialed on outbound voice calls., and, if you have purchased a license for it, dispositions. For example, you can create a rule for call recordings for a particular team or a set of teams to be retained for a specific number of days and instantly delete call recordings for other teams.  There is a default rule that manages all files that don't match any of your custom rules.

Plan your Life Cycle Management rules carefully. Once a file matches a rule, it is managed by that rule forever, or until the file is deleted. The exception to this is files that match the default rule. You can edit your custom rules, but changes only apply to files that match the rule after you save your changes, or to files that match the rule but haven't been processed yet.

Modifications to Life Cycle Management

Cloud Storage Services allows you to modify some aspects of custom Life Cycle Management rules. You cannot change which rule manages a file. Once a file matches a rule, that's the rule that manages it as long as it's in the system. The exception to this is for files that are managed by the default rule. You can retag these files so that a custom rule manages them.

Editing custom rules allows you to change Life Cycle Management of files that match that rule. Some changes affect files that are already managed by the rule. Other changes only apply to files that match the rule in the future. You can change: 

You can deactivate rules, but they cannot be reactivated. If you want to renew a deactivated rule, you must create a new rule. Deactivated rules continue to manage any files that were tagged with the rule before it was deactivated. Files created after deactivation of the rule are not tagged with the rule. If they don't match other rules, they're managed by the default rule.

CXone doesn't process files assigned to a deactivated rule. To safely deactivate life cycle management rules, you should first create an alternate rule and move the existing rule to lower priority. Once the files assigned to the old rule finish processing, it's safe to deactivate the old rule.

The Default Rule and Retagging

Cloud Storage Services has a default rule that applies to all files of any supported media type when they don't match any other rule. The default rule has no actions associated with it, so files that are managed by the default rule are not deleted or archived. They remain in active storage indefinitely.

You cannot modify the default rule. If you notice files staying in active storage longer than you think they should, or if there are more files than you expect in active storage, they may be managed by the default rule. Review your rules and the files in active storage to determine why the files aren't matching other rules.

You can create new custom rules or modify existing rules to address the reasons files aren't matching your custom rules. Then you can have Cloud Storage Services reprocess the files currently managed by the default rule. It compares these files to your custom rules. Any files that now match a rule are retagged to follow that rule.

Retagging only works for files currently managed by the default rule. For files that have matched a custom rule, you can modify the rule. This lets you change some aspects of the Life Cycle Management of files that match that rule.