Company Profiles
The company profile lets you add specific custom entities to the following entity types. The entities for these entity types
vary for every organization:
- Company
- Brands
- Products
- Competitors
- Competitor Brands
- Competitor Products
- Services
- People
- Places
- Industry Terms
You should set up a company profile even if you don't configure all the possible variants for each concept. It allows Interaction Analytics to correctly recognize and count the times an entity was mentioned. This is true even if the exact entity is mispronounced, transcribed incorrectly, or in some cases, not used at all.
Key Facts About Company Profiles
If your company has Interaction Analytics for multiple languages, you can add company profile entities
in those languages.
The Top Company Profile Terms Widget lets data users see how many times these terms or entities are mentioned. Users can even drill down to see every mention
in an interaction.
You can use company profile custom entities as values for certain variables in category templates
. The term then becomes a custom category
Dorothy Gale applies the Intent to Buy category template to a dataset
. Interaction Analytics reviews all the dataset data to identify not just the intent to purchase, but what specifically the person wants to buy. This is based on the custom entities Dorothy configured in her company profile for Products.
You can use widgets
to view positive or negative sentiment
around your company profile custom entities.
When you create a dataset, you can filter the data using keywords, phrases
, and custom entities. When you begin to type a custom entity, an auto-suggestion appears and mentions the company profile entity for that term.