Debug Scripts in CXone Studio

Diese Hilfeseite bezieht sich auf CXone Studio. Diese Informationen sind auch für Desktop Studio verfügbar.

Required permissions: ACD > Studio > Skripte Fehler beheben

You can run script traces to check for issues in your scripts. They allow you to see the actions that fire in the script, and the variables that are in the script at the time that each action fires.

Each trace opens in a separate window. This means you can keep previous traces open to compare to the new ones, or capture multiple live contacts in a row.

Capture a Script Trace

You can track the performance of your script, spawn a script, or make a test call with the Trace Output tool. This tool traces the contact or running script and displays each action that fired, what variables are being created and when, and the values the variables held at each point. This is a helpful tool to test and debug your scripts. You can run traces on live interactions or simulated ones.

Ein Trace kann nur erfasst werden, wenn das Skript gespeichert wurde. Wenn Sie versuchen, einen Trace für ein Skript zu erfassen, das nicht gespeicherte Änderungen enthält, werden Sie von Studio aufgefordert, das Skript zu speichern. Wenn das Skript Kompilierungsfehler enthält, wird es in Studio nicht gespeichert. Sie müssen alle Fehler beheben, bevor Sie das Skript speichern und den Trace ausführen können.

Studio doesn't keep a history of traces you've captured. If you think you might need to refer to a previous trace, either keep the trace output window open or download the trace file to your computer.

  1. Klicken Sie unter CXone auf die App-Auswahl und wählen SieOmnichannel-RoutingStudio Drei Pfeile, die unten miteinander verbunden sind. Ein Pfeil zeigt nach oben, einer nach oben rechts und einer nach oben links..
  2. Auf der Seite "Skripte" öffnen Sie das gewünschte Skript mit einem Doppelklick oder erstellen Sie ein neues Skript. Das Skript wird auf einer neuen Registerkarte geöffnet.
  3. Click Trace > Start with Trace.
  4. Select an inbound phone ACD Skill.
  5. To pass values into the script via parameter variables, enter the values in the Parameters field. Enter one value per line. The values you enter map to parameters P1 through Pn, where n is the number of the last parameter value you add.
  6. To simulate an interaction for an inbound phone script, click Simulate Inbound Call and provide the necessary information.
  7. Click Start Capture. The trace output window opens.

    As the script runs, actions appear in the trace window in the order they fire. You can see the name of the action, its properties and their configurations, the time the action fired, and the result of its firing. You can:

    • Hover the cursor over an entry in the Properties column to see the full list of properties and their values in a popup menu.

    • Use the search bar to search for actions in the trace output. You can search using the action name, property name or value, time, or result.

    • Click any column heading to sort the list by that data.

  8. Click an action in the trace output to see all variables and their values in the script at the time that the action fired.

    The variables appear in the list on the right side of the trace output window. New or changed variables are displayed in red.

    In the variables list, you can:

    • Hover the cursor over entries in any column to view the full contents of that variable or value in a popup menu.
    • Select or clear Global, System, or Private to filter the variables in the list. Clearing the option hides that type of variable in the list.

    • Click the greater-than symbol > next to the name of a dynamic data object to expand it and see its members and their values.
    • Use the search bar in the trace output window to search for variables by name or value.
    • Copy a variable value by clicking its row and pressing CTRL + C on your keyboard. The cell background briefly turns dark blue, indicating that the copy was successful.
    • Use the arrow keys to navigate the highlighted row in the variables list.
  9. To save the trace output to your computer, click the ellipsis Three dots in a row. in the top right corner of the window, select Download the trace file, then choose a location and name for the file and click Save.

  10. To end the trace without ending the interaction on the server, click Detach.
  11. To end the trace and the interaction, click Terminate, then click OK to confirm that you want to end the interaction. This disconnects the contact or ends the current running script, and ends the interaction on the server.

Capture Live Contacts

You can capture a trace on a script as it runs. You can do this with production scripts processing live contacts. This allows you to diagnose issues that your contact center is experiencing, or capture data for troubleshooting with technical support.

Currently, CXone Studio can only capture the next instance of the script running. It cannot capture a continuous trace. When you capture a single trace, the resulting information appears in the Trace Output window.

Studio doesn't keep a history of traces you've run. If you think you might need to refer to a previous trace, either keep the trace output window open or download the trace file to your computer.

  1. Klicken Sie unter CXone auf die App-Auswahl und wählen SieOmnichannel-RoutingStudio Drei Pfeile, die unten miteinander verbunden sind. Ein Pfeil zeigt nach oben, einer nach oben rechts und einer nach oben links..
  2. Auf der Seite "Skripte" öffnen Sie das gewünschte Skript mit einem Doppelklick oder erstellen Sie ein neues Skript. Das Skript wird auf einer neuen Registerkarte geöffnet.
  3. Click Trace > Capture Live Contacts.

  4. The Number of Contacts is currently set to 1 and cannot be changed. In a future release, you will be able to specify a number of contacts to capture.
  5. Under Filters, select an option: 
  6. Click Start Capture. The trace output window opens. The window is empty until an instance of the script matching the selected Filter option begins to run.

    As the script runs, actions appear in the trace window in the order they fire. You can see the name of the action, its properties and their configurations, the time the action fired, and the result of its firing. You can:

    • Hover the cursor over an entry in the Properties column to see the full list of properties and their values in a popup menu.

    • Use the search bar to search for actions in the trace output. You can search using the action name, property name or value, time, or result.

    • Click any column heading to sort the list by that data.

  7. Click an action in the trace output to see all variables and their values in the script at the time that the action fired.

    The variables appear in the list on the right side of the trace output window. New or changed variables are displayed in red.

    In the variables list, you can:

    • Hover the cursor over entries in any column to view the full contents of that variable or value in a popup menu.
    • Select or clear Global, System, or Private to filter the variables in the list. Clearing the option hides that type of variable in the list.

    • Click the greater-than symbol > next to the name of a dynamic data object to expand it and see its members and their values.
    • Use the search bar in the trace output window to search for variables by name or value.
    • Copy a variable value by clicking its row and pressing CTRL + C on your keyboard. The cell background briefly turns dark blue, indicating that the copy was successful.
    • Use the arrow keys to navigate the highlighted row in the variables list.
  8. To save the trace output to your computer, click the ellipsis Three dots in a row. in the top right corner of the window, select Download the trace file, then choose a location and name for the file and click Save.

  9. To end the trace without ending the interaction on the server, click Detach.
  10. To end the trace and the interaction, click Terminate, then click OK to confirm that you want to end the interaction. This disconnects the contact or ends the current running script, and ends the interaction on the server.

Download Trace Files

You can save the trace output as a file that you can download to your computer. This is helpful if you need to refer to a trace later. It also allows you to send a trace file to other Studio users or to CXone Account Representatives. The files can be viewed by loading them in CXone Studio. Files are saved in JSON format with a TRC.JSON extension.

  1. Klicken Sie unter CXone auf die App-Auswahl und wählen SieOmnichannel-RoutingStudio Drei Pfeile, die unten miteinander verbunden sind. Ein Pfeil zeigt nach oben, einer nach oben rechts und einer nach oben links..
  2. Auf der Seite "Skripte" öffnen Sie das gewünschte Skript mit einem Doppelklick oder erstellen Sie ein neues Skript. Das Skript wird auf einer neuen Registerkarte geöffnet.
  3. Click Trace and select Start with Trace or Capture Live Contacts.
  4. When the trace is captured, click the ellipsis Three dots in a row. in the upper right corner of the trace output window.
  5. Select Download the trace file.
  6. Specify a File name and where you want to save the file.
  7. Click Save.

Load Trace Files

You can load a saved trace file into CXone Studio to view it.

  1. Klicken Sie unter CXone auf die App-Auswahl und wählen SieOmnichannel-RoutingStudio Drei Pfeile, die unten miteinander verbunden sind. Ein Pfeil zeigt nach oben, einer nach oben rechts und einer nach oben links..
  2. On the Scripts page, click Load and select Load trace file.
  3. Drag a trace file onto the Load Trace window or click browse for files to select one.
  4. Click Open on the Load Trace window. The trace opens in a trace output window.