Alert Insights
As agents handle contacts, CXone Mpower Copilot for Supervisors alerts you when any urgent situation requires your immediate assistance or the customer's sentiments during the interaction are not going well. The card shows the reason, ongoing summary and the customer journey for an ongoing contact. These alert insights offer several benefits.
The reason in the insights helps you understand the underlying reason for the negative sentiment or Urgent Assist.
The ongoing contact summary provides context and helps you catch up on the contact.
The past interaction insights enable you to support agents and the customer more effectively and efficiently.
With these insights, you can drive effective monitoring assistance and improve the contact sentiment.
Make sure you have configured alerts. To see insights, you must enable the Alert Insights permission.
View Alert Insights
In the alert card, click on View Insights to see the ongoing summary. The reason and ongoing summary are generated based on the configured summary length. Refer to Settings for more information on configuring reason and summary length.
View Past Interactions
You can view up to three past interactions, whether voice or digital, from the last 21 days. Each interaction will include detailed information about past engagements, including sentiment, whenever available.
Each interaction includes the following information:
Title: the intent of the call or its disposition. If the intent is unavailable, only the disposition is displayed. If neither is available, the type of interaction is displayed (voice or digital). If the title length is long, hovering over it will show the full title.
Communication Type: an icon indicating the type of communication (e.g., voice, chat, WhatsApp, Messenger, etc.).
Contact Type: specifies whether the interaction was inbound or outbound.
Date & Time: the time stamp of when the communication started.
Skill: the most recent skill used.
Summary: this field displays the disposition notes. If unavailable, it will be blank. If a note is long, hovering over it will show the full notes.
Sentiment: displays a sentiment emoji captured at the end of the interaction (if available).
Note that:
First-time Contacts: if this is the customer's first interaction with the call center, no past interactions will be displayed.
Transfer Interactions: If an interaction is transferred from one agent to another, it will always display the latest interaction with available details.
Restricted Information: all interactions classified as restricted will not be displayed, but it will be indicated that additional contacts took place, and their details are restricted.