Supervisor Permissions

You must have appropriate permissions to see the navigation for the Roles & Permissions feature. If your organization isn't configured for CXone Mpower Supervisor, you won't see these permissions.

If you are using the legacy Supervisor application, permissions are described here.

For more information, see Roles.

General Permissions


You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you grant users access to the Supervisor application. This permission is typically assigned to all supervisors.

This permission is independent of the Launch Supervisor permission under the ACD Permissions > Supervisor. However, the Supervisor application is accessible when either of the permissions is enabled.

To view employees, you'll need additional Admin permission. Go to Admin > Roles and Permissions > {Role} > Permission > Admin > General Permission. Select Employees: View.

Skill Tab

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you allow users to view and modify skills and proficiency scores for agents.

To manage skills, you'll need additional ACD and Admin permissions:

  • To view skills, go to Admin > Roles and Permissions > {Role} > Permission > ACD > Contact Settings. Select Skills: View.

  • To edit skills, go to Admin > Roles and Permissions > {Role} > Permission > ACD > Contact Settings. Select Skills: UserAssignment.


You can enable the following permissions:

  • Monitor: Users can discreetly listen to an agent's active voice conversation or monitor an agent's screen. You have to enable this permission for the other permissions in this feature to work.

    To monitor an agent's screen, the ScreenAgent must be installed on agent's machine and you must have Recording Advanced license. Make sure the agent has the Can be Recorded (Screen) and Can be Recorded (Voice) attributes .

  • Assist (Coach): Users can speak to an agent during their active voice conversation. The contact won't be able to hear the user.

  • Join: Users can join an agent's active voice conversation. The contact and the agent will be able to hear the user.

  • Take Over: Users can take over an agent's active voice conversation. This completely removes the agent from the call.

Monitor Screen Without Contact

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you allow users to monitor all logged-in agents' screens, even if they are not handling an ongoing contact.

The Monitor permission must be enabled for screen monitor to work. To monitor an agent's screen, the ScreenAgent must be installed on agent's machine and you must have Recording Advanced license. Make sure the agent has the Can be Recorded (Screen) attribute.


You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you allow users to record a voice contact.

You must have Recording Advanced. Agents must have the attribute Can be Recorded (Voice).

Continuous Agent Monitoring

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you allow users to continuously monitor an agent's interactions in Supervisor.

Modify Agent State

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you allow users to change the agent state.

Overall View

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you allow users to see the overall display mode on the Live Monitoring page. With this display mode, users can see all the agents in the contact center. This mode should be enabled for administrators or managerial supervisors who need to see all agents in their contact center but don't need detailed data or perform actions like a usual supervisor.

Hide Agent Activity

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you hide the agent activities from the users. By default, this permission is turned off.

Global Settings

Enables users to do the following with the Global Settings:

  • View: Users can see and navigate to the feature page from the menu and see the contents of the page. This is a foundation permission that may be included with higher-level permissions.

  • Edit: Users can edit existing entries for a feature or page.

View Interaction Details

Enables users to see interaction details by click the interaction ID. Make sure the permission below is enabled.

Roles and Permissions > Roles and Permissions > {Role} > Interactions Hub > Search Interactions > On.

Multi-ACD (Open)

Enables users to use Supervisor functionalities when integrated with non-CXone Mpower ACD.

You must have these permissions set for viewing and using the multi-ACD.

  • Monitoring > Monitor

  • Monitor screen without contact > On

Copilot for Supervisors

Alert Insights, Reason & Summary for Urgent Assist Alert, View Past Interactions

You can turn this permission On or Off. By turning this permission on, you allow users to see AI generated insights for alerts and reason & summary for generated urgent assist alert.

Conversational Panel

You can turn this permission On or Off. By turning this permission on, you allow users to see the conversational panel and use the conversational area to ask questions about our data.

Insights Workspace

You can turn this permission On or Off. By turning this permission on, you allow users to access Insights Workspace in the Menu and use the functionality.

Reason and summary for Urgent Assist Alert

You can turn this permission On or Off. By turning this permission on, you allow users to view reason and summary for the triggered Urgent Assist.