Recording Activity Report

Required permissions:Report Viewer, Recording Activity Report
Required Employee Settings: Can View BI Reports
The Recording Activity report is a great way to see which interactions are getting recorded for your organization. Its enhanced drilling and filtering capabilities let you pinpoint relevant data, gain actionable insights quickly and easily, and identify potential or existing issues with your recordings.
The data you can see in the Recording Activity report depends on the view assigned to you in your employee account.
If your interactions are not recording as you anticipated, you can troubleshoot your recordings to fix any issues.

This report is an advanced Business Intelligence (BI) report. BI reports allow you to perform actions such as drilling down to more details or grouping and exporting data.
The data for this report refreshes every hour. Date and time are displayed in UTC (GMT time zone).
To access and run this report:
Select the report you would like to run from the list.
Complete the report prompt. The available steps and options will vary for each report.
Click Run.
Note that you cannot use Re-Prompt to make changes to the parameters of this report. There is no report prompt because it includes data for all skills by default. You can filter the report data to change what displays.
For most reports, you can filter the report data using a variety of parameters. You cannot use filters to change certain parameters you selected on the report prompt. However, you can use Re-Prompt to change the parameters of the report.
To change report parameters click Re-Prompt
Edit the parameters you want to change. For example, if you want to change the time period you selected before, set Time Period to the new desired range.
When you are finished changing the report parameters, click Run.
Comply with recording KPIs
Elise manages several groups of agents. One of her KPIs is to make sure all digital interactions are recorded for her teams.

Each week, Elsie runs the Recording Activity report and apply the time period filter for the last 7 days, and select only her teams (or skills).
The Not Recorded widget gives Elise a bird's eye view of interactions that weren't recorded. If there are any digital interactions that weren't recorded, she can easily view who the agents were by clicking on the Screen for Digital section of the widget and selecting View list of interactions.
Validate that recordings adhere to contact center policy
Tyler is responsible for tracking recording percentages for the entire contact center. Every month, he needs to provide the contact center supervisor a report with the list of employees who are not recorded because the interaction didn't match a recording policy.
Find out more
Each month, Tyler runs the Recording Activity report by defining the time period for the last 30 days.
The Not Recorded by Reason widget on the Not Recorded page gives him a quick overview of the interactions that weren't recorded. He can drill down to the list of interactions by clicking on the Does Not Match Any Policy section of the chart and selecting View list of interactions.
Tyler then exports the data to an Excel spreadsheet to share with the supervisor of the contact center.
Overview Page
The Overview page displays recording data in four widgets. Each widget presents the recording data from a different perspective.
Refine the information displayed on this page by filtering by channel, date, direction, skill, and/or team.

This widget includes a bar chart that displays the breakdown of the total number of recorded and not recorded interactions.
It also includes three tabs:
All Interactions: This doughnut chart displays a breakdown of the total number of interactions, by channel (voice only, voice and screen, screen for digital, and IVR).
Recorded: This doughnut chart displays a breakdown of the total number of recorded interactions, by channel (voice only, voice and screen, screen for digital, and IVR).
Not Recorded: This doughnut chart displays a breakdown of the total number of not recorded interactions, by channel (voice only, voice and screen, screen for digital, and IVR).
The legend at the bottom displays the different colors and their corresponding channels.
You can open a specialized report from this widget which focuses on interactions for a specific channel type. Click on the section of the widget and select View list of interactions from the tooltip. Return to the Overview page by clicking Recording Activity at the top left of the page.

Each interaction channel is displayed on the graph as a separate line. The trend is displayed by month, week, or day, depending on your selection.
The legend on the right displays the different colors and their corresponding channels.

This table lists the teams and their recorded interaction percentages.
You can open a specialized report which focuses on interaction statistics for a specific team by clicking the team name.
From this page, you can:
Drill down to a list of interactions for the team by clicking the team name.
Return to the Recorded Interactions: Team page by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the page.
Drill down to a list of interactions for a single agent in the team by clicking the agent's name.
Return to the Recorded Interactions: Team page by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the page.
Return to the Overview page by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the page.

This table lists the skills and their recorded interaction percentages.
You can open a specialized report which focuses on interaction statistics for a specific skill by clicking the skill name.
From this page you can:
Drill down to a list of interactions for the skill by clicking the skill name.
Return to the Recorded Interactions: Skill page by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the page.
Drill down to a list of interactions for a single agent assigned a skill by clicking the agent's name.
Return to the Recorded Interactions: Skill page by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the page.
Return to the Overview page by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the page.
Not Recorded Page
The Not Recorded page displays data for interactions that weren't recorded in four widgets. Each widget presents the recording data from a different perspective.
You can filter by channel, date, direction, skill, and/or team to refine the information displayed on this page.
If your interactions are not recording as you anticipated, see Troubleshooting Recordings and FAQs.

This doughnut chart displays a breakdown of the total number of interactions that were not recorded, by reason.
The legend on the right displays the different colors and their corresponding reasons:
Does not match any policy: None of the recording policies were triggered by this interaction.
Not recorded due to recording %: A recording policy was triggered by this interaction, but it wasn't recorded due to the recording percent defined in the policy.
Do not record policy: A do not record policy was triggered for this interaction.
Declined consent in IVR: In the IVR, if a customer declines recording consent, Recording won't record the call.
Not applicable: Historical interactions that were not set to record.
Recording alerts: See Recording Alerts widget.
You can open a specialized report from this chart which focuses on interactions not recorded for a specific reason. Click on the section of the chart and select View list of interactions from the tooltip. Return to the Not Recorded page by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the page.

This stacked bar chart displays a breakdown of the total number of recording alerts by alert type.
The legend on the right displays the different colors and their corresponding alert type:
ScreenAgent is unreachable: ScreenAgent is not configured correctly or not running.
Screen recording error:
Call may not be fully recorded
Screen recording error
ScreenAgent machine configuration error
No connection between ScreenAgent and agent’s screens
ScreenAgent machine network configuration error
ScreenAgent did not start recording due to machine configuration
ScreenAgent failed to upload recording due to self-signed certificate configuration
ScreenAgent machine hard drive configuration error
ScreenAgent reached the maximum number of parallel calls
Screen recording reached the maximum call duration
Recording too short:
Screen recording is too short.
Audio is less than 4 seconds and may not be recorded.
No connection to media server: There was a problem with the media server, resulting in no recording being available. This error can occur for various reasons, and the error description for the recording alert provides more detailed information. For the Multi-ACD (Open) solution, this error indicates missing SIP events from the customer. This could mean that either the entire Invite is missing or only one side (Nearend or Farend) is being received.
Voice recorder could not record call: No recording. There was a problem with the voice recorder. There can be multiple reasons. The error description for the recording alert provides more detailed information.
Audio not available: incomplete audio data: Audio isn't available for this interaction (incomplete audio data). Contact CXone Mpower Support.
Audio not available: missing audio packets: Audio isn't available for this interaction (missing audio packets). Contact CXone Mpower Support.
Audio not available: missing audio packets from external source: (CR feature) Audio isn't available for this interaction (missing audio packets in the media stream). Contact CXone Mpower Support.
System error: Recording did not start or another general error. Contact CXone Mpower Support.
Masking failed: Failed to mask recording. You can play back the recording to check if there is any sensitive data. To delete the recording, click Action
and select Delete Recordings.
Recording stopped on demand: Recording stopped by the user.
You can open a specialized report from this chart which focuses on interactions not recorded due to a specific alert. Click on the section of the chart and select View list of interactions from the tooltip. Return to the Not Recorded page by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the page.

This table lists the teams and the percentage of the interactions that were not recorded.
You can open a specialized report from this chart which focuses on interactions not recorded for a specific team by clicking the team name.
From this page you can:
Drill down to a list of interactions for the team by clicking the team name.
Return to the Interactions Not Recorded by Team page by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the page.
Drill down to a list of interactions for a single reason by clicking on that section of the chart.
Return to the Interactions Not Recorded by Team page by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the page.
Drill down to a list of interactions for a single alert by clicking on that section of the chart.
Return to the Interactions Not Recorded by Team page by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the page.
Return to the Not Recorded page by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the page.

This table lists the skills and the percentage of the interactions that were not recorded.
You can open a specialized report from this chart which focuses on interactions not recorded for a specific skill by clicking the name of the skill.
From this page you can:
Drill down to a list of interactions for the skill by clicking the skill name.
Return to the Interactions Not Recorded by Skill page by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the page.
Drill down to a list of interactions for a single reason by clicking on that section of the chart.
Return to the Interactions Not Recorded by Skill page by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the page.
Drill down to a list of interactions for a single alert by clicking on that section of the chart.
Return to the Interactions Not Recorded by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the page.
Return to the Not Recorded page by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the page.