Manage ACD User Profiles

Edit an ACD User Profile

  1. Click the app selector and select ACD.
  2. Go to ACD Users.
  3. Click the user profile you want to modify.

  4. In the General tab, click Edit.
  5. Modify the editable fields as needed. Any other fields that appear on the page are labels only, though some may also be editable in the user's employee profile. If a field is editable both here and in the employee profile, then you can manage the setting in either location as preferred.

  6. Click Done.

  7. Click the Contact Settings tab.
  8. Click Edit to set the user's contact refusal timeout settings, Dialing Pattern, Agent Voice Timeout, contact handling restrictions per media typeClosed A medium, such as voice, email, and chat, through which a contact connects with an intended recipient., recording settings, notification settings, integration settings, and MAX options as needed.
  9. Assign skills to the user and set the user's proficiency for each skill. Click Save Proficiencies.

Add Skills to an ACD User Profile

From the users feature, you can add or remove multiple skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge (formerly called routing queuesClosed The system uses routing queues to determine which agents to route cases to. Your system administrator creates routing queues so that certain cases are routed to agents with expertise in that type of case. for digital channels) to or from a single user at the same time. If you want to add or remove multiple users from a single skill at the same time, you must do so through the skills feature. Agents using CXone Agent need to have the Digital Engagement attribute enabled and be assigned to a digital skill to handle digital interactions. Agents using MAX can handle digital interactions if they have either the Digital Engagement attribute or a digital skill assigned to them.

It may take up to five minutes to process changes when a user is enabled to handle digital skills for the first time. If the Digital Engagement attribute is disabled in their user profile or they are removed from all digital skills and later re-added, the five-minute delay also occurs. This means that contacts cannot be routed to the agent until the change is fully processed.

  1. Click the app selector and select ACD.

  2. Click ACD Users.

  3. Click the user profile to which you want to add skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge.

  4. Click the Skills tab.

  5. In the Add Skills table, select the checkboxes beside the skills you want to add, and then click Add Skills. To add all skills to the user quickly, click Add All.

  6. In the Assigned Skills table, adjust the user's proficiency level in the new skills by clicking the drop-down in each Proficiency field. Click Save Proficiencies.

    If you do not click Save Proficiencies before leaving the page, the skills you added to the user profile will be removed.

Change a User's ACD Skill Proficiency

When you change proficiency levels levels through the users feature, you can change many or all skills assigned to a single user at the same time. If you want to change many or all users assigned to a single skill at once instead, you must do so through the skills feature.

  1. Click the app selector and select ACD.

  2. Go to  ACD Users.
  3. Click the user profile you want to modify to open it.

  4. Click the Skills tab.

  5. In the Assigned Skills table, locate the ACD skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge you want to modify. In each corresponding row, click the drop-down in the Proficiency field and select the new level you want the user to have.

  6. Click Save Proficiencies.

Manage Multiple ACD Users at Once

You can only modify data for users you have permission to view.

You can only use the functionality described here to edit ACD-related details of existing users. If you need to create new users, do so in the Employees feature in the Admin application. See Create Employee Accounts to create a single account or Bulk Upload Records to create multiple accounts.

  1. Click the app selector and select ACD.
  2. Go to ACD Users.
  3. Click Manage Multiple Users.
  4. If your organization uses CXone Attendant, you can choose the Users to include and the Fields to include in the template.

  5. If your organization uses CXone Attendant, you can select CXone Attendant fields only from the Fields to include drop-down to limit the fields in the template to only those related to CXone Attendant.
  6. If you want to download active users only, instead of all the users in your environment, select Active users only for Users to Include.

  7. Click Download Existing Users. Open the file in a program that can manage .csv files, like Excel or Notepad.
  8. Enter information about each user in the rows below the header and explanation rows. Don't modify the column names, order, or data format.

  9. Save the file.

  10. In the Select File field on the Manage Multiple Users page, click Choose File.

  11. Browse for the file you created. Select it and click Open.

  12. Select the File Type corresponding to the file you chose.

  13. If you used the Row Changed column, set Rows to Include to Changed Rows Only. If you didn't use the Row Changed column, set Rows to Include to All Rows.

  14. Click Upload File.

  15. Check your email for an upload report. If the report says there were errors in the file you uploaded, then click Back in CXone and re-upload the file. If the email says no errors occurred, click Close.

Edit Custom Properties

You must have the correct permission to edit custom fields. You can use up to five custom properties in user profiles in your environment for whatever purposes you want. To more easily keep track of how you are using the custom fields, change their labels. For example, you can change the name of the Custom 1 field to Marital Status to remind yourself and other users that you want to use that custom field to record the marital status of users in your environment. These custom properties appear in data download reports.

  1. Click the app selector and select ACD.

  2. Go to ACD ConfigurationBusiness Units.
  3. Click the Custom Fields tab.

  4. Click Edit.
  5. Type the names of the custom fields you want to appear in ACD user profiles in place of the defaults.

  6. Click Done.
  7. If you need to update existing ACD users with information that belongs in the custom fields, edit the ACD users individually or in bulk.

    The bulk upload table does not display the updated names for custom fields. It always displays the default field names.

Deactivate ACD Skills for a User

You can deactivate an ACD skill without removing it from the user. This prevents CXone from routing contacts to the agent through the skill while keeping it assigned to the user. Deactivating the skill is a quick way to manage an individual agent without making bigger changes to your routing configuration. This may be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as temporarily prioritizing certain skills or perhaps for training purposes.

You can deactivate an ACD skill in the Skills tab of a user profile. The Active column of assigned skills lets you quickly deactivate and reactivate individual assigned skills:

  1. Click the app selector and select ACD.

  2. Click ACD Users.

  3. Find and select your desired user.

  4. Click the Skills tab.

  5. Disable the checkbox in the Active column for your desired skill.

  6. Click Save proficiencies.

You can later reactivate the skill by enabling the same checkbox.