JSON-schema's voor Digitaal-chatkanalen
Gebruik de volgende schema's bij het verzenden van berichten via Digital Experience Live chat Een chatgesprek waarin agents en klanten in realtime communiceren.- of Chatberichten
Een asynchrone chatfunctie, waarmee klanten op elk gewenst moment een chatbericht kunnen sturen en dan op een antwoord wachten.-kanalen. Alle ID's die worden gebruikt voor elementen in deze schema's, moeten uniek zijn. Een uitzondering is als u verwijst naar een eerder gedefinieerd element om te zorgen dat een gebeurtenis wordt toegepast op dat specifieke element, bijvoorbeeld bij een postback.
De volgende planningen zijn beschikbaar op de help-site:
- Carrousel
- Afbeelding
- Markdown
- Meerdere berichten in één respons
- Prompts
- Snelle antwoorden
- Tekst
De planningen zijn hieronder opgenomen. U kunt ook een ZIP-bestand downloaden dat naast elk schema ook JSON-tekstbestanden bevat.
Gebruik de Digital Experience Mirror Tool om de JSON te valideren die u wilt gebruiken met Live chat-kanalen.
"prompts": [{
"mediaSpecificObject": {
"dfoMessage": {
"messageContent": {
"type": "PLUGIN",
"payload": {
"elements": [
"id": "Ek4tPy1h4",
"type": "MENU",
"elements": [
"id": "Uk4tPy1h2",
"type": "FILE",
"url": "https://picsum.photos/300/150",
"filename": "photo.jpg",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg"
"id": "Ck4tPy1h3",
"type": "TITLE",
"text": "Hello!"
"id": "Ek4tPy1h1",
"type": "TEXT",
"text": "Lorem Impsum..."
"id": "Nkm0hRAiE",
"type": "BUTTON",
"text": "Click me!",
"postback": "click-on-button-1"
"id": "EyCyTRCi4",
"type": "BUTTON",
"text": "Aww don`t click on me",
"postback": "click-on-button-2"
"id": "Ek4tPy1h52",
"type": "MENU",
"elements": [
"id": "Uk4tPy1h22",
"type": "FILE",
"url": "https://picsum.photos/300/150",
"filename": "photo.jpg",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg"
"id": "Ck4tPy1h32",
"type": "TITLE",
"text": "Hello!"
"id": "Ek4tPy1h12",
"type": "TEXT",
"text": "Lorem Impsum..."
"id": "Nkm0hRAiE2",
"type": "BUTTON",
"text": "Click me!",
"postback": "click-on-button-1"
"id": "NkGJ6CAiN2",
"type": "BUTTON",
"text": "Aww don`t click on me",
"postback": "click-on-button-2"
"prompts": [{
"mediaSpecificObject": {
"dfoMessage": {
"messageContent": {
"type": "PLUGIN",
"payload": {
"elements": [{
"id": "bf2521f4-5e85-413f-b6ed-815d1c3905f0",
"type": "FILE",
"filename": "photo.jpg",
"url": "https://picsum.photos/300/150",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg"
"prompts": [{
"mediaSpecificObject": {
"dfoMessage": {
"messageContent": {
"type": "PLUGIN",
"payload": {
"elements": [
"id": "Ukm0hRAiA",
"type": "TEXT",
"mimeType": "text/markdown",
"text": "**bold text**, *italicized text*, [URL](https://www.NICE.com), ~~Strikethrough~~
1. Ordered List 1
2. Ordered List 2
3. Ordered List 3
- Bullet list 1
- Bullet list 2"
Meerdere berichten in één respons
"prompts": [
"transcript": "This is message one.",
"base64EncodedG711ulawWithWavHeader": "",
"audioFilePath": null,
"textToSpeech": null,
"mediaSpecificObject": null
"transcript": "This is message two.",
"base64EncodedG711ulawWithWavHeader": "",
"audioFilePath": null,
"textToSpeech": null,
"mediaSpecificObject": null
"transcript": "This is message three.",
"base64EncodedG711ulawWithWavHeader": "",
"audioFilePath": null,
"textToSpeech": null,
"mediaSpecificObject": null
"transcript":"Welcome! Choose Sales or Support and an agent will be with you shortly."
"text":"Please select an option"
Snel antwoord
"prompts": [{
"mediaSpecificObject": {
"dfoMessage": {
"messageContent": {
"type": "QUICK_REPLIES",
"fallbackText": "Text sent if rich message is not available on external platform",
"payload": {
"text": {
"content": "Prompt text"
"actions": [
"type": "REPLY_BUTTON",
"text": "Button1Text",
"postback": "/Button1"
"type": "REPLY_BUTTON",
"text": "Button2Text",
"postback": "/Button1"
"prompts": [{
"mediaSpecificObject": {
"dfoMessage": {
"messageContent": {
"type": "TEXT",
"payload": {
"text": "Test Outbound Message"
"prompts": [{
"mediaSpecificObject": {
"dfoMessage": {
"messageContent": {
"type": "PLUGIN",
"payload": {
"elements": [
"id": "richLink_7329c009-4a36-493c-8435-80874a15175e",
"type": "MENU",
"elements": [
// "id": "bf2521f4-5e85-413f-b6ed-815d1c3905f0",
// "type": "FILE",
// "filename": "photo.jpg",
// "url": "https://picsum.photos/300/150",
// "mimeType": "image/jpeg"
"id": "7329c009-4a36-493c-8435-80874a1517524",
"type": "BUTTON",
"text": "RichLink Title",
"url": "https://www.nice.com/"