Agent Snapshot Report

Report source: Tubes

Report refresh rate: 6 hours

The Agent Snapshot report displays key metrics concerning the agent’s performance.

Bar Charts

Bar charts provide visual comparisons between the agent and the team average in several key performance metrics that allow the agent to determine how they are performing in relation to the team as a whole.


Metrics display a snapshot of the agent’s performance in a number of key areas, allowing for a quick assessment of the agent.



Inbound Handled Total count of inbound contacts handled by the agent.

Inbound AHT

Average handle time of all inbound contacts handled by the agent.

Outbound Handled Total count of outbound contacts handled by the agent.
Outbound ATT Average talk time of all outbound contacts handled by the agent.
Available Time Total time that the agent spent in the available stateClosed.
Unavailable Time Total time that the agent spent in the unavailable state.
Refused Total count of contacts refused by the agent.
Login Time Total time that the agent spent logged in to the platform.
Occupancy Percentage of time agents spend handling contacts, also known as agent utilization.


Timecard shows when the agent has been logged in to the platform. This allows for easy validation against the agent’s scheduled working time.



Session ID Unique ID given to the agent’s login session within the platform.

Login Date

Date and time that the login session started.

Logout Date Date and time that the login session ended.
Duration Total length of time that the agent was logged in.