Integrate IBM Watson

This page describes the integration process for text-based IBM virtual agents. To use voice-based IBM Watson Assistant virtual agents with CXone Mpower, contact your Account Representative. Setup happens outside of Virtual Agent Hub and the custom scripting requires additional assistance.

Before completing the tasks on this page, be sure that the prerequisites for the integration have been met.

Create a Script

Required permissions: Studio Script View, Create/Edit

You need at least one Studio script to route interactions to your virtual agent. Follow the script guidelines and requirements. The supported virtual agent action for this provider is Textbot Exchange and your script must have the digital media typeClosed.

If you're using a SIPClosed backchannel connection with your virtual agent, contact your Account Representative for help with the integration.

You can learn more about Studio scripting in the Fundamentals and Technical Reference Guide sections of the online help.

When your virtual agent is ready to go into production, assign the script to one or more points of contact.

Add an App to Virtual Agent Hub

Required permissions: Automation & AI > Launch Automation & AI

Adding a configuration app to Virtual Agent Hub establishes the connection between CXone Mpower and your virtual agent provider.

  1. In CXone Mpower, click the app selector and select Other > Automation & AI and then click Virtual Agent Hub. You can also double-click the virtual agent action in your Studio script to launch Virtual Agent Hub.
  2. Click Add Bot.
  3. Enter a Virtual Agent (Bot) Name and click IBM Watson Bot in the list of virtual agent providers.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Complete the fields in the configuration form and click Next. You can find details about this form in the Configuration Page Details section on this page.

  6. Click Next.

  7. If you're setting up a text virtual agent, select Text Only (No Voice Support) on the Voice page. If you're setting up a voice virtual agent, contact your Account Representative.

  8. Click Next.

  9. On the Transcript page, select the option for whether you want the conversation transcript and intent information captured. This option is only available for text virtual agents. It's not supported for voice integrations that use a SIPClosed backchannel connection.

  10. Click Next.

  11. On the Test + Add page, you can test your bot's connection by sending voice or text prompts. If your test messages don't work, click Back to return to the Configuration page and verify the settings. You may also need to verify configurations in your virtual agent provider's management console.

  12. Click Add.

IBM Watson Configuration Page Details

Use the information in the following table when completing the Configuration page. You see this page when adding an app in Virtual Agent Hub



Integration Version

Select the version of Virtual Agent Hub that you want to use. This option allows you to use a previous version of Virtual Agent Hub until you're ready to switch to a newly-released version. The available versions are: 

  • Version 1.0.0This version is not available for this provider.
  • Version 2.0.0This version is not available for this provider.
  • Version 3.0.0: This version introduced StandardBot, which standardizes how CXone Mpower communicates with virtual agent providers. The customPayload object returns as an array, as customPayloadscriptPayloads[n].xxxx. This version is available for all providers.
Watson Experience Select the version of the Watson experience you are using for this virtual agent. The default is Classic. This should match the configuration in the IBM configuration console for this virtual agent. In the IBM console, the Classic experienced is also called Dialog and the New experience is also called Actions.
Assistant ID

Enter the IBM Watson Assistant ID for your IBM Watson Assistant virtual agent. If you're using the new Watson experience, enter the Environment ID in this field.

You can find this information under Assistant IDs in the Assistant settings menu in the IBM Watson configuration console.

This is a required field.


Enter the API key used to authenticate with your Watson Assistant virtual agent.

You can find this information in the IBM Watson configuration console.

Edit Version Click the slider to On if you're using an older version of the API. Enter the Version of the API you're using.

Enter the API endpoint URL for your IBM Watson virtual agent. The URL must contain the region and instance details.

You can find this information in the IBM Watson configuration console.

This is a required field.

Timeout Intent Enter the ID of the timeout intentClosed you want this virtual agent to use.

Assign the IBM Watson App to an Action

Required permissions: Studio Script View, Create/Edit

When the virtual agentClosed app is set up and configured in Virtual Agent Hub, you need to assign it to the virtual agent action in your script. This connects the action and the script to your virtual agent provider.

  1. In Studio, open the script you want to modify.
  2. If you haven't done so already, click the Tools tab, expand the Automation and AI category, and add the virtual agent action you want to use. Be sure to put it in the correct location in your script. If you don't see the action you expect, verify that your script media type is correct. For example, if you're creating a script for a voice virtual agent, the script must be a phone script.

  3. Double-click the action to open Virtual Agent Hub.

  4. In the left column, locate the virtual agent that you want to assign to the action and click the checkmark An icon of a circle with a checkmark inside. next to it.
  5. Click Close.

Test Your Virtual Agent

Required permissions: Automation & AI > Launch Automation & AI Studio Script View, Create/Edit

You can test many aspects of your virtual agent to make sure everything works as intended. You can run tests from the virtual agent app's properties page in Virtual Agent Hub. When testing, you can: 

  • Verify that the virtual agent app is correctly configured to communicate with the virtual agent provider.
  • Add custom payload JSON to test the virtual agent's handling of custom payload data.
  • Trigger a welcome intent event to test how the virtual agent begins a conversation.
  • Trigger a custom intent event to test any custom events you've created for your virtual agent.
  • Trigger a timeout event to test how the virtual agent responds when the contact times out.
  • Test how the virtual agent handles DTMFClosed input.

The following image is an example of the properties page for a virtual agent app in Virtual Agent Hub. It shows the Configuration and Voice tabs and the Test pane.

  1. In CXone Mpower, click the app selector and select Other > Automation & AI and then click Virtual Agent Hub. You can also double-click the virtual agent action in your Studio script to launch Virtual Agent Hub.
  2. Click to select the configuration app for the virtual agent you want to test from the list on the left.
  3. In the Test pane, enter a test message in the Type a message field and press Enter to send it. You can also click Microphone An icon shaped like a microphone. and speak into your computer's microphone.

  4. Click Start with welcome intent to start a test conversation from the beginning. The virtual agent responds with its default welcome message. You can enter test messages.
  5. Click More Options An icon with three dots stacked vertically. to test other aspects of your virtual agent.

  6. Click Reset to start your test again.
  7. If you need to make changes based on the results of your testing, you can: 

    • Modify the Studio scripts for the virtual agent.
    • Modify the configuration settings in the virtual agent's app in Virtual Agent Hub.
    • Modify the virtual agent's configuration settings in the provider's console. Click the large square button on the app properties page in Virtual Agent Hub. The example at the beginning of this section shows the Google Dialogflow CX app with the provider button. It has the An icon that has a square with an arrow overlaid on top of it. The arrow points from the center of the square to the top right corner of the square. icon on it to indicate that the link opens an external site.
  8. Test the virtual agent thoroughly after each change to your scripts or any configuration settings.
  9. When you're finished testing, click Close.