
This help page is for Studio. This information is also available for Desktop Studio.

Retrieves a value previously stored using the Putvalue action.

Supported Script Types

A square with a line branching from it that goes to three other squares.


Email Chat Phone Voicemail Work Item SMS Digital

Related Actions

This action is one of several actions that store and retrieve data from a database table in order to make the data accessible to other scripts; it behaves like a list of fields or values. Use them for storing multiple values, or values needed further along in other scripts. The complete list of actions, including this action, is: Putvalue, Getvalue, Remvalue, Getlist, and Clearlist.

These actions use a unique data type that can only be accessed using this set of Studio actions. The data are not accessible any other way. Users cannot get to this database and use it, regardless of their permissions.

The values are listed in a database table for a limited amount of time, as configured in the TTL hrs property of the Putvalue action. The default is 24 hours, but it an range from one hour to 168 hours (seven days). You can use the Remvalue action to delete data before the TTL time. This gives you complete control over the data within your scripts.


  • If several variables need to be accessed by other scripts or contacts, a database is generally the best solution.
  • Non-persistent public variables can be shared by other scripts or contacts throughout the life of the script that sets those variables. The variables are automatically cleaned up once they are released.

Input Properties

These properties define data that the action uses when executing.



Add Caption

Enter a short phrase that uniquely identifies this action in the script. The caption appears on the script canvas under the action icon.


Select the level that the values this action handles are visible to other contacts. Only contacts that share the same scope will be able to access the same data. Options are: 

The Scope you select must match the Scope set in all other list actions that you include in your script. The list actions are Putvalue, Getvalue, Remvalue, Getlist, and Clearlist. Even when the Name of the list is the same, they will not be recognized if the Scope settings do not match.

Name Used to identify the value. This can be any name or number. Names are not case sensitive. When the value is retrieved using Getvalue, Name must be the same. If the Name property does not match, they will not recognize each other, even if the Scope setting is the same.
Variable The name of the variable that you want to hold the retrieved value.
Default Value The value you would provide to any record without a matching mapping. Cannot exceed 200 characters.
Remove True (the default) causes the value to be removed from the Scope property after it is retrieved. False allows repetitive access to the same value.

Result Branch Conditions

Result branch conditions allow you to create branches in your script to handle different outcomes when an action executes.




Path taken unless the script meets a condition that requires it to take one of the other branches. It is also taken if the action's other branches are not defined.


Path taken if there are no values for the specified properties.

Tips & Tricks

  • A list temporarily stores more than one item based on a given name. To retrieve all items from the list, use repetitive calls to Getvalue or a single call to Getlist.
  • When using Getvalue to retrieve multiple values, set the Remove property to True. Once the last value has been retrieved, subsequent calls will trigger the No Data branch condition.
  • An example of using the Getvalue and Putvalue actions is a conferencing script. To create such a script, the initiating conference party must save its conference ID using Putvalue. Callers that follow can join the conference after they retrieve the conference ID using Getvalue.