Agents by Team Report

Report source: DW (Data Warehouse)

Report refresh rate: 5 minutes

The Agents by Team report displays a complete list of teams and the agents assigned to those teams.

This report allows you to see how your agents are allocated to your teams. By having this high-level overview of your organization, you'll be able to better determine if you need to make changes to the structure.

Data in this Report

The Agents by Team report has multiple columns that present data attributes and metrics. The table below provides a description for each column.

Column Description
Team Name (ID) The team name and ID number. This is a unique value identifying the team.
Agent Name (ID) The contact center agent's name and ID. This is a unique value identifying the agent.
Last Login The last time the agent logged in to the agent application.
Skill Count The number of ACD skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge assigned to the agent.