CXone Dashboard

This page provides details about the new CXone Dashboard. The previous Dashboard application, also known as the User Hub Dashboard, is approaching its end-of-life phase. If you are currently using the previous Dashboard (for example, in a FedRAMP environment), you can access our online guide by clicking here. We recommend switching to the new CXone Dashboard to take advantage of its enhanced features.

The CXone Dashboard application provides an overview of data from different applications in CXone through widgets. CXone Dashboard displays a range of metrics and KPIsClosed An established metric used to measure agent performance that help identify areas where you can refine your processes and improve services.

In CXone Dashboard, the Dashboards page and the Manage Dashboards page provide access to different features.

On the Dashboards page, you can:

  • Create a new dashboard or duplicate an existing dashboard, edit the details on your dashboard, and select the dashboard's time zone.

  • Add widgets to your dashboard, adjust their settings, position and resize them.

  • Export and share dashboards.

On the Manage Dashboards page, you can:

  • View all the dashboards you have access to in the system.

  • Mark favorite dashboards to quickly access these dashboards through Favorites.

  • Click Options next to the dashboard name to duplicate, edit dashboard details, share or delete dashboards you own.

  • Take ownership of abandoned dashboards, if you have the required permissions.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) views, which allows customers to determine access to data by evaluating permissions across multiple employee roles, is currently not integrated with the Dashboard. This feature will be made available in future releases.

You can take a short eLearning that gives an overview of the CXone Dashboard. This course also includes use cases for widgets and dashboards and how to create, edit, manage, share, project, and export dashboards.

Create a Dashboard

You can create your dashboards from the Dashboards page (Options ) or the Manage Dashboards page.

To create a dashboard:

  1. Click the app selector and select Dashboard .
  2. On the Manage Dashboard page, click New Dashboard.

  3. Add a Dashboard Name. You can add a Description for the dashboard if you want.

  4. Click Create.

  5. On the blank Dashboard page, click Add Widget to choose the widgets you want to include in your dashboard. The widgets are divided by type and functionality. You can see widget tabs for the applications that you have access to. You can:

    • Click on a widget tab, and then drag and drop the widget to place it on your dashboard or you can double-click the widget to add it to your dashboard.

    • Click on Options and then Settings to change the display name of the widget or double-click on the widget name to edit it.

    As the dashboard owner, you can resize and move the widgets to optimize your view of the dashboard. Some widgets may also have data settings that you can configure.

Duplicate a Dashboard

Instead of creating a new dashboard, you can duplicate an existing one by clicking on Options . Search for a dashboard similar to what you are looking for, duplicate it, and save it with a different name.

Project a Dashboard

Dashboards that you have access to can be projected onto another monitor. The projected dashboards can be swiped manually or you can set a time duration to switch them automatically.

To project a dashboard:

  1. Click the app selector and select Dashboard .
  2. Click Project Dashboard from the top navigation bar. The dashboard opens in a separate window.
  3. Select the dashboards you want to project from Favorites or All. Your selected dashboards are saved as the default set to be displayed in future.

  4. For switching the dashboards automatically, select the Swipe between dashboards checkbox and set the display time for each dashboard.

  5. Click Project to start projecting the dashboard.

  6. You can use Pause or Play and the arrows in the navigation bar to manage the projected dashboards.

  7. Click Settings to edit the selected dashboards projected or change the time settings. You can close the browser window to stop projecting the dashboard.

    When you project a dashboard for the first time, the Project Dashboard settings will display, allowing you to choose the specific dashboard you want to display. However, if you've used the Project Dashboard feature before, selecting it again will show the most recently projected dashboard. If you want to change the currently projected dashboard, you can do so by clicking on Settings.

Share Dashboards

You can share a dashboard that you own with specific teams or users or make it public for all users within the organization. If you want other users to edit your dashboard, you can share it and assign ownership to them.

For example, a manager creates a dashboard with widgets that measure agent performance. The manager then shares it with specific supervisors in the group who will benefit from the dashboard when reviewing their team's performance.

To share a dashboard:

  1. Click the app selector and select Dashboard .

  2. On the Dashboards page, select the dashboard you want to share.

  3. Click Share.

  4. Click the Share Dashboard toggle to define who you want to share the dashboard with:

    • All Employees: The dashboard will be shared with everyone.
    • Custom: You can share the dashboard with specific teams or employees.

      For Custom sharing, select the Teams and Employees from the list.

      Switch between the two tabs to add both employees and teams.

      Select as many employees and teams as you want. You can also search for specific employees or teams.

  5. Click the drop-down next to the employee's name to define the sharing permissions for the employees you add. You can select one of the following:

    • View only: This is the default enabled permission. Users can only view the dashboard.
    • Owner: You can use this option to share the ownership of a dashboard with another user. With this permission, users can edit the dashboard. They can add or remove widgets, update sharing properties, and delete the dashboard.

      Only individual users can be given the Owner permissions, not an entire team.

  6. Click Save.

Export Dashboards

You can export data for a specific widget or for all widgets in a dashboard. On the Dashboard page, select the dashboard you want to export and click Export. The exported XLSX file includes one sheet per widget.

Keep in mind:

  • Not all widgets can be exported.

  • When you export a dashboard, only the data from widgets that support export is included.

  • The exported file includes all the data based on the filters applied to the widgets.

  • Large amounts of data that cannot be displayed on the widget can be exported to a file.

  • The exported dashboard includes only the last saved version. Save changes before exporting to ensure they are included.

Data for all the CXone QM, Metrics and Interaction Analytics widgets can be exported. In the ACD widgets, you can export the data only for the Agent State Summary widget.

Take Ownership of Abandoned Dashboards

You can take ownership of public and custom dashboards created by inactive or former employees, as long as they have been shared with you. These dashboards are abandoned and are displayed on the Manage Dashboards page.

Click Options next to the dashboard name and then select Take Ownership. Only one user can take ownership of an abandoned dashboard.

The Take Ownership option on a dashboard is only displayed when:

  • You've been given access to the dashboard previously as a viewer.

  • Your role includes the 'Take Ownership' permission.

  • All original owners of the dashboard are currently inactive.

Setting the Time Zone

The data on the dashboard is displayed according to the time zone you select in the Time Zone menu in CXone Dashboard.

It gives you the flexibility to view your dashboard data in the time zone that best suits your needs.

Keep in mind:

  • The Time Zone menu includes a range of time zones for you to choose from for the dashboard.

  • The default time zone for your CXone tenant will always be included as an option in this menu.

  • The default option corresponds to your CXone user's default time zone. If your CXone user's default time zone isn't listed in the dashboard's Time Zone menu, it will use your tenant's default time zone. The Time Zone menu displays the default time zone name at the top of the list and signifies it as your default option, for example, Mountain Standard Time (Default).

  • You can add additional time zones (after approval). To request this, you can submit a support ticket. Any new time zone added will not contain the data that was collected before its addition.

To set your time zone:

  1. Open the dashboard for which you want to set the time zone on the Dashboard page.

  2. Click on Options and then Time Zone. There are multiple time zones you can select from, including your default CXone time zone.

    The list of supported time zones may vary depending on the time of the dashboard application setup within the tenant. These time zones are automatically configured.

  3. Select your preferred time zone, after it is selected it is set.

Dashboard Examples

This section includes dashboard examples that will give you ideas about creating different types of dashboards. It will also show you the widgets you can use in these dashboards.

DashboardAdmin User and Access Key

The CXone Dashboard application creates a system user called DashboardAdmin, and a system role called Dashboard Administration for each tenant. The DashboardAdmin user automatically receives this role along with an access key and secret. This system user and role are used to enable the logged-in user to use the dashboard and display ACD data in the dashboards' widgets. The role is given only with the minimum set of required permissions.

The automatic process that created this role assigned it two permissions that are no longer needed, the Access Key and My Access Key. If the role created in your tenant has these permissions, you can safely remove them manually.

It is important to note that no changes should be made to this ACD API user and role. Any changes could disrupt the functioning of the CXone Dashboard.