Handle Emails in MAX

Use the email workspace in MAX to handle inbound and outbound emails. In addition to common email tasks like replying, forwarding, attaching files, and so on, you can also perform some tasks that are unique to email handling in CXone Mpower when an inbound email queues up. You can:

  • Transfer — allows you to transfer the email contact to another agent.
  • Park — allows you save the email contact to your inbox and respond to it at a later time. This feature must be enabled in your email skill by your administrator, so it may not be available.
  • Requeue — moves the email back into the queue for the assigned ACD skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge.
  • Launch — contains the New Commitment button and custom links configured by your administrator, if any.
  • End — permanently deletes the contact from the system. You must confirm the decision to end an email.
  • Quick Replies (indicated by >>) — allows you to use the quick reply pane where you can select a pre-written quick response to inject into the email message. If MAX auto-populated information in the quick reply, verify that it is correct before sending.

For security and safety reasons, MAX does not execute JavaScript code embedded in emails. In some cases, email-based JavaScript is used for malicious purposes. As a result, emails that include a <SCRIPT> tag are delivered to agents, but the accompanying JavaScript code is disabled.

Email Workspace

The email workspace sorts your email messages into three folders:

  • Outbound — Email messages you have sent.
  • Working — Email messages you are currently handling.
  • Parked — Email messages you have set aside to handle later, or that have been auto-parked. You won't be able to place email messages in the Parked folder if your administrator hasn't enabled you for this feature.

You can sort your inbox by selecting a sorting method from the drop-down and search your inbox by typing keywords or phrases in the Search box. Writing and sending emails is similar to any email application. You can CC or BCC others and also attach files if needed.

If your organization uses the default CXone Mpower server to send emails, you can only send emails with a total size of 10MB (therefore, attachments over 7MB in size are likely not supported). If your organization uses a custom server, the total and attachment size limits may be different.

Work on Parked Emails

This task applies both to emails that you parked for later handling and emails that were auto-parked to your inbox.

  1. In the email workspace, click Parked, then click a parked email.
  2. Unpark the email:
    • To move the email to your queue, click Unpark Email (Move to your queue). CXone Mpower places it in your queue so you can work on it whenever it becomes the highest priority item in your queue and is delivered to you.
    • To work on the email immediately, click Unpark Email (Work now). CXone Mpower moves the message to your Working folder and will not assign new contacts to you until you either complete work on the email or park it again.
  3. Continue working as you normally would.

Transfer an Email

  1. In the email workspace, click Transfer.
  2. Type the name of the agent, team, or ACD skill you want to transfer the email to, or use the address book to drill down to a specific entry.
  3. Hover over the address book entry and click Cold Transfer.
  4. If you've written any draft content, a pop-up appears asking if you want it to be included in the transfer.
    • If you want to include the draft content and transfer the email, click Save Draft.
    • If you want to exclude the draft content but still transfer the email, click Delete Draft.
    • If you want to cancel the transfer and return to the email workspace, click X.
  5. If you chose to continue with the transfer, the email is immediately transferred to that location and is removed from your interface.