Use Cases for Workflow Automation

This page provides use cases (examples) of how workflow automation can be set up for different situations. In each example, contact center administrator Mowgli Kipling has a specific goal, and chooses triggers, conditions, and jobs to meet that goal.

These examples can be used as a starting point, but you may need to change or customize something based on your situation.

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Close a Case

Contact center administrator Mowgli Kipling wants to automatically change the status of a case to Closed if it meets certain criteria. The criteria he decides on is a case that has been resolved with no additional messages from the contact after one day (24 hours).

To accomplish this automated process, Mowgli creates a contact status changed trigger. In the Delayed execution field, he enters 86400 , the number of seconds in a day, to let the contact stay open for one day after it's been resolved. After he saves the trigger he applies the following conditions:

  • Contact status: Allows him to specify the current status of cases that should be changed. In this case, he specifies Resolved. Mowgli creates one Contact status condition under Conditions, then he creates a second one under Delayed conditions with the same configurations.
  • Contact status update time: Allows him to specify how long the case should be Resolved without additional messages from the contact. He adds this under Delayed conditions. He selects Is older, then enters 1, so that the status of the contact can remain resolved for one day, or 24 hours, before it's closed. The time set here in this condition cannot exceed the time set in the Delayed execution field for the trigger.

Then, he creates the change case status job and adds it to the trigger. Under Parameters, he specifies that the job should change the cases to closed.

Once this trigger is activated, any case that has been Resolved with no additional messages from the contact in the past 24 hours is changed to Closed.

Contact center administrator Mowgli Kipling wants to create a time limit for ACWClosed State that allows an agent to complete work requirements after finishing an interaction (After contact work). To do this he wants to automatically unassign cases from the digital inbox when they have been marked Closed for a certain length of time.

To accomplish this automated process, Mowgli creates a case status changed trigger. In the Delayed execution field, he enters 300 to create a five-minute time limit for ACW. After he saves the trigger he applies the following conditions:

Then, he creates the unassign case from inbox job and adds it to the trigger.

Once this trigger is activated, cases are unassigned from an agent's digital inbox after they have been marked Closed for five minutes. This means agents must complete any ACW within that time period.

Mark Contact As Abandoned

Contacts often decide to close or cancel an interaction while they're still waiting in the queue before they've been assigned to an agent. This can happen if they become impatient or can no longer wait for some other reason. Contact center administrator Akela Wolfe wants these interactions to automatically be marked as abandoned when this happens.

To accomplish this automated process, Akela creates a Before case closed trigger with the following conditions:

  • Included channels condition: Allows her to specify which channels this trigger should apply to.
  • Current contact assignment: Allows her to specify the case assignment status this trigger should apply to. Akela selects The case is waiting in the queue to only target contacts that haven't been assigned to an agent yet.

    Then, she creates the Mark contact as abandoned job and selects Abandon as the Abandon type under Parameters. She adds the job to the trigger.

    Then, she creates the Mark contact as abandoned job and selects Abandon as the Abandon type under Parameters. She adds the job to the trigger.

With this configuration, contacts who close or cancel an interaction while they're still waiting in the queue are marked as abandoned.

Mask Sensitive Data

CXone Mpower supports masking for standard credit card format. Credit card issuers may change their range or formatting. Our pattern recognition only supports changes made through March 2024.

Contact center administrator Mowgli Kipling wants to make sure agents cannot see a contact's credit card number in a message.

To accomplish this automated process, Mowgli creates a message created trigger with the following conditions:

  • Message direction: Allows him to specify the trigger to only fire for inbound (from the contact) messages.
  • Included channels condition: Allows him to specify the channels where message content should be masked. Mowgli includes all of his live chat channels, since those are the ones his agents might collect credit card information from through forms.

Then, he creates the mask credit card number in message content job and adds it to the trigger.

With this configuration, any credit card information in an inbound message through a live chat channel will be masked.

Reassign Contact to a Different Queue

Contact center administrator Akela Wolfe wants to reassign contacts to a different queue with a higher priority if they have been waiting for an agent too long.

To accomplish this automated process, Akela creates a case created trigger with delayed execution of 10 minutes and the following delayed conditions:

  • Case waiting time: Allows her to specify how long a contact should wait before the trigger fires. Akela sets this to 10 minutes.
  • Case status: Allows her to specify the status of cases this trigger should apply to. Akela selects New and Open to only target contacts that haven't had any interaction with an agent yet.

Then, she creates the reroute case to a different queue job. She also creates a change case priority in the queue job to give the case a higher priority so it is handled quickly. She adds both jobs to the trigger.

Then, she creates the reroute case to a different queue job. She also creates a change case priority in the queue job to give the case a higher priority so it is handled quickly. She adds both jobs to the trigger.

With this configuration, a new contact that has been waiting in the queue for 10 minutes will automatically be routed to a new queue at a higher priority. This ensures the contact gets connected to an agent as quickly as possible to reduce any further wait time.

Prompt Contact Before Closing an Inactive Chat Session

Contact center administrator Mowgli Kipling wants to display a pop-up message whenever a contact is inactive for more than 10 minutes. The pop-up message prompts the contact that if they don’t respond to the agent's message within 2 minutes, the session will close and be marked as expired. This allows the contact to continue the chat session or for the session to close automatically.

To accomplish this automated process, Mowgli creates a Message created trigger. When defining the trigger, he must set Delayed execution to 600 seconds (equal to 10 minutes). He then adds the following conditions in the Delayed Conditions area of the page:

  • Last message sent: Allows him to select the type of message (outbound, inbound, or both) and the time elapsed since the last message was sent. He sets this to Inbound messages only, and he sets the elapsed time to 10 minutes.
  • Included channels condition: Allows him to select the live chat channels to use.

Then, he creates the Inactivity popup job and adds it to the trigger. He specifies the message and buttons that appear in the pop-up. He sets the Countdown for the pop-up to be displayed as 120 seconds. He sets the Abandon type as Expired to indicate that the contact was routed to an agent, but that the customer stopped responding after a time.

With this configuration, a contact who does not respond to an agent's message for over 10 minutes is prompted to continue the chat session within 2 minutes, or the chat session is closed as expired.

Remove Message Data

Contact center administrator Mowgli Kipling wants to remove message content after a certain number of days in order to be compliant with data protection policies, such as GDPR.

To accomplish this automated process, Mowgli creates a scheduler with the following conditions:

  • Message created time: Allows him to specify if he wants to target messages that are newer or older than a specified time. Mowgli sets the condition to target contacts older than 90 days.
  • Message direction: Allows him to specify if inbound or outbound messages should be deleted. Mowgli chooses inbound for this scenario.
  • Exclude message tags: Allows him to exclude messages that have specific tags. He chooses to exclude messages that have been deleted.

Then, he creates the following jobs and assigns them to the scheduler:

With this configuration, all messages that are older than 90 days and have not been deleted already will have their data deleted from CXone Mpower. They will also have the deleted tag added to them. Since Mowgli used a scheduler, the job will continuously run, rather than only being executed once.

Remove User Data

Contact center administrator Akela Wolfe wants to remove contact data after a certain number of days in order to be compliant with data protection policies, such as GDPR.

To accomplish this automated process, Akela creates a scheduler. She sets the Interval to execute daily at midnight and applies the following condition:

  • End user last modified time—allows her to specify if she wants to target contacts that are newer or older than a specified time. Akela sets the condition to target contacts older than 90 days.

Then, she creates a delete end user's name in all identities job and assigns it to the scheduler.

With this configuration, all contacts that are older than 90 days will have their data deleted from CXone Mpower. This job will run every day at midnight because Akela used a scheduler.

Send Notification Email

Contact center administrator Mowgli Kipling wants to receive an email if there is a contact that has been waiting for an agent too long. This will help him understand which queues are receiving higher volumes than what the agents can handle.

To accomplish this automated process, Mowgli creates a case created trigger with delayed execution of 10 minutes and the following delayed conditions:

  • Case waiting time: allows him to specify how long a contact should wait before the trigger fires. Mowgli sets this to 10 minutes.
  • Case status: allows him to specify the status of cases this trigger should apply to. Mowgli selects New and Open to only target contacts that haven't had any interaction with an agent yet.

Then, he creates a send notification email job and adds it to the trigger. He fills in his own email address as the Receiver and adds content to the Subject and Body of the email. He uses placeholders, such as {{caseId}} and {{channelName}}, to ensure the email is automatically populated with details about the case.

With this configuration, Mowgli receives an email if a new contact that has been waiting in the queue for 10 minutes. The email contains the case ID, so he can easily find the queue it was in. Mowgli can start to keep track of any patterns he notices with slower queues and make staffing adjustments as needed.

Send Satisfaction Survey

Contact center administrator Akela Wolfe wants to send a satisfaction survey to digital contacts once their case closes. Because this is a repetitive action, she decides to use WFA to automate the process.

Akela already has an existing survey she wants to use. If she didn't, she would need to create a new survey first.

To accomplish this automated process, Akela creates a before case closed trigger with the following conditions:

  • Included channels: allows her to specify the channels where the satisfaction survey will be sent.
  • Satisfaction survey grace period: allows her to avoid sending satisfaction survey to the same contact too often.
  • Probability of execution: allows her to limit the percentage of contacts that receive a survey.

Then, she creates the send satisfaction survey job and adds it to the trigger.

With this configuration, a percentage of contacts through specific channels receive a survey when their case is closed if enough time has passed since the last satisfaction survey was sent to them.

Send Welcome Message

Contact center administrator Mowgli Kipling wants to send an automatic welcome message whenever a contact opens a new case through a channel that is not chat. For a chat channel, he has the chat welcome message job already in place.

To accomplish this automated process in all other channels, Mowgli creates a case created trigger with the following conditions:

  • Included channels: allows him to specify the channels where the message will be sent.
  • Case direction: allows him to specify which cases will be tagged based on if they are inbound or outbound.

Then, he creates the send message job and adds it to the trigger. The send message job automatically changes the case status to resolved. Since this is a welcome message, the case still needs to be worked on. To fix this, Mowgli also creates a change case status job to put the status back to open after the send message job runs.

With this configuration, Digital Experience automatically sends a message to a contact immediately after they open a case in the specified channels, and the case remains open for an agent to work on.

Tag Based on Content

Contact center administrator Akela Wolfe wants to tag messages and cases based on their content. These tags can be used for tracking and reporting purposes.

To accomplish this automated process, Akela creates a message created trigger with the following conditions:

  • Content contains: Allows her to specify the words, strings or regular expressions that will be tagged.
  • Message direction: Allows her to specify which messages will be tagged based on if they are inbound or outbound.
  • Case direction: Allows her to specify which cases will be tagged based on if they are inbound or outbound.

Then, she creates the Add tag to message and Add tag to case job and adds them to the trigger. With this configuration, every message and any case in the defined direction that contains a string he defined is tagged.