Category Manager

You can analyze interactions using the large collection of out-of-the-box categories in the Category Manager page. These categories are view-only and cannot be edited. You can filter the categories by language. The supported languages are Brazilian Portuguese, English, Canadian French, Dutch, European Spanish, French, German, Spanish, and Japanese.

If you don't have the specific category you're looking for, you can create and modify your own categories, based on your business needs.

Categories can run on any future interactions after they are created. Those interactions are categorized based on the parameters defined in the category, making it easy to analyze them.

Keep in mind, Category Manager is only available for users with the CXone QM Advanced license.

Out-of-the-Box Categories

The CXone Quality Management categories are split into two main types: Agent Performance and Contact Themes.

Create Custom Categories

If you need a specific category that isn't included in the out-of-the-box categories, then you can create it and add it to the Custom Categories folder. You can also manage your own folder hierarchy in Custom Categories.

Custom categories are particularly useful for specific trends and business needs unique to your organization.

You can edit the category details by clicking Edit .

To create a custom category:

  1. Click the app selector and select CXone Quality Management.
  2. Click Category Manager.

  3. Select the language in which you want to define the custom category. Supported languages include English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, and Japanese. You cannot change the language later.

  4. In the Custom Categories folder line, click Add Category

  5. Define the category name.

  6. Add keywords by typing a word or phrase and pressing Enter. The category will flag a interaction if one of these keywords or phrases is said in the conversation.

    You can add more than one keyword to a category. Only one of the keywords needs to appear in a call for it to be flagged by the category.

  7. Click Save & Apply.

  8. If you want to create a hierarchy of categories, then you can create other folders within the Custom Categories folder by clicking Add Folder .

  9. Create the category you want by clicking on Add Category in the new folder.

  10. Click Save & Apply.