Interaction Analytics Widget

In this category, the widget uses the interaction data in the Interaction Analytics application to help supervisors and managers understand and improve agent performance. You can drag and drop the widget or double-click on the widget to add them to your dashboard. You can also use the settings to add your filters to see the data.


Data refresh rate: 15 minutes - 1 hour
Duration support: Historical - 180 days

The Frustration widget shows a list of the top 10 frustrated interactions by category or agent:

  • The Categories view shows the top 10 categories with the highest volume of frustrated interactions.

  • The Agent view shows the top 10 agents with the highest volume of frustrated interactions.

You can see percentage of frustrated interactions per category or agent and the top three categories or agents, depending on the view you select.

Click Open in New Page to view the information in the Interaction Analytics application.

Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in the widget.