Mobile SDK Event Diagrams

This page provides diagrams and explanations of common events that occur during a chat interaction.

Application Becomes Active

This sequence diagram captures the flow when the mobile app becomes active, prepares chat, handles visitor and customer information, and communicates with the backend services. If any errors occur, they are appropriately handled and logged.

Application Enters Background

This sequence diagram captures the flow when the mobile app enters the background, handles page view tracking, and communicates with the backend services. If any errors occur, they are appropriately handled. When an application enters the background, it means that it is no longer the main thing you see or interact with on your device. Imagine you’re using a messaging app, and then you press the home button or switch to another app. The messaging app is now in the background. It’s still running, but you’re not actively using it. This happens when you minimize an app, switch to a different app, or lock your phone. The app is still there, but it’s not in the foreground anymore.

View Page

This sequence diagram represents the flow when a user views a page in the mobile app, including interactions with the SDK and backend services. It shows the analytics event when a user views a page, tracks visit details, and communicates with the backend services. If any errors occur, they are appropriately handled.

Open Chat

This sequence diagram captures the flow when a user opens the chat, handles OAuth, and establishes a connection with the backend services. If any errors occur, they are appropriately handled.


This sequence diagram captures the flow when a user interacts with a single-threadClosed In a single-threaded app, each contact can have only one chat thread. Any interaction they have with your organization takes place in that one chat thread. chat, handles thread recovery, and communicates with the backend services. If any errors occur, they are appropriately handled.


This sequence diagram captures the flow when a user interacts with a multi-threadedClosed In a multi-threaded app, contacts can create as many threads as they want to discuss new topics. These threads can be active at the same time. chat, handles thread retrieval, and communicates with the backend services. If any errors occur, they are appropriately handled.

Live Chat

This sequence diagram showcases the back-end flow of a Live Chat interaction. Live Chat is the real-time digital chat option, whereas Chat Messaging is the asynchronous messaging option, which is similar to private messages or direct messages.

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Create Thread

This sequence diagram captures the flow when a user creates a new chat thread, handles thread creation, and communicates with the SDK. If any errors occur, they are appropriately handled.

Chat with an Agent

This sequence diagram captures the flow when an end-user interacts with an agent through chat, handles welcome messages, and communicates with the backend services. If any errors occur, they are appropriately handled.

End Contact

This sequence diagram captures the flow when a user ends a chat, handles the conversation closure, and communicates with the backend services. If any errors occur, they are appropriately handled.

Process Large Events

One of the limitations of AWS API Gateway is that it can send only maximum of 128 KB in one message. To send larger events from the server to the client:

  • On the server, upload larger events to a publicly available S3 bucket.

  • The client can then receive only the URL to this file via WebSocket and download the actual event body through REST.

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