CXone Feedback Management Integration

Required permissionChatbot (ACD > Digital Experience > Roles > [choose one] > Core Modules)

Feedback Management is a customer experience tool that you can use with CXone, including in your Bot Builder bots. A Feedback Management integration lets you configure your bots to offer surveys to contacts.

The bot can give the contact a link to a survey. It can also present surveys conversationally. In a conversational survey, the bot displays the questions one at a time. You can have the next question shown be based on the contact's answer to the question before it.

The collected feedback is saved in Feedback Management. You can analyze it along with your other Feedback Management data.

Feedback Management is available as a skill in the Skillarchief. This makes it easy to add to your bots. After adding the skill, it requires some customization to set up the survey. The skill adds the following components to your bot:

  • A trigger_customer_survey intent: The default intent is an example that you can customize or use to create your own survey intents.
  • A Trigger Survey rule: The default rule is an example that you can customize or use to create your own survey rules.
  • A Run Survey script: The script manages the integration with the Feedback Management conversational API.

Add Feedback Management from Skillarchief

  1. Klik in CXone op de app-kiezer en selecteerBot Builder. If you're already in Bot Builder, click the Bot icon A robot head. in the top left corner to return to the main Bot Builder page.
  2. Click Go to Skillarchief.

  3. Click on Feedback Management. If you don't see it, you can do a search.

  4. Click Add To Your Bot and select your bot.

    A success message appears at the top of the page. In the success message, click Show to go to your bot.

Create a Survey in Feedback Management

You can use existing surveys from Feedback Management. If you want to create surveys specifically for use with bots, you must do so before continuing with the setup process.

When configuring the script in Bot Builder, you will need the survey ID from Feedback Management.

Configure the Survey Script

You must configure the survey script in Bot Builder so it can connect to your instance of Feedback Management.

You can have the survey collect and send information about the interaction to Feedback Management. For example, it can send the contact's name, email, chat start time, and the type of inquiry. To do this, you must modify the bot script to map the values that the bot collects to the corresponding contact fields in Feedback Management. If your surveys require certain contact information, this configuration is required. Otherwise, you can skip it.

  1. Klik in CXone op de app-kiezer en selecteerBot Builder.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click Integrations icon, which looks like a plug. in the left icon menu.
  4. On the Scripts tab, locate Feedback Management in the list on the left.
  5. Under Actions, click Run Survey to expand its properties.

  6. Click Open Editor.
  7. At the top of the script, set the following integration values. Changes are saved automatically.

    const BASE_URL = 'YOUR_BASE_URL'
    const API_KEY = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
  8. To have the script collect data from the bot conversation, you must map the values that the bot collects to the corresponding contact fields in Feedback Management. You must use the ID of the contact field when referencing fields in your bot script. To do this:

    1. In Feedback Management, go to Admin > Advanced Admin > Internal Names and export contacts. Open the exported file to see which fields are used and what's mandatory for your surveys. Also note the expected data types and the internal name for each field.
    2. In Bot Builder, open the script and locate the following section of the script, around line 9:

      const CUSTOM_SURVEY_PROPS = {
      	// salutation: 'Greetings',
      	// first_name: Bot.slots?.customer?.first_name || 'N/A',
      	// last_name: Bot.slots?.customer?.last_name || 'N/A',
      	// email: Bot.slots?.customer?.custom_fields?.email || '',
      	// preferred_survey_medium: 'SMS',
      	// phone: Bot.slots?.customer?.custom_fields?.phone || 'N/A',

    3. Delete the forward slashes ( // ) to uncomment any line in the CUSTOM_SURVEY_PROPS block that you want to use. You can also add lines if fields you want to use aren't included.


  9. Press play at the top of the script editor to execute the script and run the debugger.

Customize the Survey Intent

You can customize the default survey intent. This is helpful if your organization uses specialized language for customer satisfaction surveys.

The default intent examples are all variations of the message "Start the customer satisfaction survey." In a real-world conversation, it's unlikely a contact will say this. Change or delete the default intent examples to match the language you want to trigger the survey intent. For example, if you want the end of a conversation to trigger the survey, the intent examples might be variations of "Thanks for the help."

  1. Klik in CXone op de app-kiezer en selecteerBot Builder.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click NLU icon, which looks like a gear inside a head silhouette. in the left icon menu.
  4. On the Intents tab, locate the Feedback Management folder in the list on the left.
  5. Click the trigger_customer_survey intent.
  6. Modify the intent examples as needed to fit your organization's use of this survey. Remember that these are examples of what contacts might say to trigger the intent. You can: 
    • Click Add Example A circle with a plus sign in it. to add a new intent example. Enter the text of the example and press Enter.
    • Hover over an intent example, click Edit A pencil. , then modify the example text. Press Enter to save your changes.
    • Hover over an intent example and click Delete A trash can..
    • Click Find in Dialogue A speech bubble with a search icon in it. and select a rule or story from the drop-down list. The list shows the rules and stories that use the intent. Bot Builder displays the selected rule or story. By default, the trigger_customer_survey intent is used in the Trigger Survey rule.
  7. Click Train and Stage to train your bot on the updated intent examples.

Customize the Survey Rule

You can customize the default survey rule to change the questions that are asked and the logic in the rule.

  1. Klik in CXone op de app-kiezer en selecteerBot Builder.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click Dialogues icon, which looks like conversation bubbles. in the left icon menu.
  4. On the Rules tab, locate the Feedback Management folder in the list on the left.
  5. Click the Trigger Survey rule.
  6. Hover the cursor over the contact message A square with rounded corners and a person's face in it. that appears at the top of the rule, click Reset.
  7. Enter a new message that will trigger the intent for the survey.
  8. Press Enter. If the bot correctly identifies the intent, click Confirm. If the bot's intent prediction is not correct, add more intent examples, then repeat these steps.
  9. Modify the bot response as needed to fit your organization's use of this survey. You can: 
    • Click in the response message and change the text.
    • Click Button A circle with a plus sign in it. or Quick Reply A circle with a plus sign in it. if you want to add either of these types of rich content to the response.
    • Click Variations icon, represented by two crossing arrows to open a dialogue where you can add variations to the existing bot message. In this dialogue, click Add Variation, then type a different version of your original message shown at the top. Add as many variations as you want. The bot will randomly select which variation to use in a conversation.
    • Click Typing Indicator A clock face with a hand pointing at 11. to modify the Smart Typing indicator time.
    • Add other bot response actions as needed.
  10. Click Train and Stage to train your bot on the updated intent examples.

Work with Multiple Surveys

If your organization has more than one survey to use with Bot Builder, you need to add an action for each one on the Scripts tab. You also must set up the intents and rules or stories for each survey, assigning the correct bot action to each one.

  1. Klik in CXone op de app-kiezer en selecteerBot Builder.

  2. Click the bot you want to work with.
  3. Click Integrations icon, which looks like a plug. in the left icon menu.
  4. On the Scripts tab, click Feedback Management.
  5. Add an action for the survey : 
    1. In Bot Builder, click
    2. Click New Action.
    3. Click the new action, then click Edit A pencil. and change the name to indicate which survey this script is associated with. The action name shows up in the Bot Actions > Scripts tab when you configure a bot response in a story or rule.
    4. Open the original Run Survey action and click Open Editor.
    5. Copy the script from the editor, then click < at the top of the editor to go back.
    6. Open the editor in the new action and paste in the script.
    7. Modify the script for the survey you're using with this action.
  6. Click NLU icon, which looks like a gear inside a head silhouette. in the left icon menu.
  7. Add one or more intents for the new survey. Include real-world intent examples. Give each one a name that indicates which survey it triggers.

  8. Click Dialogues icon, which looks like conversation bubbles. in the left icon menu.
  9. Add one or more rules or stories on the appropriate tab. Keep them in the Feedback Management tab with the other survey-related rules or stories. For stories, if you don't have a Feedback Management folder yet, you can click New Folder A circle with a plus sign in it. and create one.

  10. Ensure that each rule or story includes the appropriate Run Survey action from the Scripts tab on the Bot Actions list. Without this action, the survey won't be triggered.