
The Insights page contains widgets that display data from your agents and contacts. It provides a bird's eye view of agents and contact states.

The drop-downs at the top of the page allow you to filter the data in widgets by teams, skills, campaigns, and channels. The values selected for these filters does not affect the data displayed in the Skills tab.


Longest Duration

Displays the current longest duration of all active contacts. Click the widget to sort the contacts by their duration in the Interactions tab. The contact with the longest contact duration appears at the top.

Longest Wait Time

Displays the current longest wait time of a skill in the queue. Click this widget to sort by the skills with the longest queue time in the Skills tab. The skill with longest wait time appears at the top.

Out of SLA

Displays the percentage of skills outside the service level agreement (SLAClosed Commitment between a service provider and a customer with a defined service level threshold, including quality, availability, and responsibilities) threshold. You can hover over the value to view the number of skills that are in SLA and out of SLA. Click this widget to sort by the SLA percentage in the Skills tab. The skill with highest out of SLA percentage appears at the top.

Contacts in Queue

Displays the number of contacts (voice or digital) currently waiting in queue. Click this widget to sort by the Contacts column in the Skills tab. The skill with highest number of contacts in queue appears at the top.

Agent States

Displays the current state of your agents. Agent states can be:

  • Available

  • Working

  • Unavailable

  • Logged out

Click any of these states to sort the Agents and Interactions tabs by the selected agent state.


Displays how the volume is distributed by channel for all your active agents. Click any of the channel names to sort the Agents and Interactions tabs by the selected channel.

The list of skills, contacts, and interactions in the Skills, Agents, and Interactions tabs are sorted depending on your widget selection.