CXone Quality Management Metrics

This page provides you details of the different CXone QMmetrics available in the Metric widgets

% Evals Completed

The % of Evals Completed measures the percentage of evaluations out of all completed evaluations.

% Evals Appealed

The % of Evals Appealed measures the percentage of evaluations out of all completed evaluations that were disputed.

Avg Quality Score

The metric uses the average of values instead of the average of percentage to calculate an agent’s overall evaluation score.

Raw Quality Score

The raw quality score is the average evaluation score calculated by dividing the total points earned by the total points possible across all evaluations.

No. Evals Completed

The No of Evaluations Completed metric measures the total number of evaluation records, assigned to the evaluator, excluding those with a predefined pending status. You can use this metric to see the count of evaluations an evaluator has successfully completed. Evaluations having evaluation statuses - Completed, Completed Acknowledge', Completed No Review, Completed Reviewed, Sent to Agent, Sent to Supervisor, Dispute, In Review are counted in the No. of Evals Completed.

Deleted Evaluations

The Deleted Evaluation metric tracks all the records in the evaluations feed assigned to the evaluator and has a workflow status marked as Deleted. In simpler terms, it counts all the evaluations that the evaluator has deleted from the evaluation feed.

No. Evals Appealed

The number of evaluations appealed metric represents evaluation forms labeled as Disputed. It includes records with a Workflow Status of Dispute, In Review, Completed Reviewed, or Deleted - Completed Reviewed. It counts all the forms that are in a dispute process or have been reviewed regarding a dispute.

Expired Evaluations

The Expired Evaluations metric tracks all the records in the evaluations feed assigned to the evaluator and has a workflow status marked as Expired or Deleted - Expired. It counts all the forms that have expired or have been deleted after expiration, as per the evaluator's actions.

Max Possible Points

This metric calculates the sum of the max possible points earned for qualifying evaluations.

Pending Evaluations

The Pending Forms metric tracks all the records in the evaluations feed assigned to the evaluator and has a workflow status marked as Claimed or In Progress. It counts all the forms that are currently being worked on or claimed by the evaluator but not yet completed.

Raw Score

The Raw Score metric calculates the sum of the points earned, including Critical failures for qualifying evaluations.

Replaced Interactions

The Replaced Forms metric tracks all the records in the evaluations feed assigned to the evaluator and has a workflow status marked as Replaced. It counts all the forms that the evaluator has replaced with updated or corrected versions.

Total Evals Completed

The Total Evals Completed metric tracks the number of completed evaluations.

All Evaluations

This metric tracks all records from the evaluations feed, attributed to the evaluator.

Score Earned

This metric measures the evaluation score earned by an agent.