ACD - Near Real Time Metrics

This page provides you details of the different ACD real time metrics available in the Metric widgets.

Agents Available

The Agents Available metric shows the number of agents currently ready and available to take calls. You can use this metric to see how many agents are not busy with calls or other tasks and are waiting to assist customers.

Agents Logged In

The Agents Logged In metric measures the total number of agents present and connected to the system, regardless of whether they are busy or available to take calls.

Agents Unavailable

The Agents Unavailable metric measures the number of agents in the unavailable state. You can use this metric to see how many agents are either busy with other tasks, on breaks, or in meetings and not available to assist customers.

Agents Working

The Agents Working metric measures the number of agents actively engaged in tasks related to a specific skill or campaign. You can use this metric to see how many agents are currently handling calls, answering customer inquiries, or performing other duties associated with a particular skill.

Agents in ACW

The Agents in ACW metric counts agents who are currently working on tasks like taking notes, updating customer information, or scheduling follow-ups after a call. This metric helps you understand how agents manage their workload and complete after-call tasks promptly.

Callbacks InQueue

The Callback Inqueue metric measures the number of customer who have requested a return call from an agent and are waiting for their turn to be contacted. This metric helps you see how many callbacks are needed so customers get timely responses.

In Queue

The In queue metric measures the number of customers in line, waiting for their turn to speak with an agent for assistance. You can use this metric to understand the number of calls received and helps you ensure there are enough agents to handle the workload and reduce customer wait times.

Longest In Queue

The Longest In queue metric measures the maximum waiting time experienced by a customer call that is currently on hold in the queue. You can use this metric to see how well the contact center handles calls and identify any potential delays in attending to customers.

Longest Unavailable

The Longest Unavailable metric measures the maximum time duration that an agent was not accessible or not able to perform their tasks. This metric helps you see if agents are taking too much time for breaks, training, or other non-call activities.

Longest Wait

The Longest Wait metric measures the maximum duration a support agent has been available and waiting to assist, without receiving any tasks or assignments during that time.

Longest Working

The Longest Working metric is the maximum time an agent has spent continuously working on a specific task, skill, or campaign.

On Hold

The On Hold metric measures the number of calls currently on hold waiting for an agent to resume the conversation. You can use this metric to monitor service quality and agent efficiency. A high number of calls may mean customers aren't getting prompt service or agents are struggling to handle the calls.