ACD Metrics

This page provides you details of the different ACD metrics available in the Metric widgets.

% Abandoned

The % Abandoned metric calculates the percentage of abandoned calls from all queued calls. This metric measures efficiency or how effective the call-handling process is. A high abandonment rate may suggest long wait times, inadequate staffing, or inefficient call routing.

% Active Talk Time

The % Active Talk Time metric measures the percentage of time spent actively talking during a call in relation to the total handling time. The total handling time includes talk time, time on hold, and any after-call work.

% ACW Time

The % ACW Time metric calculates the percentage of time spent on After Contact Work (ACWClosed State that allows an agent to complete work requirements after finishing an interaction) compared to the total time of the call. It shows how much time was spent on tasks like writing notes or setting dispositions after the call, as compared to the entire call duration.

% Available Time

The % Available time metric measures how much time an agent is available to help customers compared to the total time they are logged in. It shows how often the agent is available to assist customers during their work hours.

% Hold Time

The % Hold time metric measures how long customers are on hold during a call. In simple terms, it helps understand what portion of a call the customer spends waiting on hold instead of being directly assisted.

% Handle Time

% Handle Time metric is a measure that compares the percentage of time an agent spends handling customers to their total login time.

% Handled

% Handled metric refers to the percentage of calls answered by agents out of the total number of calls received.

% Held

% Held metric measures the percentage of calls put on hold by agents out of all the calls they have answered.

% InQueue Time

The % Inqueue Time metric measures the time a call is waiting in a queue before being connected to an agent. It is compared to the total length of the call. In simple terms, it tells us how much of the call time is spent by the customer waiting in line for assistance. If the % Inqueue Time is high at certain times, you may need more agents to handle the volume.

% Long Abandons

The % Long Abandon metric measures the percentage of calls where customers hang up or disconnect before the minimum waiting time. For example, a high % Long Abandon may indicate that customers are waiting too long to connect with an agent.

% PreQueue Abandons

The % PreQueue Abandons metric measures the percentage of calls that customers hang up before waiting. You can use this metric to see how many callers ended their calls before even getting in line for assistance out of all the incoming calls.

% PreQueue Time

The "% PreQueue Time metric measures the percentage amount of time a call was in the pre-queue stage, compared to the whole length of the call.

% Queued

The % Queued metric measures the percentage of queued calls, compared to the total number of inbound calls.

% Refused Time

The % Refused Time calculates the percentage of time an agent spends refusing incoming interactions while in an unavailable status. This metric indicates how frequently agents actively decline calls or other interactions when they are supposed to be unavailable.

% Short Abandons

The % Short Abandons metric measures the percentage of calls that are quickly abandoned while waiting in the queue, out of all queued calls.

% Talk Time

The % Talk Time metric measures the percentage of an agent's total handle time spent actively engaged in a call, including time on hold or in conference. A higher % Talk Time means the agent manages calls well, improving customer satisfaction.

% Unavailable Time

% Unavailable Time metric measures the percentage of time an agent was unavailable to handle customers compared to their total login time.

ACW Time

The ACW Time metric, also known as After Contact Work (ACWClosed State that allows an agent to complete work requirements after finishing an interaction) Time, measures how long an agent spends on tasks after a customer call. These tasks can include updating records, sending emails, or completing forms.

Abandon Time

The Abandon Time metric measures the total time customers spend waiting in a queue for an agent before they decide to abandon the call. You can use this metric to optimize staffing and workflows to reduce wait times.


The Abandons metric counts the number of calls disconnected by customers before an agent can answer. A high count could indicate issues with wait times or efficiency.

Active Talk Time

The Active Talk Time measures the total amount of time an agent spends in conversation with a customer during a call. This includes the time spent in addressing the customer’s concerns, providing information, and resolving issues.

Agent Offered

The Agent Offered metric measures the number of calls that were directed to an agent, allowing them to answer and handle the call.

Available Time

The Available Time metric measures the duration of time the agent is ready and available for a call. You can use this metric to allocate resources and balance workloads.

Avg Hold Time

The Avg Hold Time metric measures the average duration that a callers is put on hold during a call with an agent. You can apply this metric to see the average duration customers spend waiting before and throughout their call while talking to an agent.

Avg InQueue Time

The Avg InQueue metric measures the average time a caller spends waiting in queue before being connected to an agent. This helps to understand how long, on average, callers have to wait in line.

Avg Speed of Answer

The Average Speed of Answer (ASA) metric measures the average time the caller spends in the queue and the time until the agent actually begins the conversation after picking up the call.

Avg Talk Time

The Avg Talk Time metric measures the average duration of a conversation between a customer and an agent. You can use this metric to see how long, on average, an agent spends talking to a customer during a call and find areas for training or process improvements.

Avg ACW Time

The Avg ACW Time metric measures the average time an agent spends on tasks related to a call after it has ended. These tasks include updating records, sending emails, or completing forms.

Avg Abandon Time

The Avg Abandon Time metric measures the average duration a customer waits before disconnecting an unanswered call.

Avg Active Talk Time

The Avg Active Talk Time metric measures the average duration of the conversation between an agent and a customer during a call.

Avg Handle Time

The Avg Handle Time metric measures the average time an agent takes to manage a contact, starting from when they accept the interaction until they finish resolving it.


The Callbacks metric measures the total number of calls where the customer has asked to be called back again at a later time. You can track the times customers preferred to receive a return call rather than wait on hold or resolve their issue.

Callbacks - Failed

The Callbacks Failed metric measures the number of contacts who have requested at least one callback but have not had any successful Active interactions with an agent. With this metric, you can track the times when customers are still waiting for a return call, meaning when the callback attempts have been unsuccessful.

Callbacks - Success

The Callback-Success metric measures the number of contacts who have had both a callback and an active interaction with an agent. You can check the effectiveness of the callback system by tracking the times when customers have successfully received a return call and interacted with an agent.

Conference Time

The Conference Time metric measures the total amount of time a call was in conference. With this metric you can track the duration of group calls and manage resources accordingly.


The Conferences metric calculates the total number of times where a call was placed into a conference setting.

Contact Duration

The Contact Duration metric calculates the total duration of time a call was in the ACD (Automatic Call Distributor) system. You can use this metric to track the overall time spent on call handling, from the time it enters the system until it concludes.


The Contact metric counts the total number of contacts that have entered the ACD (Automatic Call Distributor) system. Each contact is counted once for every skill it is assigned to. This metric can help you track the volume of incoming contacts and measure its distribution across different skill sets.

Held Contacts

The Held Contacts metric tracks the total number of contacts that have been put on hold during a call. This can help you track the frequency of hold occurrences, and help you identify potential issues and areas for improvement.

Handled CPH

The Handled Calls Per Hour (CPH) metric measures how many calls, on average, an agent in a contact center handles within an hour.

Handle Time

The Handle Time metric measures the duration of a call being handled by an agent.


The Handled metric measures how many contacts an agent deals with in a day. It counts all these messages, no matter when they came into the queue. So, if a contact arrived yesterday and handled today, it still gets counted in Handled.

Hold Count

The Hold Count metric measures the total number of times agents have asked customers to wait and placed their calls on hold. You can use this metric to see how often your agents use the hold feature.

Hold Time

The Hold Time metric measures how long a customer waits on hold before an agent comes back to continue the conversation. You can use this metric to understand how effectively agents manage calls and address customer needs. If hold times are longer, it could mean there are problems with handling calls or agents need training.


The In SLA metric measures the number of calls that were in service level.

InQueue Time

The Inqueue Time metric calculates the time a call is in waiting before it is answered by an agent. You can use this metric to identify periods of high call volume or understaffing and adjust your staffing levels.

Inbound Contacts

The Inbound Contact metric measures the total number of incoming contacts that reached the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) system for routing and handling. You can use this metric to monitor call volume and for allocating resources.

Inbound Handled

The Inbound Handled metric measures the total number of inbound calls that have been successfully answered. You can use this metric to check the effectiveness of your incoming call management.

Login Count

The Login count metric tracks the total number of times an agent has logged into their account or system. You can use this metric to monitor agent activity and check attendance.

Login Time

The Login Time metric measures the total duration an agent has spent logged into the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) system. You can use this metric to monitor the availability of agents, check work patterns, and ensure agents spend enough time handling customers.

Long Abandons

The Long Abandons metric counts the calls that were abandoned by callers after waiting longer than the short abandon threshold.

Longest Answer Time

The Longest Answer Time metric measures the longest time it took for an agent to answer a call. This metric can help you identify issues in call handling and the slowest response time.

Longest Delay

The Longest Delay metric measures the longest time a call spent waiting in the queue before being answered. You can pinpoint the maximum wait time experienced by callers and address potential issues in call handling.

Max ACW Time

The Max ACW Time metric measures the longest duration of ACW (After-Call Work) Time, which is the maximum time an agent spent handling tasks related to a call after it has ended. You can use this metric to identify any issues as a long ACW time could mean that agents are facing challenges doing ACW work.

Max Abandon Time

The Max Abandon Time metric measures the longest duration a customer waited in the queue before abandoning the call.

Max Hold Time

The Max Hold Time metric measures the longest duration a customer was put on hold during a call, representing the maximum time an agent took to address a query or complete a task before resuming the conversation with the customer.


The Occupancy metric measures the percentage of an agent's total time spent handling calls compared to their total time, which includes both available and call handling time. It helps you measure how effectively the agent is utilizing their work hours for customer support.


The Out SLA metric measures the number of calls that didn't meet service level standards. It shows how many customer interactions fell short of expected response time or support quality.

Outbound Contacts

The Outbound metric measures the total number of outbound contacts made by agents. You can use this metric to understand the volume of outgoing calls or messages and manage your outbound communication efforts.

Outbound Handled

The Outbound Handled metric measures the total number of outgoing calls that were successfully answered. It provides an overview of the effectiveness and reach of the outbound calling efforts.

Pre-Queue Abandons

The Pre-Queue Abandon metric measures the number of calls abandoned within the IVR system before reaching the queue. You can use this metric to understand how many callers end their call without connecting to an agent or joining the queue.

Pre-Queue Time

The Pre-Queue time metric measures the time a call is in the pre-queue stage. This metric can help understand how long callers interact with the automated system before being placed in the queue to connect to an agent.


The Queued metric measures the total number of inbound calls that are in the queue before being connected to an agent.


The Refusals metric measures the total count of interactions that an agent actively declines to handle. This metric provides insight into agent workloads and can identify potential problem areas due to high refusal rates

Refused Time

The Refused Time metric measures the total time an agent spends refusing interactions, reflecting how long they remain unavailable due to declining calls. This helps assess agent efficiency and training needs

Routing Time

The Routing Time metric tracks the duration it takes for a call to be connected to an agent. You can use the Routing Time metric to identify any problems in your call routing system. Using this data, you can make necessary adjustments to your call routing strategy.

Short Abandons

The Short Abandons metric measures the number of calls that customers hang up before they reach a set time, called the short abandon threshold. This happens before they connect to an agent.

Service Level

The Service Level metric measures the percentage of calls answered within a specified service level agreement.

Speed of Answer

The Speed of Answer metric calculates the total time a call spends waiting in a queue before it is answered by an agent. You can use this metric to identify areas that need improvement, such as increasing staff during peak hours or improving call routing.

Talk Time

The Talk Time metric measures the duration of a call, that includes both active conversation and any time spent on hold. This metric can be used to assess the efficiency of agents in resolving customer issues and to identify agents who may need training to handle calls more effectively.

Unavailable Time

The Unavailable Time metric measures the duration an agent is not able to take calls. It helps you track agent availability and its impact on efficiency.

Working Time

The Working Time metric measures the duration an agent spends either taking calls or being available to do so.