Using Intent Builder

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The Intent Builder allows you to create and manage intent models by analyzing interactions. This article will walk you through how to work with the Intent Builder and use the features available.

Required permissions: Administrator role with Enlighten AutoSummary Access permission

Using the Intent Builder Page

Intent Builder Dashboard

After creating the intent model, the Intent Builder dashboard shows customer intents organized into L1, L2, and L3 intents. The top intent (L1) represents interaction category, the second intent (L2) indicates topics under each category, and the third intent (L3) represents sub-topics for L2 intents.

Analyzing customer intents helps you address customer concerns efficiently. You can refine the intent model as per your needs and then publish the model for use within CXone.

Using the dashboard panel, you can perform the following actions:

  • View and filter customer intents by volume, percentage, or type. Type is application only for L3 intent. By default, intents are displayed by volume.

  • Click Options icon for options > Intent Tuning icon for Intent Tuning page on L1, L2, or L3 intent to open the Intent Tuning page, which lets you refine L3 intent phrases.

  • Click Options on L2 or L3 intents to perform the following actions:

    • Click Rename to change the intent name and click Save.

    • Click Move/Merge to move or merge L2 and L3 intents. You can also use the drag-and-drop option to move and merge intents.

      Move: You can move a lower-level intent to a higher-level intent. For example, move an L2 intent to an L1.

      Merge: You can merge:

      • Intents of the same level. For example, you can merge L2 intents with L2.

      • L3 intents of the same type . For example, you can merge L3 desire intent type with L3 desire intent type.

    • Click Remove to remove the intent.
      • If you remove an L2 intent, all corresponding L3 intents will also be removed.

      • If you remove the last L3 intent of L2, both L3 and L2 intents will be removed.

      • To view the removed intents, click Filters and then select Removed from the Intent Tuning Status section.

Intent Builder Listing

This page allows you to view intents in the selected intent model and their metric information, such as volume, percentage, and type. Type is applicable only for L3 intents.

Click the magnifier icon for magnifier to open the intent builder listing page to open the Intent Builder listing page and drag the panel to expand the view.

On the Intent Builder listing page, you can perform the following actions:

  • Search for intents by typing in the search field. The list of relevant intents will appear, and you can hover over any intent to see its path in a pop-up.

  • Click icon to select intent level. to select the intent level.

  • View total phrases, percentage of total phrases, and intent types for each intent. Intent types (inquiry, desire, and problem) apply only to L3 intents.

  • Click Options icon for options on the L1 intent and then click Intent Tuning to open the Intent Tuning page.

  • Click Options icon for options on the L2 or L3 intents to rename, move/merge, or remove intents.

  • Click the L3 intent to view snippets and their details in the info panel, including the number of snippets and percentages.
    • The percentage indicates the number of snippets used to create the intent model out of the total interactions.

    • Click icon to view complete phrases to view complete phrases and click icon to view snippets to view snippets. To see the full phrase of each snippet, click the icon to view phrase of each snippet icon next to the snippet.
    • View phrases and percentage of total phrases of L3 intent.

    • Click Intent Tuning to navigate to the Intent Tuning page.

    • Click x to close the info panel.


Click Filters icon to view filters in the top right corner to show or hide the Filters panel. To reset the filters, use Reset All.

  • Display by: You can filter customer intent information using the following parameters:

    • Volume: Shows intents based on volume, helping you to find the intent with the highest volume to focus on tuning.

    • Percentage: Shows intents based on percentage, allowing you to find the intent with the highest percentage.

    • Type: Shows L3 intents based on the type, inquiry, desire, or problem. Use the Intent Type filter to view specific intent types. By default, all intent types are selected.

  • Intent L3 Filter: This section lets you view L3 intent data based on the intent tuning status, type, and volume.

    • Intent Tuning Status: Shows intent data based on the tuning status—Approved, removed, and pending. You can select multiple options.

    • Intent Type: Shows L3 intents based on the problem, desire, and inquiry type. You can select multiple options.

    • Volume: Shows L3 intents based on the volume of intents.