Form an Engagement Strategy

Do some up-front planning when creating Guide engagements.

Identify Visitor Struggle Points

Identify the places or situations in your website where you want to engage with visitors because they are getting stuck, giving up, or making a mistake. Collaborate with team members and visitors to determine where to add engagement on your website.

teams to collaborate with

talking points

  • At what point are your website visitors leaving or giving up? Are there common exit points where visitors leave without completing orders or transactions? At what point in the check-out process are you losing potential customers?

  • Are there common login problems?

  • Are there delays that are above the average wait time?

Sales and Marketing
  • Are visitors coming to your website because of marketing campaigns? Do you want to engage with them differently than visitors who are not responding to a campaign?

Order Fulfillment

  • Are there orders that are difficult to fill due to the wrong combination of items being ordered?


  • What are the common questions asked by visitors?

  • Is there a pattern of requests that can be handled with knowledge base articles?

Your website visitors

  • Are the steps that they need to take clear?

  • What parts of the process are confusing? Or slow?

Plan a Solution to the Struggle Points

for each struggle point

Determine Best solution

How best to engage with the visitor in this situation?
  • Display a template with one or more channels to all visitors on a specific page?

  • Display a template with one or more channels to certain visitors based on criteria you specify in an engagement rule?

  • Display a proactive offer to first time website visitors providing helpful links to get them started using your website?

What visitor behavior should trigger an engagement?

Some possible behaviors you can use to trigger:

  • Visiting your site for the first time.

  • Spending a certain amount of time on a page or visiting a page more than a set number of times.

  • Clicking on a field that is known to be confusing to visitors.

  • Adding a particular item to the shopping cart where you might suggest a companion item.

What type of engagement is needed?