Digital Experience Metrics

This page provides you details of the different Digital Experience metrics available in the Metric widgets.

% Focus Time

The % Focus Time metric calculates the percentage of an agent's total contact time dedicated to handling digital contacts, such as emails and chats.

Agt Contact Duration

The Agent Contact Duration metric tracks the time an agent spends handling a digital contact, such as an email or chat. This helps check the efficiency of agents addressing customer inquiries through digital channels.

AHT (Digital)

The Average Handle Time metric measures the average duration agents spend managing digital contacts such as emails or chats.

Agent FRT

The Agent FRT (First Response Time) metric measures the time (in seconds) it takes for an agent to send their initial message to the customer, starting from the moment they begin handling the contact. This helps you track the speed of the agents' first interaction with customers and helps you identify areas for improvement in response times.

Agt Contacts w/ FRT

The Agent FRT (First Response Time) Count metric measures the number of times an agent has provided a first response to a digital contact, such as an email or chat. This helps to track the agents' engagement with customers across digital channels.

Avg Agent FRT

The Average First Response Time metric measures the average time (in seconds) it takes for an agent to send their initial message to the customer after starting a digital interaction, such as an email or chat.

Agent Response Count

The Agent Response Count metric measures the total number of responses an agent has made in digital contacts, such as emails or chats. You can monitor the agents' engagement with customers across digital channels.

Avg Agent Responses

The Average Agent Response metric measures the average number of replies an agent provides per digital contact, such as an email or chat. This helps to understand the agents' efficiency and communication effectiveness in addressing customer inquiries.

Avg Contact FRT

The Avg Contact First Response Time measures the average duration of time the first agent in a case spends before sending their first response to the contact.

Avg Customer Resp

The Average Customer Response metric measures the average number of replies a customer provides per digital contact, such as an email or chat. This helps evaluate customer engagement and communication patterns.

Avg FollOn Resp Time

The Average Follow-On Response metric measures the average time it takes for an agent to respond to a customer's message with a follow-up reply for a digital contact, such as an email or chat. This helps assess agents' efficiency and effectiveness in maintaining ongoing communication with customers.

Avg Resolution Time

The Average Resolution Time metric, measures the average time it takes to resolve a digital contact, such as an email or chat.

Contacts Closed

The Contacts Closed metric, measures the total count of digital contacts, such as emails or chats, that have been successfully resolved and closed.

Contacts Opened

The Contacts Opened metric measures the total count of digital contacts that have been initiated or opened, like emails or chats.

Contact FRT

The Contact First Response Time tracks the duration of time it takes for the first agent assigned to a case to send the initial response message to customers.

Contact FRT Count

The Contact First Response Time Count counts the number of digital contacts that have had an agent response.

Customer Resp Count

The Customer Response Count metric calculates the total number of responses made by customers within digital contacts, such as emails or chats.

Digital Abandon

The Digital Abandon metric calculates the number of contacts who initiate a digital interaction, such as a chat session, email, or social media engagement, but leave before their issue is resolved or the interaction is completed.

Follow-on Resp Count

The Follow-up Response Count metric, measures the number of times an agent sent a follow-up response to a customer's message within a digital contact, like an email or chat.

Follow-on Resp Time

The Follow-up Response Time metric measures the time an agent takes to send a follow-up reply to a customer's message in a digital contact, like an email or chat.

Focus Count

The Focus Count metric measures the total number of times an agent focused on a digital contact.

Focus Time

The Focus Time metric measures the amount of time an agent spent focusing on a digital contact.

Handle Time (Digital)

The Handle Time metric measures the time an agent takes to manage or handle a digital contact.

Handled (Digital)

The Handled metric measures how many digital messages an agent deals with in a day, like emails or chats. It counts all these messages, no matter when they came into the queue. So, if a message arrived yesterday but shows up in today's count, it still gets included in the total.

New Contacts

The New Contact metric tracks the number of digital contacts that are currently in the NEW status.

Open Contacts

The Open Contacts metric tracks the number of digital contacts that are currently in the OPEN status.

Pending Contacts

The Pending Contacts metric tracks the number of digital contacts that are currently in the PENDING status.

Resolved Contacts

The Resolved Contacts metric tracks the number of digital contacts that are currently in the RESOLVED status.

Resolution Time

The Resolution Time metric measures the duration of time it took for a digital contact to be resolved.

Tags Count

The Tags Count metric calculates the number of times a tag has been attached to messages on digital contacts.