Real Time Adherence

If an employee belongs to a tenant that is configured with a non-CXone Mpower ACD, ensure that the ACD Login ID is assigned in the employee profile. This is necessary to map the agent state, monitor real-time adherence, and generate reports.

Real Time Adherence (RTA) helps you see if your agents are adhering to their schedule. You can use the RTA table to compare your agents' scheduled and actual activities. This helps you pinpoint agents that are currently out of adherence. Adherence is monitored by comparing the actual and scheduled categories, or by mapping actual activities to scheduled activities.

If you don't see categories on the page, you may need to enable the new monitoring method.

In RTA, you can:

You can only see the users in the scheduling units (or teams) you have permission to see in the view assigned to you.

Adherence States

These are the adherence states an agent can be in:

  • In adherence: When agents are performing the activities they are scheduled to do.

  • Out of adherence (OOA): When agents aren't performing the activities they are scheduled to do. This usually happens when the adherence categories or ACD mapping don't match. For example, an agent can be scheduled to be on a break but is taking calls.

    When the adherence category is missing for either the scheduled or actual activity, but not both, they are OOA. If both categories are missing and the activities aren't in the same ACD mapping.

  • OOA Open: When agents are scheduled to be open for interactions and are out of adherence. Agents are OOA Open even if their actual activity is open for interactions.

    The headset icon image of headset icon represents Severe out of adherence. This indicates when agents are scheduled to be open for interactions, but their actual activity isn't open.

  • Not calculated: When the system cannot tell whether the agent is in or out of adherence. For example, the agent has an actual activity but it isn't mapped. In this case, agents are working but WFM cannot recognize the activity. Another example is when the agent isn't working and isn't schedule to work. They are out of office so there's no schedule to adhere to.

Real Time Adherence Tabs

Using the RTA tabs, you can choose the adherence data you want to look at.

You can search for specific agents, or filter the data by scheduling units, WEM skillsClosed An employee's area of expertise. A skill can be fluency in a specific language or business skills, such as sales or technical support., scheduled or actual activities, and groups.

All tabs are affected when you filter. Let's say you filter for a specific scheduling unit in the Active Agents tab. When you go to the In Adherence tab, you only see the agents from that scheduling unit until you clear the filter. When you filter, the values within the tabs are adjusted to reflect the filtered data.

Real Time Adherence Table

When there's an alert icon image of alert icon, you can map the ACD Login ID or actual activity directly in RTA.

ACD Events Mapped to Login and Logoff Activity Codes

When mapping ACD events, there are two codes that don't appear in the activity code page: Login and Logoff. Typically, these activities aren't scheduled.

These events appear in RTA as actual activities until a new actual activity is received, usually immediately. Just after the agents log in, a new ACD event will start.

These activity codes are automatically mapped to ACD events to monitor adherence.

Export Real Time Adherence as a CSV

In addition to monitoring adherence directly from the Real Time Adherence table, you can also export a historical adherence report to review raw adherence data of the selected scheduling units for up to 30 days. The adherence report is exported as a CSV file.

In the report, each agent activity is listed in its own row. The agent activity may span several rows, depending on the adherence breakdown.

To export a historical adherence report:

  1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select WFM.

  2. Click Real Time Adherence.

  3. Click Export.

  4. Select a Scheduling Units and define the time frame for the report. You can generate and export a report for up to 30 days.

  5. Click Export to submit the export request. When the file is ready, you will get a notification. The download link is shared through an email.

    You can forward the email to other employees to access the download link.

    The adherence calculation in the report depends on whether you have opted for enhanced adherence monitoring.

Keep in mind, any unmapped activities will appear as Unmapped in the CSV. Therefore, adherence will not be calculated for those activities.

Actual activities will appear as Unknown when an agent doesn't log in, or if there is a technical issue with ACD data transfer. In this case, the adherence will be calculated as though the activity was a closed activity.

With this method, two additional parameters are included in the report:

  • Scheduled category

  • Actual category

The duration for which the actual category matches the scheduled category is reported as in adherence. Otherwise, the agent's time is shown as out of adherence.

Keep in mind that the empty cells under the scheduled or the actual category mean those activities are not mapped to any of the categories.

In case of no data, a blank report is generated. For example, when no schedule is generated for agents, a blank report is generated as there is no data to analyze.

Troubleshoot RTA