CC Custom Fields

This help page is for Desktop Studio.This information is also available for CXone Studio.

此操作允许您使用通过 IVR关闭 自动电话菜单,允许呼叫者通过语音命令、按键输入或两者进行交互,以获得信息、路由呼入的语音呼叫或两者。CRM关闭 管理联系人、销售信息、支持详细信息和案例历史记录等事项的第三方系统。 集成或类似脚本收集的值填充 客户卡 中的自定义字段。它不支持在数字关闭 与Digital Experience相关的任何渠道、联系或技能。交互中为自定义字段填充值。

例如,在与坐席对话之前,您可以要求联系人提供他们的出生日期作为 IVR 交互的一部分。通过在脚本中加入 CC Custom Fields,您可以将该信息填充到 客户卡 中并在 MAX 中显示。该字段还可以用于自动化流程或编写流程脚本。

您可以对一个联系人使用多个 CC Custom Fields 操作。

这是允许已启用数字的系统访问非数字脚本中的数字 客户卡 的多个操作之一。


  • 这个操作需要 Digital Experience
  • 必须先在 中创建自定义字段Digital Experience,您才能在脚本中使用它,所以必须为 业务单位租户Digital Experience,并且您必须至少拥有一个该产品的许可席位。
  • 该操作必须位于 Customer Card Create action操作之后,但位于任何 ONANSWER action操作之前。

Supported Script Types

The icon for the Email script type - a large @ symbol in a diamond.

The icon for the Chat script type - a chat bubble with an ellipsis inside (...), in a diamond shape.

The icon for the Phone script type - an old-style phone handset with curved lines indicating sound coming out of it.

The icon for the SMS script type - a smart phone with a chat bubble coming out of it.

电子邮件 聊天 电话 短信

Comparison of Similar Actions

通过以下操作,您可以从受支持的非数字关闭 与Digital Experience相关的任何渠道、联系或技能。脚本类型访问 Digital Experience 客户卡


Input Properties





输入在脚本中唯一标识此操作的短语。标题显示在脚本画布上的操作图标下方。The default is the action name.

customCaseFields A list of the custom fields you want to populate. These are the values assigned in the Ident field. Field names will automatically be converted to lower case, and automatically have spaces replaced with an underscore (_). You don't need to use brackets or quotes when entering the list.
customCaseValues A list of values for the custom fields. You must have as many values as you have fields, but you may pass an empty value.

Result Branch Conditions







操作无法正确执行时所采用的路径。例如,出现连接不良、语法错误等意外问题时。_ERR 变量以单个下划线字符填充,应包含对问题的简要解释。

Script Example


In this example, CC Custom Fields is the third action, after Customer Card Create, with the caption CustomField. This allows the agent to see the age, number of laughs, and other information about the customer while handling an interaction with that customer. When scripted, the customCaseFields property would contain: age,laughs,state,cat_person,dog_person. The customCaseValues property would contain: 34,yes,Arkansas,no,yes.

The resulting event would be:

"EventType": "CustomFields",
"MessageId": "1c60020e-978b-4e65-82a0-1d75b08ee4d1",
"TenantId": "11e9d30c-b236-e0c0-96e2-0242ac110004",
"ContactId": 1684463,
"MasterId": 222599970,
"CustomData": {
	"age": "34",
	"laughs": "yes",
	"state": "Arkansas",
	"cat_person": "no",
	"dog_person": "yes"