Create Enlighten Copilot for Agents Profiles

After initially setting up Enlighten Copilot for Agents with help from your CXone-accountmanager, you must create a Studio script and an Enlighten Copilot for Agents profile in CXone. You can create additional profiles to customize the Enlighten Copilot for Agents experience for different business requirements. For example, you may want billing and sales agents to see only next-best responses, but support agents to see both next-best responses and KB answers.

Create a Script for Copilot for Agents

Vereiste machtigingen: Studioscript weergeven, maken/bewerken

You need to create or modify at least one Studio script to set up Copilot for Agents in your contact center. The scripts must:

Om de configuratie van uw script te voltooien:

    • Initialiseringsfragmenten aan het script toevoegen met behulp van Snippet -acties. Hierdoor kunt u uw agentassistentie-app aanpassen.
    • Pas de actieconnectoren aan om een goede contactflow te waarborgen en eventuele fouten te corrigeren.
    • Eventuele aanvullende scripts maken en het script testen.

Create a Copilot for Agents Profile

Permissions Required: Integrations > Launch Integrations

You need to create at least one Copilot for Agents profile in Agentassistentie-hub. Each profile is a separate agent assist app in Agentassistentie-hub.

  1. Klik op de app-kiezer en selecteer Overige > Automatisering & AI en klik daarna op Agentassistentie-hub.
  2. Click Add Agent Assist App.
  3. Enter the Agent Assist App Name and click Enlighten Agent Copilot in the list under Select Agent Assist App Type.
  4. In the Generative Response Tone drop-down, select the tone of voice you want Copilot for Agents to use.

  5. In the Copilot Persona field, enter a short, specific persona description for this Copilot for Agents profile. The persona description describes its role and purpose. For example, You are a friendly agent assistant answering questions about billing. This gives Copilot for Agents context and instructions to help it generate more relevant suggestions. The maximum character count is 250.

    Make your Copilot Persona description concise and easy to understand. A poorly written description may result in poor suggestions from Copilot for Agents.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Configure the fields on the Configuration tab.
    1. In the Channels drop-down, select the channelsGesloten Een manier waarop contacten kunnen communiceren met agents of bots, zoals spraak (telefoon), e-mail, chat, social media enzovoort. you want this Copilot for Agents profile to apply to.
    2. If you selected Voice in the previous step, select a Transcription Service.
    3. In the AI Response Settings section, enable the types of content you want Copilot for Agents to generate.

  8. Click Next.
  9. To integrate Copilot for Agents with your CXone Expert knowledge baseGesloten Een website met artikelen over het oplossen van problemen. (KB), configure the fields on the Knowledge tab.
    1. Enable Expert Copilot Integration.
    2. Enter your Client Key, Client Secret, and Site URL.
    3. To limit this Copilot for Agents profile's access to a specific section of your CXone Expert KB, enter the path to that section in Default Path. It should be in this format: Page/Subpage. For example, if you enter Laundry/Dryers, Copilot for Agents will only have access to articles in the Laundry > Dryers section of the site. Click + to add more paths.
    4. To limit the number of CXone Expert kernels Copilot for Agents uses when generating content, enter a numeral in Kernel Count Limit. For example, if you enter 2, Copilot for Agents only uses the top two kernels that relate to the contact's issue.
    5. To require a match percentage for kernels, enter the decimal form of a percentage in Kernel Relevance Threshold. For example, if you enter 0.85, Copilot for Agents doesn't use kernels that are less than 85% a match for the contact's issue. The default value is 0.6.

      Testing is useful in determining your optimal match percentage. It depends on the kind of questions contacts ask and the kind of knowledge content you have. If Copilot for Agents is providing too many unhelpful responses, increase your match percentage.

    6. Configure the fields in the Expert Copilot Features section. These allow you to enable the types of content you want Copilot for Agents to generate using your CXone Expert knowledge base. They also determine how that content is displayed.

  10. Click Create.

Assign a Profile to a Studio Script

Vereiste machtigingen: Studioscript weergeven, maken/bewerken

  1. Open in Studio het script dat u wilt gebruiken.
  2. Voeg de Agent Assist actie toe op de juiste plek in uw script als u dit nog niet hebt gedaan.

  3. Double-click the Agent Assist action to open Agentassistentie-hub.

  4. In the left column, click the checkmark in a circle A light gray checkmark inside a light gray circle. next to the agent assist application or profile you want to assign to this script.
  5. Klik op Sluiten.

Assign Multiple Profiles to a Studio Script

Vereiste machtigingen: Studioscript weergeven, maken/bewerken

You can use Studio variables to assign multiple Copilot for Agents profiles to one Studio script. You then use logic code that determines when each profile is used.

These steps describe a simple example of assigning two Copilot for Agents profiles to one script. Your script might be more complex. Contact CXone Services for the best design and implementation.

  1. In Studio, open the script you want to use.

  2. If you haven't done so already, add an AGENT ASSIST action to the correct location in your script.

  3. Add a SNIPPET action before the AGENT ASSIST action and connect them.

  4. Double-click the SNIPPET action.

  5. In the Snippet editor window, create three variables. You need two variables to hold the Copilot for Agents profile names, and one variable to hold the name of the profile you want the script to use when it runs.

  6. Underneath those variables, enter logic code that determines when each profile is used. This code changes the value of the profileToUse variable.

  7. Double-click the AGENT ASSIST action to open Agentassistentie-hub.

  8. For each Copilot for Agents profile you want to use:

    1. Click the profile name in the left column.

    2. Copy the profile name from the General tab.

    3. Paste it into the snippet code you created previously as the value of one of the profile name variables. In the previous example code, the variable names are profile1 and profile2.

  9. Right-click the AGENT ASSIST action. In the assistLaunchConfigName property, enter {profileToUse}. This is the name of the variable that holds the profile you want the script to use, enclosed in curly brackets.

  10. Save your script.