Admin Permissions

You must have appropriate permissions to see the navigation for the Roles & Permissions feature.

For more information, see Manage Roles.

To quickly find specific information on this page, press Ctrl+F on your computer keyboard. In the resulting text box, type the information you are looking for.

General Permissions

External Business Unit

Enables users to view or edit the Business Units page in the ACD application.

Password Policy

Enables users to view or edit password policies used in the login authenticators feature.

Role Management

Enables users to do the following with user roles:

  • View: Users can see and navigate to the feature page from the menu and see the contents of the page. This is a foundation permission that may be included with higher-level permissions.

  • Search: Users can see and use the search feature, where available, on a list page.

  • Create: Users can create new entries for a feature or page.

  • Edit: Users can edit existing entries for a feature or page.

  • Deactivate: Users can deactivate entries for a feature or page when they are no longer needed. They can reactivate them again if necessary.

  • User Assignment: Users can assign other users to roles.

Scheduling Unit

Enables users to do the following with scheduling units:

  • View: Users can see and navigate to the feature page from the menu and see the contents of the page. This is a foundation permission that may be included with higher-level permissions.

  • Edit: Users can edit existing entries for a feature or page.

  • Create: Users can create new entries for a feature or page.

  • Delete: Users can delete entries for a feature or page when they are no longer needed.

You'll only see this permission if your organization uses CXone MpowerWFM.

Can View My Scheduling Unit

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you allow users to view schedules for the scheduling unit to which they belong. This permission is typically used for agents. You'll only see this permission if your organization uses CXone MpowerWFM.

WEM Skills

Enables users to do the following with WEM Skills.

  • View

  • Edit

  • Create

  • Delete

You'll only see this permission if your organization uses CXone MpowerWFM.

My WEM Skills

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you allow users to view their own WEM skills. This permission is typically used for agents. You'll only see this permission if your organization uses CXone MpowerWFM.

Can View Client Info

Controls what users can see when they select My Profile from the drop-down next to their username in CXone Mpower. You can turn this permission on or off. When the permission is set to On, users can see their username and account information.


Enables users to do the following with employees:

  • View: Users can see and navigate to the feature page from the menu and see the contents of the page. This is a foundation permission that may be included with higher-level permissions.

  • Edit: Users can edit existing entries for a feature or page.

  • Create: Users can create new entries for a feature or page.

  • Delete: Users can delete entries for a feature or page when they are no longer needed.

  • Invite: Enables the Invite button on the employee list. Users can click this button to email new employees and invite them to complete their account setup.

  • Import: Enables the Import Employees button on the employees list. Users can click this button to import multiple new employees using a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

Login Authenticator

Enables users to do the following with login authenticators:

  • View: Users can see and navigate to the feature page from the menu and see the contents of the page. This is a foundation permission that may be included with higher-level permissions.

  • Search: Users can see and use the search feature, where available, on a list page.

  • Create: Users can create new entries for a feature or page.

  • Edit: Users can edit existing entries for a feature or page.

  • Enable: Users can reactivate deactivated login authenticators.

  • Disable: Users can deactivate system and SAML 2.0 login authenticators.

  • User Assignment: Users can assign other users to login authenticators.

Activity Audit Report Access

Enables users to turn activity audit reports on or off.

Change Audit Report Access

Controls user access to audit reports. You can turn this permission on or off.


Enables users to do the following with teams:

  • View

  • Edit

  • Create

  • Deactivate

Access Key

Enables users to do the following with access keys for other employees:

  • View

  • Create

  • Edit

  • Delete

My Access Key

Enables users to do the following with their own access keys:

  • View

  • Create

  • Edit

  • Delete

Admin Account Settings

Enables users to view or edit account settings for the CXone Mpower application.

Bulk Upload

Enables users to turn bulk upload records on or off.

View Management

Enables users to do the following with views:

  • View: Users can see and navigate to the feature page from the menu and see the contents of the page. This is a foundation permission that may be included with higher-level permissions.

  • Create: Users can create new entries for a feature or page.

  • Edit: Users can edit existing entries for a feature or page.

  • Delete: Users can delete entries for a feature or page when they are no longer needed.

  • User Assignment: Users can assign other users to views.


Controls what users can do regarding groups:

  • View

  • Edit

  • Create

  • Delete

Groups permission allows administrators to control the level of privilege associated with a user role. All custom and out-of-the-box roles have the Groups permission enabled by default.

Can Manage Passwords

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you allow users to change password requirements on login authenticators. The permission allows users to manage other users' external identity, username, and MFA fields. It also allows users to force reset other users' passwords.


You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you allow employee profiles to be updated or deactivated from a third-party application like Okta.


Controls what you can do on the Privacy page:

  • Erasure: Users can submit erasure requests to delete data from the CXone Mpower system. This can be done through a manual request for one contact or user, or it can be done in bulk using a CSV file.

  • Verification: This permission is for future functionality that has not yet been added to CXone Mpower.

  • Portability: This permission is for future functionality that has not yet been added to CXone Mpower.

  • View: Users can see and navigate to the feature page from the menu and see the contents of the page. This is a foundation permission that may be included with higher-level permissions.

Unlock User

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you allow users to unlock other users who were locked due to inactivity and to unlock passwords that were locked due to too many failed attempts.

AI Manager

GenAI Prompt Editor

You can turn this permission on or off. Enables users to open the GenAI Prompt Editor. Default is Off.

Prompt Access

Enables users to see or modify the generative AI prompt profiles in GenAI Prompt Editor:

  • View: Users can see and navigate to the feature page from the menu and see the contents of the page. This is a foundation permission that may be included with higher-level permissions.

  • Edit: Users can edit existing entries for a feature or page. Users can test and publish AI prompts.

User Profile

View My Profile

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you enable users to view My Profile.

View Change Password Settings

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you enable users to change password settings.

View Contact Us

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you allow users to access the contact us form by clicking the drop-down by their username at the top of the CXone Mpower user interface.

View Support and Downloads

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you allow users to access support downloads by clicking the drop-down by their username at the top of the CXone Mpower user interface.


You'll only see these permissions if your organization uses Recording.

Recording Policies

Enables users to view or edit recording policies.

Business Data Configuration

Enables users to view or edit business data.

Upload External Recordings

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you enable AppLink users to upload recordings from Engage.

Upload Migrated Interactions

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you enable Migrated Calls users to migrate calls from external systems into CXone Mpower. The Migrated Interactions Upload license is required to access this permission.

Third Party Telephony Configuration

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you enable Multi-ACD (Open) users to configure third party telephony.

Hierarchy Manager

Hierarchy Management

Enables users to do the following with hierarchies:

  • View: Users can see and navigate to the feature page from the menu and see the contents of the page. This is a foundation permission that may be included with higher-level permissions.

  • Create: Users can create new entries for a feature or page.

  • Update: Users can update (edit) entries within a feature.

  • Delete: Users can delete entries for a feature or page when they are no longer needed.

Enterprise Applications

You'll only see these permissions if your organization uses IEX WFM Integrated, IEX WFM in the NICE Enterprise Cloud, or Engage QM Integrated.

Agent Schedule

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you grant users access to the WFM Schedule tab on the My Schedule page in MAX.

System User

You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you enable users as system user/agents when synced to Engage QM Integrated.

Cloud Storage

You'll only see these permissions if your organization uses Cloud Storage Services.

Long-term File Retrieval

Enables users to do the following with retrieving files:

  • View: Users can see and navigate to the feature page from the menu and see the contents of the page. This is a foundation permission that may be included with higher-level permissions.

  • Create: Users can create new entries for a feature or page.

  • Update: Users can update (edit) entries within a feature.

  • Deactivate: Users can deactivate entries for a feature or page when they are no longer needed. They can reactivate them again if necessary.

File Life Cycle Management

Enables users to view or edit storing files.

File Search

Controls access to the Search tab of the Search page. You can turn this permission on or off. The litigation hold feature must be enabled in your tenant to use file search. On the Search page you can locate and select files for starting or ending litigation holds. You can also manually change dispositions for disposition-based TTL.

Secure External Access

Controls user access to secure external access. You can turn this permission on or off.


Enables users to do the following on the Request Tracker of the Search page:

  • View: Users can see and navigate to the feature page from the menu and see the contents of the page. This is a foundation permission that may be included with higher-level permissions.

  • Hold: Users can place hold requests on stored files. The litigation hold feature or the disposition-based TTL feature must be enabled in your tenant to use litigation.

  • Release: Users can place release requests on stored files.

This permission is for a product or feature in controlled release (CR). If you are not part of the CR group and would like more information, contact your Account Representative.


You can turn this permission on or off. By turning this permission on, you enable users to manage disposition-based TTL. It also enables users who have File Search to manually change the dispositions applied to interactions for the purposes of disposition-based TTL. The disposition-based TTL feature must be enabled in your tenant to use the disposition feature.

This permission is for a product or feature in controlled release (CR). If you are not part of the CR group and would like more information, contact your Account Representative.

Cloud Data Share

Controls user access to Data Share. You can turn this permission on or off.

Data Streams

Controls user access to Data Streams. You can turn this permission on or off.

Impersonation Management

Role Impersonation

Enables users to do the following on the Manage Approvals page:

  • View: Users can see and navigate to the feature page from the menu and see the contents of the page. This is a foundation permission that may be included with higher-level permissions.

  • Respond: Users can grant or reject requests for CXone Mpower personnel to access their tenant for configuration and support purposes.

Location Manager

Location Management

Enables users to do the following on the Location Definitions page: 

  • View: Users can see and navigate to the feature page from the menu and see the contents of the page. This is a foundation permission that may be included with higher-level permissions.

  • Create: Users can create new entries for a feature or page.

  • Update: Users can update (edit) entries within a feature.

  • Deactivate: Users can deactivate entries for a feature or page when they are no longer needed. They can reactivate them again if necessary.

Security Policy

Security Policy

Enables users to access the inactivity timeout setting at the tenant level and the employee level. You can enable users to do one of the following: 

  • View the security policy for the tenant and individual employees.

  • Configure the security policy for the tenant and individual employees. Selecting Configure also selects View.