CXone Data Share

CXone Data Share lets you export your CXone contact center data from the data lake for your own reporting purposes. When you use Data Share, you can access and query your CXone contact center data.

The Data Share page is located in the Admin application under Account Settings. It lets you manage your CXone Data Share setup. 

  • If you already have your own Snowflake account, you can use the Data Share interface to connect that to CXone.
  • If you don't have a Snowflake account, you can use the interface to create a new CXone Snowflake account for your organization. If you create a CXone Snowflake account, you have the option to export the data into your own database using AWS S3 integration.

To enable Data Share, contact your CXone Account Representative. Let them know whether you have your own Snowflake account or need to set up a CXone Snowflake account.

Details about the data schema are only available in the articles shared with you when you purchased your Data Share license.

Key Facts About Data Share

  • If you want to switch from a personal Snowflake account to a CXone Snowflake account or vice versa, you must work with your CXone Account Representative.
  • To access Data Share, your personal Snowflake account must be on AWS and in the same region as your CXone account. Data sharing across regions or cloud environments is not supported.