Create AutoSummary Profiles

After initially setting up AutoSummary, you must create a Studio script and an AutoSummary profile in CXone.


Before you can create an AutoSummary profile, you need to create or modify all ACD skills닫힘 상담원 스킬, 능력 및 지식에 기반한 인터랙션의 전달을 자동화하는 데 사용됩니다. used in any script that includes AutoSummary. The skills must be configured with Disposition as the post-contact work type on the Post Contact tab. The Required option must be selected.

This setting gives agents time at the end of each interaction to make notes on the call. It also allows AutoSummary to generate the interaction summary and send it to 상담원 애플리케이션.

Adding the Disposition option to ACD skills changes the agents' post-interaction workflow. It requires that they choose a disposition and review the interaction summary. If you modify existing skills that didn't previously require dispositions, ensure that your agents are prepared for the change. Alternatively, you may want to create a new ACD skill to use with AutoSummary.

Create an AutoSummary Profile

필요한 권한: 자동화 및 AI > 자동화 및 AI 실행

You need to create at least one AutoSummary profile in Agent Assist Hub. Each profile is a separate agent assist app in Agent Assist Hub.

The AutoSummary profile allows you to select an Enlighten model, a language, and an AI mode. You can configure a word count and choose whether to include sentiment and resolution details in autosummaries. You can also configure a custom prompt to use for autosummaries. Custom prompts are useful when you want to:

  • Add key information to summarization.

  • Improve security by supporting anonymity and removing personally identifiable information (PII).

  • Use terminology specific to your organization.

  • Change summary structure.

  1. 앱 선택기 를 클릭하고 선택합니다.기타 > 자동화 및 AI로 간 다음 Agent Assist Hub을(를) 클릭합니다.
  2. Click Add Agent Assist App.
  3. Enter the Agent Assist App Name and select AutoSummary from the list under Select Agent Assist App Type.
  4. Click Next.
  5. From the Enlighten Model drop-down list, select a vertical market. Choose the closest match for the interactions this profile will summarize. These options include: Financial Services, Generic, Healthcare, Retail, Travel and Hospitality, and Telecommunication.
  6. From the drop-down, select the Language you want to generate summaries in. If you select a language other than English, you must use the 생성형 AI mode.
  7. Select the AI Mode you want this profile to use. The AI mode defines the structure of the summary that appears in CXone Agent.

  8. Select the Summary Length you want this profile to use. This determines the number of words summaries contain. The default is 80 words, but you can select between 40 and 250 words. However, CXone repositories only save up to 1,024 characters per summary.

  9. Select whether to Include Sentiment In Summary details.
  10. Select whether to Include Resolution In Summary details. This determines whether or not summaries mention the resolution status of an interaction.
  11. Enable or disable PCI Redaction. This is enabled by default to increase security. However, disabling redaction could be helpful for viewing additional information, like account IDs. For example, you might want to include medication dosage or quantity in summary details.
  12. Click Next.
  13. To configure a custom prompt for autosummaries, enable Custom Prompt and enter the prompt you want AutoSummary to use. Do not include parameters for summary length or language in custom prompts. You can configure those elements under the Configuration tab of the AutoSummary profile. When disabled, AutoSummary uses the default summarization prompt.
  14. Click Create.

Create a Script for AutoSummary

필요한 권한: Studio 스크립트 보기, 생성/편집

You need to create or modify at least one Studio script to set up AutoSummary in your contact center. Following the custom scripting guidelines. The scripts must:

스크립트 구성을 완료하려면:

    • Snippet 작업을 사용하여 스크립트에 초기화 스니펫을 추가합니다. Agent Assist 애플리케이션을 사용자 지정하기 위해 이렇게 할 수 있습니다.
    • 작업 커넥터를 재구성하여 적절한 컨택 흐름을 보장하고 잠재적 오류를 수정할 수 있습니다.
    • 추가 스크립팅을 완료하고 스크립트를 테스트합니다.

Assign a Profile to a Studio Script

필요한 권한: Studio 스크립트 보기, 생성/편집

  1. Studio에서 사용할 스크립트를 엽니다.
  2. 아직 하지 않은 경우 Agent Assist 작업을 스크립트의 올바른 위치에 추가하십시오.

  3. Double-click the Agent Assist action to open Agent Assist Hub.

  4. In the left column, click the checkmark in a circle A light gray checkmark inside a light gray circle. next to the agent assist application or profile you want to assign to this script.
  5. 닫기를 클릭합니다.