Continuous Stream Transcription

Continuous Stream Transcription provides real-time, self-service speech-to-text닫힘 STT라고도 하는 음성 언어를 텍스트로 변환하는 프로세스입니다. transcription. It's for use when you need audio transcription sent in a continuous stream throughout a conversation. It's ideal for use with agent assist applications.

Continuous Stream Transcription transcribes a conversation as it happens, sending the transcription in real time to the destination application. It appears in the destination application with only a minimal delay through the conversation. This allows the transcription to be available for use almost instantly. For example, if the transcription is displayed in the 상담원 애플리케이션, agents can use it to confirm details with the contact, such as an address or account number.

CXone supports another type of transcription. 턴 바이 턴 대화 내용 provides real-time transcription that's sent in segments based on turns in the conversation. After one party of the conversation finishes speaking, 턴 바이 턴 대화 내용 transcribes what they said and sends it to the destination application or service.

Provider Options for Continuous Stream Transcription

There are two options for continuous transcription providers:

  • CXone Transcription: Currently, this option supports English only.
  • Google Transcription: Available in all languages that Google Transcription Service A square with an arrow point outward from the center to the upper right. supports.

Use Continuous Stream Transcription

Currently, Continuous Stream Transcription is only available for use with certain agent assist닫힘 상담원에게 상황별 도움말을 제공하는 소프트웨어 애플리케이션입니다. applications, such as SalesForce Assist.

Using Continuous Stream Transcription requires two steps:

  1. Create a transcription profile in Transcription Hub for Continuous Stream Transcription. The profile specifies the transcription service to use and the language to transcribe. To transcribe multiple languages, you must create a profile for each one.
  2. Set up an integration with an agent assist provider that uses Continuous Stream Transcription. During the configuration process in 상담원 지원 허브, you're prompted to select a transcription profile.