My Zone

My Zone is a customized information application, unique to each user.

My Zone pages are accessibility compliant with the VPAT document (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) available on request.

My Zone for Agents

If you're an agent, then My Zone is the go-to for all your company info.

You can view your schedule, define your preferences for shifts and time-off, request time-off, and trade or bid on shifts.

If you have QM, My Zone is where you can access your coaching sessions, coaching packages, self assessments and collaborative evaluations and view your completed evaluations.

My Zone for Evaluators and Managers

Evaluators and managers with QM use My Zone, too.

If you're an evaluator, you can perform your evaluation tasks and review your coaching packages in My Zone. You can also view completed evaluations.

If you're a manager, My Zone provides several functions: