Test and Share CXone Bots
Talk to Your Bot
CXone 机器人生成器 lets you chat with your already-created bot 代替现场人工坐席处理客户交互的软件应用程序。 to help it learn.
在 CXone 中单击应用程序选择器 并选择机器人生成器.
- Click the bot you want to work with.
- From any page, click Talk to your bot .
- Enter a message in the field at the bottom of the chat window, just as you would in any chat conversation. Your bot responds as it would in a real interaction.
- Continue to enter messages and review the bot's responses. If at any point the bot responds in an unexpected way, you can stop and correct the issue. For example, you might need to create a new intent 联系人所说/输入内容背后的含义或目的;联系人想要沟通或完成的内容 or rule 用于定义机器人对不随上下文变化的消息的响应。.
- If you need to restart the interaction after correcting an issue, click Start New Conversation.
Share Your Bot
Once you feel your bot 代替现场人工坐席处理客户交互的软件应用程序。 is well-trained, you should test it with actual users.
You can test with users in your company. Don't test with users from your bot team, though. You want users who will test your bot's limits, not users who already know what it can and cannot do. For the same reason, don't give your testers detailed instructions. They should only know as much about your bot's domain as your customers would.
You can also have your real customers test your bot. These users do not need to have access to CXone or to 机器人生成器.
在 CXone 中单击应用程序选择器 并选择机器人生成器.
- Click the bot you want to work with.
- From any page, click Talk to your bot .
- Click Share .
- The URL field automatically displays a link you can copy and share to your test users. You can add a Description to help your test users understand what to expect from the bot.
When your bot is fully trained and tested, it's time to put your bot to work.