Live Monitoring: Focused View

In the Focused View, the Live Monitoring page shows all agents and contactsClosed The communication with the customer, handled by agent or chat bot over a single channel. A contact may consist of multiple segments. A single channel can be any voice or Digital Experience channel such as chat, SMS, and so on. in specific teams. On this page, you can perform various monitoring actions. The Focused View is intended for conventional supervisors who need detailed and real-time information about a specific group of agents and contacts. This view has advanced filtering options.

The Live Monitoring page contains a Skills tab, an Agents tab, and a Contacts tab. You can search, filter, and sort the data on each tab. The widgets under each tab provide a bird's eye view of agents, skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, and contact states.

To learn more about the difference between the Focused view and Overall view, see here.


The Teams, Contact Skill, and Contact Campaign filters are the primary filters. You must apply at least one primary filter to view data on the Live Monitoring page.

The data displayed on this page is automatically filtered as per the data restrictions applied.

  • The Skills tab displays data as per the Campaign restrictions defined in the ACD data restrictions. See Manage Access to ACD Data.

  • The Agents and Contacts tabs display data as per the user-based restrictions defined in the user view assigned to you.

You can further refine the data with additional filters to focus on relevant information. When you apply filters, your preferences are saved.

Skills Tab

Using the Skills tab, you can identify the SLAClosed Commitment between a service provider and a customer with a defined service level threshold, including quality, availability, and responsibilities percentage and the number of logged-in agents for each skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge.

The Skills tab contains the following widgets:

There is also a grid that displays skill details such as:

  • Wait time of the longest contact in the skill.

  • The SLA percentage.

  • Number of contacts in queue.

  • Number of logged-in agents for each skill.

When you click a row in the grid, a panel appears to the right. In this panel, you can:

  • View all agents assigned to the selected skills, their proficiency score, their current state, and the duration they are in the current state.

  • Filter agents list by categories: Assigned to selected teams, Assigned active, Assigned inactive, Assigned to other teams, and Unassigned.

  • Search for any agents within the assigned categories.

  • Assign or unassign agents from the skill individually or in bulk.

  • Activate or deactivate agents from the skill individually or in bulk.

  • Update the proficiency score for each agent. You cannot update proficiency scores in bulk.

  • Filter the assigned agents by their state.

  • Change the agent state for agents in the Available and Unavailable states.

Make sure you have the right permissions to view and edit skills.

Agents Tab

The Agents tab displays agent details. The agents you see in this tab depend on the user view assigned to you.

The Agents tab contains the following widgets:

There is also a grid that displays agent details such as:

To stay visible in the Focused View, agents should log in to the agent application at least once every 30 days. If they haven't logged in within this period, they will be temporarily removed but can reappear upon their next login.

When you click a row in the grid, a panel appears to the right. The agent's details are displayed in the different tabs. Click icons in the panel to switch tabs.

  • Activity: Shows agent's state activities and contact information in the State tab and Contact tab respectively. You can also copy the contact details.

    By default, the State tab shows agent activities for the last 24 hours.

    You can play back the recording (for voice activity) or view the transcript (for Digital Experience digital chats) to review the agent activity.

    The Contacts tab shows the contacts handled by the agent and details such as start time and contact duration.

    If the Hide Agent Activities permission is turned on, the Agent Activity tab will be hidden.

  • Contacts: Shows agent's currently assigned contacts and monitors the contacts.

  • Skills: Shows agent's skills and proficiency score. You can:

    • Filter the skills list by categories: Assigned all, Assigned active, Assigned inactive, and Unassigned.

    • Search any skills within the assigned categories.

    • Assign or unassign skills for the agent individually or in bulk.

    • Activate or deactivate skills for the agent individually or in bulk.

    • Update the proficiency score. The changes are auto-saved. You cannot update proficiency scores in bulk.

  • Contact Handling: Shows contact handing settings such as agent's delivery mode, current capacity to manage workload, and the number of contacts an agent can handle in different channelsClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on..

  • View Schedule: This tab is available only if you have WFM license. Shows agents' daily schedules to know their current and upcoming activities for the day.

    To see the agent schedule, you will have to enable the View permission under WFM > Scheduling > Schedule Manager. ​

Contacts Tab

The Contacts tab contains the following widgets:

There is also a grid that displays contact details such as:

When you click a row in the grid, a panel appears to the right. The contact's details are displayed in different tabs. Click icons in the panel to switch tabs.

  • Contact History: Shows all states of the active contact leading up to the current state that is assigned to an agent.

    You can also access previous interactions between the contact and agents when available.

    To view the interaction details:

    1. Click on a contact to open the contact information panel in the Focused view.

    2. Click the Contact Interaction Details button or text link in the contact information panel. A new tab will open, redirecting you to the Interactions Search results, which will be automatically populated with the relevant data for the selected contact.

  • Real-Time Interaction Guidance: Shows the agent's behavioral scores for CSAT or sales effectiveness if your organization uses Real-Time Interaction Guidance and has a license for Behavior Guidance.

Monitor Agents and Contacts

From the Agents or Contacts tabs, you can monitor agents or contacts.

Mary is a supervisor at a contact center. She wants to monitor all activities of her agents to keep a check on their performance.

Using the Live Monitoring page in Supervisor, Mary can monitor and interact with agents and view their performance in real time. She can discretely listen to their interaction and monitor their screen. She can also assist (coach) them while they are interacting with customers.

For any active contact, you can:

For any active agent, you can:

You can only see buttons for actions you have permission to use.