Here are some frequently asked questions about CXone Mpower Supervisor.
Permissions and Access

Currently, you can access to the Supervisor application if either of these permissions are turned on:
ACD > Supervisor > Launch Supervisor: On
Supervisor > Supervisor: On
This explains why the Supervisor is available when the Supervisor permission is turned off.

To view employees, you'll need additional Admin permission. Go to Admin > Roles and Permissions > {Role} > Permission > Admin > General Permission. Select Employees: View.
Make sure you have the right user-based view assigned to view employees.

Supervisor is a native CXone Mpower application. You will need to configure the restrictions settings as per the roles. You can set the role-based rules from Admin > Views. See Manage Views. The views can then be assigned from Admin > Employees > Security > Visibility.
Make sure that any restriction views assigned are the same in ACD and role-based views.
For example, if you have access restrictions in ACD for an employee to view teams A and B, make sure you create same through Admin > Views. When creating a view, select Type as User and in the Users list, select Team A and Team B. After the view is created, this view must be assigned to the employee.

Permissions can only be granted at the profile level, not per user. The administrator can easily create a new custom profile, assign relevant users to it, and grant only the Supervisor permission to that profile. This will allow only a subset of users to have access and experience the new Supervisor application.

A few options in the Supervisor application do not work as expected in incognito mode.
For example, you cannot use incognito mode for monitoring agent's screen or Digital Experience contacts. Similarly, the RTIG tab does not display agent's behavioral scores in the incognito browser mode.
Monitoring and Views

The Focused view is intended for conventional supervisors who need detailed and real-time information about a specific group of agents and contacts. This view has advanced filtering options, in-app alerts, option to monitor and perform supervisor actions for voice and Digital Experience (Digital) digital Any channel, contact, or skill associated with Digital Experience. contacts as well as view agents' screens. You can view real-time overall customer sentiment (if you have Real-Time Interaction Guidance license) and option to evaluate agents (if you have QM license).
The Overall view is intended for administrators or managerial supervisors who need a high-level view of their agents across the contact center. Supervisors can perform only basic supervisor actions in this view. This view does not include in-app alerts, information about the Digital Experience contacts, real-time overall customer sentiment and option to evaluate agents.

Yes. Multiple supervisors can monitor, coach, or join the contact of the same agent at once for any contact.
However, only one supervisor can monitor the screen of the same agent. Similarly, only one supervisor can take over a call.

There could be several reasons why the voice monitor may not work.
Make sure you have the right permissions to perform the actions.
Check whether your audio connection is properly configured.
When you're on an active call, monitoring actions are disabled. Make sure you're not currently on any active call.
When the contact is inactive, monitoring actions are disabled. Make sure your contact is still active.
If you continue to experience issues, contact your IT Administrator for further assistance.

Yes, a supervisor can monitor multiple digital contacts at once, similarly to how an agents can handle multiple digital contacts at once.

When the call is on hold:
The supervisor can only hear agent's audio input in the monitor, coach, or join state.
In the Join state, the customer's audio will not be available until the call is removed from the Hold state.
If the supervisor takes over the call, the Hold state is automatically removed, and the call between the supervisor and the customer is resumed.

Yes, the supervisor can voice monitor a consult call between two agents in the Focused view.
The supervisor can also join the call and coach the agent. However, the voice of supervisor will be audible only to the first agent. Also, the supervisor cannot take over a call consult between two agents.

Yes. After opening the screen monitor to a new window, you can close it and embed it back on the Supervisor page. It needs to be closed on the separate window before attempting to embed it back. If it doesn't work, refresh the Supervisor page.

Yes, you can monitor screens of all logged-in agents.
To monitor logged-in agents' screens, supervisors must have Supervisor > General Permission > Monitor screen without contact: On.
The Monitor permission must be enabled for screen monitor to work. To monitor an agent's screen, the ScreenAgent must be installed on agent's machine and you must have Recording Advanced license. Make sure the agent has the Can be Recorded (Screen) attribute.

The data for any new agent is not visible in the Supervisor application until the agent performs any activity. When an agent logs into the MAX or Agent application, their data shows up. This way, only active agents appear in the application.
Filters and Features

The skills and campaign filters only work on the contact skills and campaigns, not agent skills. When you apply either of the filters, the application displays only the agents with active contact with the selected skills. That's why you see only some agents.
For example, Agent John has skills such as OB Sales and IB Sales, and he is currently handling contact with OB Sales. Agent John will not appear in the Agents tab if you filter by IB Sales skill.

The Live Monitoring page in the Supervisorapplication provides optimal performance when you limit selecting up to 500 agents. If you have more than 500 agents, there will be some impact on the page performance.

An icon is displayed next to any advanced features that require additional licenses. When you hover over the icon, a tooltip provides you with more information about the value you can gain from these features. You can share this information with your colleagues by email.

You can monitor agents using softphones without needing to keep the agent application open. This allows for efficient supervision while maintaining access to necessary features.

When you do changes to agents' skills or move them across teams, you should refresh the page to view the changes.

Yes, this may happen. If an agent is talking to a customer and puts them on hold, then makes another voice contact that lasts less than 5 seconds, the first contact might show as completed on the Supervisor application. This happens because the second contact was very short.
Audit and Alerts

The following actions for skills triggered from Supervisor are automatically added to the Activity Audit report and ACD Activity Audit report.
Assign skill.
Unassign skill.
Edit skill (activated, deactivated, proficiency changed).

In Supervisor, all critical activities are continuously audited and reported through the Activity Audit report (go to app selector > Reporting > Prebuilt Reports).

Negative sentiment alerts are triggered when the defined threshold duration is met. For the Urgent Assist alerts, there is no defined threshold duration. It is based on the CXone Mpower AI model that automatically detects repeated negative sentiments or escalations and triggers the alert.
Negative sentiment is one of the many contributing factors for the Urgent Assist alert. Any negative sentiment does not necessarily result in an Urgent Assist alert.