CXone Agent

This overview is for agents. If you're an administrator, learn about administration tasks in CXone Agent.

CXone Agent is a browser-based agent application that allows you to interact with contacts through:

You can handle multiple interactions at the same time. Depending on how your organization uses CXone Agent, you can use a physical phone or Integrated Softphone for voice interactions. Integrated Softphone allows you to use your browser's voice capabilities to handle calls.

You can use the CXone Agent progressive web app on iPhones running iOS 16 or iOS 17. You can also use it on Android mobile devices. It has been tested for these mobile devices:

  • iPhone 14

  • iPhone 15 Pro Max

  • Samsung Galaxy A51

  • Samsung Galaxy A54

  • Samsung Galaxy S23

If you use a mobile device that's not on that list, you may experience issues. You should not use the CXone Agent WebRTC Extension on iPhones.

If you're a new user, view this CXone Agent training video.

Launch and Log in to CXone Agent

CXone Agent is available as a progressive web app (PWA). Follow these steps to download the CXone Agent PWA.

  1. Launch CXone Agent by navigating to one of the following:

    Or, if your administrator has enabled it for you, you can launch CXone Agent from the app selector in CXone. Click the app selector and select Agent.

  2. Enter your NICE CXone credentials and click Sign In.
  3. In the Voice Preferences window, select one of these options:
    • Set Phone Number, and enter your phone number.
    • Set Station ID, and enter your station ID.
    • Integrated Softphone.

  4. To have CXone Agent remember the option you selected, select Remember Setting. It also remembers the phone number or station ID you entered.
  5. Click Launch.

Log out when you're finished working. Closing the browser window does not automatically log you out.

The CXone Agent Interface

A left menu with icons for navigation, active interactions in the middle, and the app space on the right.

CXone Agent includes the:

  • Left menu: Displays navigation icons, such as Queue icon, stacked items in a container., Directory icon, a notebook with a picture of a person on it., and Settings icon, a gear..
  • Top menu: Displays icons for Help Icon of a question mark in a circle., Notifications icon: a bell., and Agent Leg Icon of a chain link.. Also displays your current stateClosed The availability status of an agent.
  • Interactions Menu: Lists each active interaction assigned to you.
  • Voice control panel: Displays voice control icons such as Mute icon: a microphone on a white background., Hold icon: two vertical lines forming a pause symbol next to a phone on a white background., and Record icon: a dark blue circle inside a ring.. Appears only while you're handling a call.
  • Interaction Space: Displays the contact's messages and your replies. Appears only when you open a chat, email, SMS, social, or WhatsApp interaction.
  • App space: Displays icons to help you handle interactions, including Customer Card icon: a person next to a document. and Quick Responses icon: a lightning bolt.. Also displays some of the same icons from the left menu.

When you have a contact's message open, you can click the bar between the Interaction Space and the app space to change the size of each.

Left Menu

This table lists the clickable icons in the left menu in CXone Agent and details about the space each icon opens. If you don't see one of these icons in your left menu, click More icon, three horizontal lines. to open a menu with all of the available icons.

Icon Details

Contact History
icon, a clock with an arrow pointing backwards.

Shows this information for your past interactions:

It only shows interactions you've accepted, not interactions you refused. It also only shows interactions marked as Closed or Resolved. Note that calls marked as Disconnected in MAX are marked as Closed in CXone Agent.

icon: a magnifying glass.

Enables you to search for interactions, messages, contacts, and threads.

icon, stacked items in a container.

Displays the contacts waiting for you to answer. It also displays any work items in queue. Click a channel in the table to see more details.

icon, a notebook with a picture of a person on it.
Contains contact information for contacts and other agents in your contact center. You can search for names, skills, and teams. Click an entry to see the available channelsClosed A way for contacts to interact with agents or bots. A channel can be voice, email, chat, social media, and so on. for that contact, such as voice and SMS. Select a channel to start an outbound interaction.
icon, a calendar.

Displays your daily schedule, including any upcoming commitments.

IEX WFM Integrated schedule items appear here in dark blue. You cannot edit these inside CXone Agent.

icon, a checklist.
Opens your WEM agent space, where you can manage your schedule, request coaching sessions, request time off, and trade shifts.
icon, a gear.
Launches your configurable settings. If the warning icon next to the Settings (gear) icon, an X in a red circle appears. appears, you have a connectivity issue. View your network status information for details.
Custom Workspace
Icon: a computer monitor.

Displays websites that your administrator has configured. You can pop custom workspaces out to a new tab by clicking Open in New Tab Icon: a box with an arrow pointing to the top right.. You can pop them back into CXone Agent by clicking Return to Agent View Icon: a box with an arrow pointing to the bottom left..

icon, three horizontal lines.

Displays additional options, such as:

  • Reporting: Displays reports that help you evaluate your performance.
  • Screen Pops: Displays links to other websites or apps that can help you handle interactions. You can click Pop Out icon, a box with an arrow pointing to the top right. to open the page in a new tab. To pop the page back in to the app space, click Pop In icon, a box with an arrow pointing to the bottom left..

You can change which apps appear in the left menu and the order they appear in by opening More icon, three horizontal lines.. Then click Reordericon, eight dots in a two by four grid. next to an app and drag.

Top Menu

This table lists the clickable icons in the top menu in CXone Agent.

Icon Details

Icon of a question mark in a circle.

Opens this Online Help page.
icon: a bell.
Displays notifications, such as changes to your schedule.

Agent Leg
Icon of a chain link.

Displays the status of your agent leg. When your agent leg is disconnected, you can click Agent Leg Disconnected Icon of a broken chain link. to connect it. When your agent leg is connected, you can click Agent Leg Connected Icon of a chain link. to disconnect it.

Status BarA box with your initials, your agent state, and a timer for how long you've been in that state.

Displays your current stateClosed The availability status of an agent and how long you've been in that state. Hover over the Status Bar to change your state or log out.

You can click Favorite icon, a star. next to a state to have it appear at the top of the list. However, CXone Agent does not remember your favorites when you log out.

Interactions Menu

These icons appear when you have an active interaction for that channel type.

  • the Apple Messages for Business icon: a gray apple.: Apple Messages for Business message
  • Icon of a phone.: Call
  • Icon of a speech bubble.: Chat
  • Icon of an envelope.: Email
  • The Facebook logo, a letter "F" inside a circle.: Facebook post
  • icon of a lightning bolt inside a blue chat bubble.: Facebook Messenger message
  • the Instagram icon, a camera.: Instagram post or message
  • the LINE icon: the word Line in a green speech bubble.: LINE message
  • the LinkedIn icon: the letters I and N in a blue box.: LinkedIn post or message
  • the Microsoft Teams icon: icons of people with the letter T.: Microsoft Teams message
  • Icon of a smartphone.: SMS (text message)
  • The X icon, a white letter X in a black box.: X (formerly known as Twitter) post or message
  • icon of a cassette tape.: Voicemail
  • the WeChat icon: two green speech bubbles with dots inside.: WeChat message
  • The WhatsApp logo, a phone inside a speech bubble.: WhatsApp message
  • icon of a list of tasks.: Work item

The Interactions Menu displays these icons at the top:

Icon Details

New Outbound
icon of a person with a plus sign.

Start an outbound interaction.
Request More
icon of a person with a down arrow.
Request more interactions.
Icon of three lines in a circle.

Sort the interactions in the Interactions Menu by:

  • Last Updated: The interactions with the most recent activity appear at the top. Click Sort by Descending Icon of three lines with an arrow pointing down. to view the interactions with the least recent activity at the top.

  • Created Date: The newest interactions appear at the top. Click Sort by Descending Icon of three lines with an arrow pointing down. to view the oldest interactions at the top.

Icon: lines with an arrow pointing to the left.

Minimize the Interactions Menu.

Icon: lines with an arrow pointing to the right.
Maximize the Interactions Menu.

If your CXone Agent administrator has enabled them, response timers may display in the Interactions Menu for:

  • Chats

  • Emails

  • SMS

  • Social messages

  • Social platform interactions

  • WhatsApp messages

There are two types of response timers:

  • Agent Timer: Indicates how long the contact has been waiting on you to respond. When fifty percent of your allotted time is left, the alert icon of an exclamation point inside a yellow triangle. appears in yellow. When the timer reaches 0:00, the alert icon of an exclamation point inside a red triangle. appears in red.

  • Customer Timer: Indicates how long you've been waiting for the contact to respond.

    When fifty percent of the contact's allotted time is left, the alert icon of an exclamation point inside a yellow triangle. appears in yellow. You can give the contact more time to respond by clicking +Time, if your administrator has enabled this for you. When the timer runs out, the interaction is removed from your inbox. If the contact responds after this, the interaction is re-assigned to an agent.

Voice Control Panel

This table lists the clickable icons in the voice control panel in CXone Agent and details about the function of each one.

Icon Details
icon: two vertical lines forming a pause symbol next to a phone on a white background.
Place the contactClosed The person interacting with an agent, IVR, or bot in your contact center. on hold.
icon: two vertical lines forming a pause symbol next to a phone on a red background.
Take the contact off hold.
icon: a microphone on a white background.
Mute your microphone so that the contact cannot hear you.
icon: a microphone crossed out on a dark blue background.

Unmute your microphone so that the contact can hear you.

If you are using a supported headset and press this control, you will be unmuted even if the contact is on hold or you are in a conference.

icon: sounds waves crossed out on a white background.

Play white noise over the call recording. This is useful for hiding sensitive information.

You cannot end a call while masking.

icon: sounds waves crossed out on a dark blue background.
Stop playing white noise over the call recording.
icon: a dark blue circle inside a ring.
Record the call. This icon turns red icon: a red blue circle inside a ring. while you're recording. When finished, the recording appears in the Interactions app in CXone.
Consult / Transfer
icon of a person with a right arrow.
Conference with up to eight parties or transfer the contact to another agent, skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, or team.
icon: nine squares.
Open the keypad. This is useful if you need to press a number while making an outbound call.
icon: a box with an arrow pointing up.

View a list of available indicatorsClosed Custom menu items configured by an administrator for the call, if your administrator has enabled them.

If you're an administrator, see this page for details about how to configure indicators.

Hang Up
icon: a phone facing down.
End the call.
icon of a check mark inside a circle with a blue border.
Assign a dispositionClosed Result assigned by the agent or system at the end of a voice (disposition) or digital (status) interaction. to the call.

Interaction Space

When you select a chat, email, SMS, social, or WhatsApp interaction from the Interactions Menu, it appears in the Interaction Space. Here, you can read the contact's message, draft a reply, and send it. You can expand the size of the response field where you enter your message draft. You can also:

  • Click View Details at the top to quickly see information about the contact, such as their name and email address.

  • Click Options icon of three dots stacked vertically. at the top to view additional options, such as Translate Messages and Send Transcript.

App Space

The app space displays some of the same icons shown in the left menu. When you have an interaction open, it will also display icons to help you handle that interaction. These may include:

Icon Details
Customer Card
icon: a person next to a document.
Displays contact information, such as phone number and email. Also includes contact history, notes, and the available channels for the contact. Your administrator must enable Customer Card for you.
icon of three people.
Displays the contacts or other agents on the call. Appears only when you're in a consult or conferencing calls. Enables you to add or remove parties, Mute icon: a microphone on a white background., Mask icon: sounds waves crossed out on a white background., Record icon: a dark blue circle inside a ring., and leave the conference.
icon of an atom.
Launches Enlighten Copilot for Agents.

Quick Responses
icon: a lightning bolt.

Displays message templates you can select, customize, and send to contacts.

Screen Pops
icon, a pencil and an eraser.
Displays links to other websites or apps that can help you handle interactions. You can click Pop Out icon, a box with an arrow pointing to the top right. to open the page in a new tab. To pop the page back in to the app space, click Pop In icon, a box with an arrow pointing to the bottom left..

To change the app that opens first in the app space, you can:

  • Pin the app: Open More icon, three horizontal dots., then click Pin icon of a push pin with a black middle. next to an app.

  • Reorder the apps: Open More icon, three horizontal dots.. The apps in the app space are listed in gray at the top of the menu. Click Reorder icon, eight dots in a two by four grid. next to an app and drag. The app at the top of the list appears first.